The Perks of Being a Parent

The Perks of Being a Parent

(double update

i felt kinda guilty for leaving for a week

so in order to make it up to you all

here's a jeti moment :3

comment because i love getting feedback from you guys

hope you all enjoy it




“What are you guys watching?” Tiffany purposely sat in between Amber and Krystal, making her daughter glare and Amber silently sulking.

“What does it matter? It wasn’t really that important.” Krystal crossed her arms and ignored the woman-child sitting in between her and her girlfriend.

“What’s the matter Krysie? Was I interrupting anything?” Tiffany taunted her daughter.

“Vagblocker.” Krystal muttered under her breath.

“I can’t vagblock. I never do such things.” Tiffany acted hurt.

“You’re doing it now.” Krystal retorted.

“But you said that you two weren’t doing anything important. So I don’t see the problem here.”

“TIFFANY!” Jessica suddenly shouted from the bedroom.

Tiffany immediately bolted up the stairs hearing her damsel in distress’s cries. She ran, taking the stairs 2 at a time. Hearing Jessica’s cries for help, made her bolt even faster. She turned left, ran past Luna sitting on Sulli’s lap –Kick the crap out of Luna later.- She made a mental note to herself as she passed by her youngest daughter’s bedroom. Busting the bedroom door open, she found Jessica jumping up and down their bed, screaming and trying to keep something away from her.

“What’s wrong, Sica?” Tiffany frantically searched the bedroom to see if there was an intruder.

Jessica pointed to something at the corner of their bedroom, “There.”

“SPIDER!” Tiffany shouted and jumped into Jessica’s arms, wrapping her legs around the older woman’s waist and locked her arms around the woman’s neck.

“Yah! You’re the Seobang in this relationship! Do something!” Jessica tried to escape Tiffany’s iron grip.

“Not when it comes to spiders.” Tiffany buried her face in Jessica’s neck and whimpered like a little kid.

“What’s going on here?” Amber and Krystal rushed into their bedroom.

“Ew! Umma! Appa! There are kids in the house!” Krystal scolded her parents.

“Yah! There’s a spider!” Jessica pointed to the hideous creature lurking in the corner of their bedroom. Tiffany tightened her grip on Jessica.

Amber walked over to the spider and simply stomped on it with her heel.

“It’s dead.” Amber took Krystal’s hand and went back to the living room, continuing what they were watching on the couch.

Tiffany still hasn’t let go of Jessica, “Tiffany? You can let go now. The spider is gone.”

Tiffany childishly shook her head and buried her face deeper into Jessica’s neck.

“Tiffany, the spider is gone. Amber killed it.”

Refusing to let go, Tiffany tightened her iron grip on Jessica.



“I love you.” Jessica said cutely and kissed her wife’s lips.

Tiffany shook her head and placed her face back on the crook of Jessica’s neck. Jessica’s scent had been addicting to the young stalker ever since their first encounter.


“We’re in the same class!” Sunny, Yuri, Sooyoung and Tiffany jumped up and down, feeling relieved that they wouldn’t be loners on their first day of middle school.

“Who’s our teacher?” Sunny asked, taking the piece of paper off of Yuri’s hands, but Tiffany’s hands were faster.

“Ms. Jung?” Tiffany looked at her friends, “Do you know if she’s a new teacher?”

Sooyoung shrugged, “I don’t think she was here last year. Someone told me that she was transferred here from America.”

“So she can speak English?” Yuri asked.

“I’d think so. I mean, she’s probably 22 or 23 right now. By the sound of it, she’s probably one smokin’ teacher.” Tiffany unconsciously her lips.

“Yah. Stop it.” Sunny flicked her forehead.

“I’m just saying. People from America… that’s where the true beauties are, especially California girls. Ahuehuehue.” There goes her erted laugh.

“Wipe that erted smile off your face. You’re going to scare our teacher away before she meets up.” Yuri pushed Tiffany towards their classroom.

They stopped by their lockers to take their textbooks and headed back to their classroom.

“You guys go ahead, I have to tie my shoe.” Tiffany placed her books next to her and tied her shoes. “The right and the left love each other so much that they go over and under and are tied to one body.” Tiffany muttered as she tied her shoelace.

Yes, that was how Tiffany learned how to tie her shoelaces.

She sensed someone walking behind her, but didn’t bother to look up since she moved on to tying her other shoelace. The person who walked by smelt nice, like strawberries. Strawberries. Strawberry underwear. Tiffany’s imagination had started to get the best of her again, so to avoid another nosebleed from happening, she picked her books up and started walking to her classroom again.


There goes her textbooks, tumbling on the floor as she laid her eyes on the most beautiful thing she has ever seen in her life.

