The Perks of Being a Parent

The Perks of Being a Parent

Jessica woke up in the middle of the day and felt a missing presence. She slowly opened one eye and saw that Tiffany had gone to work without telling her again. She glared at her wife’s pillow and threw it across the room. Jessica hated the feeling of Tiffany always leaving in the morning and not even bothering to wake her up to say goodbye.

The brunette forced herself out of bed and walked down stairs. Normally, Krystal and Luna would be fighting over the bathroom with their music would be blasting in their room. Tiffany would be downstairs singing and dancing as she made their breakfast. But today, the house was dead silent.

Jessica was childless and wifeless. She felt empty inside.

She sighed and tried distracting herself by watching some sappy Korean Dramas. The type of dramas where she and Tiffany would always make fun of because of how unrealistic and sappy they were. She smiled when Boys Over Flowers came on. When Jun Pyo left Jan Di because of his father’s sudden death, for some reason that always made Jessica tear up because it reminded her of how Tiffany left her so many years ago. In a way, Boys Over Flowers was a more dramatic and sappy version of their love story.

The brunette turned the television off and went to the kitchen in hopes her wife had left her breakfast, but to her dismay, it was empty. She frowned.

“What a crappy day after my birthday day.” Jessica  muttered and started eating some of the left over BBQ from last night’s dinner.

“I seriously thought Tiffany would’ve made me some breakfast so I wouldn’t starve to death. Jesus. She knows how much I hate leftovers.” She stabbed the meat with her fork and started to angrily eat it.

After eating, the brunette started to feel sleepy. She yawned and covered herself with a blanket and let her drowsiness get the best of her.

A few hours had passed and Tiffany was sitting in her car in front of Luna’s school


Because earlier that day, Tiffany had caught Luna skipping class with some of her friends. She dragged her daughter along with her friends back to school and sat in her car till school was over. She couldn’t risk having Luna skip class again, no matter how flawless her daughter’s grades were. So Tiffany called her assistant and told her to e-mail her the papers and she would come by the office to sign anything that needed to be signed.

The bell rang and Luna zombie walked over to her Appa’s car. Tiffany glared at her daughter as she made her way to her car. Luna couldn’t look her Appa in the eyes, she just sat there in the passenger seat looking at the dashboard. Tiffany eyed her daughter and drove to her office.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Luna asked in a soft voice.

Tiffany kept a straight face and kept her eyes on the road, “I have never been so disappointed in you.”

Those words stung. Luna had never heard Tiffany say such words nor has she ever been this serious. Her usual playful Appa had turned into her Aunt Sooyoung. Serious and emotionless.

“Let’s go.” Tiffany said and got out of the car, taking her laptop bag and documents in the back.

Luna silently followed her Appa. Normally she would’ve loved to go to the office with Tiffany because they would always play Paper Toss in her office, watch horror movies, eat a bunch of junk food, and even prank call people. But today, Luna felt like trash.

“Hello, Mrs. Hwang, hello, Luna.” Hyuna smiled as she greated the mother-daughter chodings.

“Hello, Hyuna.” Tiffany said, not bothering to look at her assistant.

“Hello.” Luna said lifeless, she made eye-contact with Hyuna with her sad eyes. Hyuna just solemnly nodded and went back to work.

Tiffany walked to her desk and took the pile of papers waiting for her on her desk. Luna immediately felt guilty of all the work her Appa had to take home because she had skipped class. Tiffany motioned Luna to walk out of the office with her and into the car.

“What do you want for dinner?” Tiffany asked.

“I don’t care.” Luna’s voice cracked.

Tiffany felt her heart break when she heard that her daughter had cried because of her. She reached over to the passenger seat and buckled Luna up and wiped her tears. She kissed her daughter on the forehead and started driving home.

Jessica woke up to the sound of the garage door opening. She looked at the time 6:34 PM, Luna should’ve been home 3 hours ago. She looked up and saw Tiffany holding a stack of papers in her arms and Luna sulking behind her.

“What did you do to Luna?” Jessica asked Tiffany.

Tiffany gave Jessica a hard look, surprising her wife, “Why don’t you ask Luna.” Tiffany walked to their bedroom to change.

“What’s with your Appa?” Jessica asked her daughter.

