The Perks of Being a Parent

The Perks of Being a Parent

“How are you feeling, baby?” Tiffany asked, entering their bedroom with a tray of chicken noodle soup and sat it in front of Jessica.

“Baby, I’m burning up. I don’t think I’ll be able to go to your reunion tomorrow.” Jessica sneezed.

“Don’t even worry about that. I’m going to stay at home and take care of you.” Tiffany sat next to Jessica and started to feed her.

“No, you should go to your reunion. I’ll be fine.”

“Who’s going to take care of you?”

“Luna will. It’s the weekend tomorrow, so she can take care of me.”

“Baby, no. I want to take care of you.”

Jessica shook her head, “Just go to the reunion.”

“But I’ll be gone all weekend…” Tiffany protested.

“All the more reason, plus you’ll get sick if you stay near me.”

“So will Luna.”

“But it’s almost the summer, so it’ll be okay if she gets sick.”

“So you’d rather get our beloved daughter sick, than have me sick?”

“Pretty much.” Jessica finished the last drop of the chicken noodle soup and pulled the blanket over herself with her back towards Tiffany.

“But Sica… I don’t wanna leave you here all alone in the house by your lonesome for the entire weekend. Why can’t I stay home and take care of you?”

“Because you’ve already packed and you promised Yuri, Sooyoung and Sunny. You’re going. Period.” Jessica said. “Stop talking, I’m trying to sleep.” Tiffany sighed and hugged Jessica from the back. “What are you doing? You’re gonnag get sick.”

“This’ll weekend will be he longest we’ve been apart since our marriage. Just let me hold you like this for the rest of the night.” Tiffany pulled Jessica closer to her and buried her face in Jessica’s vanilla scented hair.

Jessica smiled and moved in her wife’s loving embrace.

It was true. Tiffany and Jessica had never been apart for more than a day in their in entire marriage. The couple had been inseparable since day one. Being apart had never crossed either woman’s mind because of all the things they’ve been through, they’ve always assumed that they would be together longer than just forever. Even when they were at work, they would send each other text messages throughout the day and still go out for lunch dates during their breaks. Tiffany and Jessica were the epitome of love. Their love was pure, deep and true. Everyone saw that.

Tiffany stayed up all night staring at her wife’s beautiful features. Her blushed cheeks and her red nose were everything that made her wife perfect. Even when the brunette was sick in bed, she was still beautiful. Leaving for two days meant being two days away from Jessica, two days without seeing her wife’s face or being in her warm embrace. Two days without good morning kisses. Meaning that Tiffany would have to sleep on a bed without her wife in her arms for two whole nights.

The thought killed the red head. She buried her face in her wife’s chest and before she knew it, she had silently started to cry. She couldn’t stand the fact that she had to be away from her sick wife. She wanted to take care of her, hold her, but for the next two days, she wouldn’t be able to do those things. With those thoughts cemented in her brain; it killed her.

“What’s wrong, Ppany? You look like you haven’t slept at all last night.” Sunny said in the front seat.

“That’s because I didn’t.” Tiffany snapped.

“What happened to you?” Yuri asked.

“Jessie is sick in bed with no one to take care of her and I’m going to my 20th reunion that I didn’t even want to go in the first place.” Tiffany crossed her arms and sulked some more.

“Relax will ya? You and Jess need time away from each other. You guys have never gone a day without each other, maybe this weekend will be good for the two of you. You know?”

“You know what, I don’t know. You guys don’t understand the emotion bond Jessica and I have. We’re been together for almost 30 years now. I have to—no, I need to have her in my arms. There has never been a night where Jessica didn’t sleep in my arms ever since we got married. Do you even have any idea how much this is going to kill me? I am going to be wifeless for the next two days.” Tiffany ranted.

“Calm your woman.” Sunny giggled from the front seat. “Jessica is at home with Luna taking care of her. She’ll be fine.”

“Did you not hear a word you just said?”

“What do you mean?”

“You seriously think Luna will take care of Jessie? Luna has never been the responsible type.” Tiffany scoffed and stared at the window.

“We’re here.” Sooyoung announced.

“Woah.” Tiffany looked at the place. “The high school can actually afford this?”