A blonde haired woman in her early twenties, sitting on the teacher’s desk.

“Oh, be careful!” The blonde bent down and helped Tiffany pick her books up.

Strawberries. The only word that’s repeating in Tiffany’s head like a broken record player. Strawberries.

“Th-thank you, Strawberry Lady.” Tiffany said in a monotone, day-dreamy voice.

As the blonde handed Tiffany her textbooks, their hands touched. Electricity spread throughout Tiffany’s body like wild fire on a hot summer’s day.

“Strawberry Lady?” The woman raised an eyebrow.

“I mean—Tiffany! My name is Hwang Miyoung, but please call me Tiffany.” Tiffany held the textbooks close to her chest as she bowed.

“Tiffany? Do you speak Englsih?” The blonde asked in English.

“Yes! Yes I do!” Tiffany’s eye-smile started to show, as she got more and more excited about another person who can speak Englsih.

“I’m Ms. Jessica Jung. It looks like I’ll be your teacher for the year.” Jessica held out her hand for Tiffany to shake.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Jung.” Tiffany’s smile got wider, as it was the very first time she held Jessica’s hand.


“Strawberry Lady?” Tiffany called.

“It’s been a while since you called me that.” Jessica laughed, she was now sitting on the bed with her back resting on the head rest with Tiffany’s arms and legs still wrapped around her.

“You still smell the same, even after all these years. You’ve gotten so much more beautiful, it’s ridiculous. It’s feels like just yesterday, I was that awkward high school teenager running around campus trying to find you.” Tiffany laughed at the memory.

Jessica laughed, “The only difference is the age. You’re still the same Tiffany Hwang I fell in love with 25 years ago.”

“Sica, I will always love you. It may sound really creepy because I was just in middle school and all, but still. I can’t explain it, but my love for you grew stronger at the time when we were apart for two years. It was as if my heart knew that you would be here waiting for me and the only thing that kept me going was that knowing you were in Korea missing me just as much as I was missing you, too. I guess what I’m trying to say is: Thank you. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what I would be doing with myself right now. 30 years ago, I would’ve given up anything to get that scholarship to SFU, but 30 years ago, I didn’t have you, Krystal and Luna, all I had were Sooyoung, Sunny and Yuri. Even so, they still would’ve followed me to America because they got the same scholarship too. You really, truly are my everything, Sica. That’s all I’m trying to say. Sooyoung, Sunny, Yuri, Victoria, Sulli, Krystal, Luna and you, especially you, you guys are my everything. And now Amber is going to be part of the family soon. Sica, where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday, I was still in high school, drawing on your chalkboard waiting for you to finish grading papers so we could head out to our date. What happened?” Tiffany finally made eye contact with her wife.

“Krystal happened. Luna happened. Our family happened. Time flies by when you’re having the time of your life. But you know what, we won’t be sad when Luna moves out because we can always look back at the memories our family shared in this beautiful house. Look around you, Tiffany. We built this house, we made all this possible. Can you believe that?” Jessica Tiffany’s cheek with her fingertips.

 “We made all this possible.” Tiffany said softly, keeping her eyes closed and just enjoying her the warmth her wife was providing.

Completely forgetting her youngest daughter, Luna, had been sitting on Sulli's lap.

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Chapter 32: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/408891/32'>The Perks of Being a Pare...</a></span>
Hellsica is really really something😅😅
I love this story... So please come back and update this one.... Thanks thornim
missyJung #2
Chapter 32: Wow..i just wow.. I love all chapters everything
Rose-gg #3
Chapter 32: Oh please update soon...
Eva22SNSD9 #4
Chapter 32: Ohmygod.. I hope sica won't stay mad at pany too long.. She must've understood why she did what she did... :(.. Please give us back the dorky couple...
Chapter 32: welcome back!!, somehow i unsubscribed you by accidently -_-
dang drama everywhere XD
Chapter 32: seriously !i scream when i saw its updated!my god ! welcome back!!!
kath09 #7
Chapter 32: Welcome back!!!
Aish1994 #8
Chapter 32: Update again..please!!!
Chapter 32: No need to apologies!!! What matter is you're still continuing this story!!! Omo, I just can't believe that you finally updated!!!!! WELCOME BACK!^______^
Bluesapphire17 #10
Chapter 33: Hi there! You see I'm a new reader and on shipping JeTi, so I'm searching fics. Then I found your story, ''Perks of being a stalker''. I really like that story,no scratch that I love it then this story "Perks of being a Parent"came, This fic is amazing. Can I have a favor??? Pretty please *insert super duper mega aegyo here* Please continue this story until end then after that you can delete it or rewrite it... Pretty please~~~~~ I'm soooooooo in love with your story.