Luna didn’t say anything, she suddenly burst into tears, “I’m sorry, Umma. I didn’t mean to do it. I promise I won’t do it again.”

Jessica cradled her daughter in her arms and tried to comfort her, “What exactly happened?”

“I skipped class and Appa caught me. So she stayed in front of the school to make sure that I wouldn’t skip school for the rest of the day. Then we had to go to her office so she could pick up the work she missed for the day. Then, in the car, she said that she was disappointed I me.” Luna hugged her Umma tighter and cried even harder.

“Just give your Appa some time to calm down.” Jessica rocked the teenager in her arms back and forth. “Talk to her after dinner.”

Tiffany came downstairs wearing sweat pants and a tight tank top and started cooking dinner. Luna pried herself out of her mother’s arms and ran to her room, not bothering to take her back pack with her. Jessica stared at her wife. Throughout their entire marriage, the only time she had seen Tiffany like this was when she accidentally said that the younger girl was starting to gain weight. She had gotten the cold shoulder for a week and Tiffany would always go to the gym whenever she had time. Jessica had been convinced that the young choding had forgotten she had a wife and kid at home.

But somehow, she had never been more attracted to Tiffany either. MadFany was rarely seen and when she was mad, she was quiet and seemed to look rather collected on the outside. Her facial features seemed to be more defined and there was that spark in her eyes that Jessica only saw when they made love in their bedroom.

Tiffany wasn’t paying attention to the older woman eyeing her nor was she paying attention to what she was cooking.

“.” Tiffany cursed and ran her finger in warm water.

“What happened?” Jessica ran over to her.

“I just accidentally cut myself. No big deal.” Tiffany went to the cabinet and got a band aid then went back to cooking their dinner.

Jessica s her arms behind Tiffany and pulled her wife close. She rested her head on Tiffany’s back and felt her muscles tighten and loosen as she continued to cook their dinner. Jessica closed her eyes and inhaled Tiffany’s scent. She buried her face in the red locks of her wife and played with the curls with her nose.

Tiffany didn’t seem to be phased by her wife’s loving gestures. Normally, she would’ve pounced on Jessica, but her mind was on a certain teenager that was currently locked up in her bedroom.

“What should I do, Jess?” Tiffany finally found her voice.

“Just talk to her.”


Jessica chuckled, “You act as if you’ve never talked to your daughter before.”

“I’ve never had a serious conversation with that girl. You’re usually the one who handles those kinds of things.” Tiffany pried herself out of Jessica’s arms and started the stove.

“Luna left her backpack, go give it to her.” Jessica picked up a gray backpack off the floor and handed it over to Tiffany.

Tiffany hesitantly took it, “Just stir the veggies until I come back.” Jessica nodded and started stirring. When Tiffany got to the stairs, she looked back at her wife and bit her lip. Letting Jessica cook would not end well.

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Chapter 32: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/408891/32'>The Perks of Being a Pare...</a></span>
Hellsica is really really something😅😅
I love this story... So please come back and update this one.... Thanks thornim
missyJung #2
Chapter 32: Wow..i just wow.. I love all chapters everything
Rose-gg #3
Chapter 32: Oh please update soon...
Eva22SNSD9 #4
Chapter 32: Ohmygod.. I hope sica won't stay mad at pany too long.. She must've understood why she did what she did... :(.. Please give us back the dorky couple...
Chapter 32: welcome back!!, somehow i unsubscribed you by accidently -_-
dang drama everywhere XD
Chapter 32: seriously !i scream when i saw its updated!my god ! welcome back!!!
kath09 #7
Chapter 32: Welcome back!!!
Aish1994 #8
Chapter 32: Update again..please!!!
Chapter 32: No need to apologies!!! What matter is you're still continuing this story!!! Omo, I just can't believe that you finally updated!!!!! WELCOME BACK!^______^
Bluesapphire17 #10
Chapter 33: Hi there! You see I'm a new reader and on shipping JeTi, so I'm searching fics. Then I found your story, ''Perks of being a stalker''. I really like that story,no scratch that I love it then this story "Perks of being a Parent"came, This fic is amazing. Can I have a favor??? Pretty please *insert super duper mega aegyo here* Please continue this story until end then after that you can delete it or rewrite it... Pretty please~~~~~ I'm soooooooo in love with your story.