“Of course not. You remember Kim Taeyeon?” Yuri asked. “The girl that kept crushing on you until our senior year in high school?”

“What about her?” Tiffany asked.

“This is her place. Since she was the President of our senior class, she’s also in charge of class reunions and get-togethers every now and then.” Sooyoung explained.

“Damn. I married the wrong person!” Sunny said.

“Bunny! I’m right here!” Sooyoung looked hurt.

“I’m kidding, Youngie. You know you’re the only one for me.” Sunny smiled and kissed Sooyoung a kiss on the lips.

“See? If Jessie was here, I would’ve done that too!”

“If Jessica was here, you two would be in the back seat making out not bothering to come up for air.” Yuri rolled her eyes and walked in holding Yoona’s hand.

“Are you sure we’re staying here for the weekend?” Tiffany asked sounding a little uneasy.

“That’s what Taeyeon’s letter said.” Yuri said taking another look at the letter.

“Did you rent a hotel?” Tiffany looked at Yuri and Sooyoung. The other two friends looked at each other and then back at Tiffany. “You two forgot…”

“Ahehehe. Oops.” Yuri smiled sheepishly.

“Yah! Where are we suppose to sleep?!” Yoona flicked Yuri’s forehead.

“If you guys need a place to stay, you’re welcome to stay at my house for the time being.” A long-haried blonde, who stood a little bit taller than Sunny was standing near the front porch.

“Taeyeon? Is that really you?” Sooyoung looked at her and beamed.

“In the flesh.” Taeyeon laughed her ajummah laugh as the tall woman and the other short woman hugged each other.

“It’s been so long!” Sooyoung said, jumping up and down.

“Yuri!” Taeyeon hugged Yuri.

“Long time no see Taeyeon!” Yuri hugged the shorter girl back and smiled.

“Tiffany? Tiffany Hwang?!” Taeyeon eyed Tiffany with a bright smile.

“In the flesh.” Tiffany gave her an eye-smile and hugged her.

“Your hair is red now! It looks cute on you!” Taeyeon said playing with the locks on her hair. “When did you change it?”

“I changed it a few years ago and just decided to keep it like this.” Tiffany giggled.

“You look so adorable!” Taeyeon did small hops. “Oh! Where are my manners! Come in! Come in! Make yourselves comfortable!”

When the five friends entered the house, they saw some of their old classmates already eating and sitting around the living room. Some of them waved and smiled, others gave them glares and eye rolls.

“You think they still remember us?” Tiffany asked Sunny under her breath.

“Of course. You were known for banging a teacher our Junior year. Yuri was known as the chick that almost set the school on fire. Sooyoung was known for eating the most meals in one sitting, breaking Fat Tony’s record. And I was known as the one who would always get detention.”

Tiffany laughed, “I think they remember us.”

For the rest of the night, the five friends caught up with Taeyeon. They shared some old memories and laughed at their stupidity back in high school. After everyone had left, Tiffany, Yuri, Sooyoung, Sunny and Yoona helped Taeyeon clean up her living room. Once that was finished, Tiffany, Yuri and Sooyoung were sitting on the couch with Yoona on Yuri’s lap and Sunny on Sooyoung’s lap.

“You guys look so happy together. I’m jealous.” Taeyeon smiled.

“Aren’t you married?” Sunny asked.

“Divorced. After my husband and I signed the papers, I met a guy. We dated for a little bit until I pieced two and two together. I found a picture of two girls in his wallet and said that they were his favorite cousins and the fact that he never spent the night got me thinking.” Taeyeon simply stated.

“What happened?”

“He had a wife and a family.” Taeyeon shrugged.

“Do you know who?”

“Seohyun-something.” Taeyeon waved her hand, “I think she had a daughter named Amber.”

They all looked at one another and kept quiet.

“What? Did I say something?”

“We kinda know the family you’re talking about…” Yuri said slowly.

“How do you know them?”

“My daughter is marrying Amber. Seohyun’s daughter.”

“Small world, eh? Sounds like lesbianism runs in the family.” Taeyeon laughed, “I’m happy for you guys though. Finally found someone you love. I still have to find that perfect someone.”

