
You Are My Dream

Minwoo’s POV

I left the girls and went to buy food with the guys. Still thinking about how Minhee grabbed my hand when I was starting to let go. My heart skipped a beat.

Kwangmin: So what’s the big idea of you and Minhee holding hands? Even after entering the classroom?

He sounded… annoyed. Maybe even a little angry. I wonder why.

Youngmin: Tell us? Please please please please.

I explained the whole situation to them. Youngmin nodded with his mouth shaped in an ‘o’. But Kwangmin’s face seemed to get even darker than it already was.

Youngmin: That’s so adorable. You guys make a cute couple.

Kwangmin: Yeah. Real cute.

I could sense the amount of sarcasm in his voice. Youngmin seemed to notive too.

Youngmin: What’s wrong Kwang? You haven’t been smiling since Minwoo and Minhee set foot in the classroom.

Kwangmin: Nothing.

We took our trays of food and headed back to the table. For the rest of the day, Kwangmin didn’t speak to me. Not even a word.


Kwangmin’s POV

After seeing Minhee and Minwoo entering the classroom holding hands, my mood sank. I didn’t know why. During break after Minwoo explained everything to us, my mood sank even deeper. I didn’t want to talk to minwoo. I didn’t talk to him for the whole day. I didn’t even look at him. Upon reaching home, I locked myself in my room and started pondering.

Kwangmin: Oh. So that’s why…

I thought out loud. Not that anyone was listening. I realised… I had a crush on Minhee. Her laughter, her smile, everything was just so perfect to me. I guess it was love at first sight since my heart skipped a beat when she stepped into class that very first day. I didn’t know why at that point of time. But now I do. I know why my heart skipped a beat. I know why I got jealous. I had fallen into a trap, a trap called love. I had fallen for Minhee, without even knowing it.

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sorry i haven't been updating recently. i just finished my exams and blahblah. but i'll be updating soon so... yeah. thanks for all your support! /throws hearts


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amyluvsminwoo #1
Chapter 17: please write more i really like this story
Chapter 17: Aish i dont know who to ship

Thanks for updTing and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 16: Aw~ the couple is so cute>.<
Thanks for updating and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 15: Omo so cool>.<
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for kwangmin*pouts*
He's so nice but he doesnt get the girl he loves.
Thank you authornim for updating.
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 13: Your story is so cute>.<
Thank you so much for updating and please update soon. Buing buing^^♥♡♥
Maiko1610 #7
Chapter 12: but i aslo like kwangmin!! T.T