Tiffany laughed, “I’m sure they’ll turn up, you just haven’t looked hard enough.”

“What if I have found that person? What if that person was the one who got away?”

“Tippany!” A voice called.

“Oh! Hi Taeyeon! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you since the beginning of lunch.”

“I was preparing myself for something.”

“What were you preparing for?”

“I need to talk to you about something.” Taeyeon took Tiffany by the hand. Sparks shot through Taeyeon’s entire body just by holding Tiffany’s hand.

“Is it something important?” Tiffany asked when they were standing under the tree.

“I—I like--.”

“Tiffany! There you are!” Jessica called after her. “Where have you been? Sooyoung, Yuri and Sunny are all waiting for you in the classroom.”

“Ah! I’m sorry, Ms. Jung!” Tiffany called after, “I’ll talk to you later. Okay, Tae?”

Taeyeon just nodded and slowly walked away. When Tiffany had thought that Taeyeon had left, she ran up to Jessica and held her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Sorry for making you guys wait. Tae needed to talk to me about something.”

“Was it something important?” Jessica frowned.

Tiffany kissed Jessica’s frowning lips, “I’m sure whatever she needed to tell me can wait.”

“I liked you, Tippany.” Taeyeon wiped the lone tear that fell from the corner of her eye and walked away.

“What do you mean by the one who got away?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon shrugged, “Nothing. Just a thought.”

“There’s always someone out there for you. Just don’t give up.” Sooyoung said.

“Yeah, Sooyoung’s right for once. You can’t let a divorce set you back, you have to push even harder!” Yuri said, doing a fist pump in the air.

Tiffany laughed, “Believe me, I thought I would be forever alone because back then, Jessica wouldn’t even give me the time of day, plus she was a teacher, so it was sort of illegal for us to be together.”

“Yeah, but here you are now. The two happiest couple in the world.” Sunny smiled.

“True.” Tiffany winked.

“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but Yuri and I are gonna go to bed.” Yoona yawned, getting off of Yuri’s lap and stretched.

“Good night, guys.” Yuri waved and followed Yoona to their room.

“I think we’ll be turning in too, plus we need to check up on the kids.” Sunny said as Sooyoung followed her to their room.

“Are you sleeping yet?” Taeyeon asked her.

Tiffany shook her head, “I don’t think I’ll be sleeping anytime soon.”

“Why not?”

“Gotta call the— what the hell?!”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!”

“What do you mean you didn’t mean to?! You can’t just do that! I’m married! Happily married!” Tiffany showed Taeyeon her wedding ring.

“I know, I’m sorry!”

“You can’t just kiss someone like that! What the hell Taeyeon!”

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Chapter 32: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/408891/32'>The Perks of Being a Pare...</a></span>
Hellsica is really really something😅😅
I love this story... So please come back and update this one.... Thanks thornim
missyJung #2
Chapter 32: Wow..i just wow.. I love all chapters everything
Rose-gg #3
Chapter 32: Oh please update soon...
Eva22SNSD9 #4
Chapter 32: Ohmygod.. I hope sica won't stay mad at pany too long.. She must've understood why she did what she did... :(.. Please give us back the dorky couple...
Chapter 32: welcome back!!, somehow i unsubscribed you by accidently -_-
dang drama everywhere XD
Chapter 32: seriously !i scream when i saw its updated!my god ! welcome back!!!
kath09 #7
Chapter 32: Welcome back!!!
Aish1994 #8
Chapter 32: Update again..please!!!
Chapter 32: No need to apologies!!! What matter is you're still continuing this story!!! Omo, I just can't believe that you finally updated!!!!! WELCOME BACK!^______^
Bluesapphire17 #10
Chapter 33: Hi there! You see I'm a new reader and on shipping JeTi, so I'm searching fics. Then I found your story, ''Perks of being a stalker''. I really like that story,no scratch that I love it then this story "Perks of being a Parent"came, This fic is amazing. Can I have a favor??? Pretty please *insert super duper mega aegyo here* Please continue this story until end then after that you can delete it or rewrite it... Pretty please~~~~~ I'm soooooooo in love with your story.