
You Are My Dream

A month flew by so quickly. It was time to perform. We were backstage, trying to calm our nerves.

Kwangmin: There's no need to be that nervous.

Miyung: Easy for you to say. You're a star.

Kwangmin: Oh... You got a point.

He scratched his head. The person bacstage annouced that it's our turn and asked us get prepared to go on stage.

Minwoo: We'll be performing first! Wish us luck!

The boys headed on stage and the crowd went wild. Soon, it was Eunmi and Miyung's turn.

Miyung: I'm so nervous. omg. omg.

Eunmi: I haven't even wore my shoe properly yet!

Backstage person: It's your turn. Wear your shoe quick!

They danced so well. Then, it was our turn. Rubbing my hands together and taking deep breaths, i tried to calm myself down. Nami and i took our positions on stage.

Emcee: Now, we have Yong Minhee and Kim Nami perform ' Gone Not Around Any Longer' by Sisar19!

I took a deep breath as the curtains drew back and the music started playing. We started dancing, immersed in the music. Putting all my feeling in, I started singing. The crowd cheered and started singing along at the chorus. Then, it was Nami's rap. The crowd screamed and i started singing again. As our item ended and the curtains were drawn back, we heard the crowd chanting our names. We ran backstaged and hugged each other.

Nami: We did great!

Minwoo came towards me, smiling and gave me a hug.

Minwoo: So much feelings. Don't tell me someone broke your heart before..

His face suddenly became serious.

Minhee: What? No..

Minwoo: That's good. If someone broke your heart, he's stupid.

He flashed my a smile as we pulled back from the hug. We went to celebrate at our favourite café near the school and then we headed home. To my surprise, my family was still awake just to congratulate me. I went to wash up and headed to bed. It has been a great day. Tomorrow will be even better.


The next day after breakfast, i went to school with Minhae as usual. But this time when i opened the door, Minwoo was there.

Minwoo: Uhm, hi minhee. Want to uhm, walk to scholl together?

I was choking on my words. I don't know why.

Minhee: I- uhm i- i-

Minhae: Of course she would!

With that, she ran off, leaving Minwoo and I standing there looking like awkward turtles.

Minwoo: Shall we go?

Minhee; Yeah.. sure.

It was a pretty silent walk. Cars and bicycles whizzed past, kids ran past and there was this couple walking annoyingly slow acting all lovey dovey in front of us. Which... made us feel really awkward. Then, I felt someone grab my hand. I looked down, it was Minwoo.

Minhee: Why are you holding my hand?

Minwoo: You don't ... like it? Okay..

He started to let go. I grabbed his hand tightly as i quickly walked past the couple.

Minhee: Did I say that? We're late. Let's go!


I was still holding his hand when we entered school. Big mistake. Whispers and mumbles started. Omo, are they dating? They look cute together! Stay away from my minwoo.

Suri: Why are you holding my minwoo's hand?

She came up to us. She even stressed the word 'my'. She shifted her eyes to our intertwined hands.

Minhee: Oh, i didn't know 'he was yours'.

I rolled my eyes. Just before Suri could open to say something, Minwoo spoke.

Minwoo: Look, I'm not yours and I was the one who held her hand first.

With that, He tightened his grip on my hand and walked of, pulling me along. My heart thumped against my ribs. What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling so nervous? I glanced at Minwoo's side profile. He looks so perfect. No no... Stop it, Yong Minhee. I shook the thoughts out of my head as I entered class.


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sorry i haven't been updating recently. i just finished my exams and blahblah. but i'll be updating soon so... yeah. thanks for all your support! /throws hearts


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amyluvsminwoo #1
Chapter 17: please write more i really like this story
Chapter 17: Aish i dont know who to ship

Thanks for updTing and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 16: Aw~ the couple is so cute>.<
Thanks for updating and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 15: Omo so cool>.<
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for kwangmin*pouts*
He's so nice but he doesnt get the girl he loves.
Thank you authornim for updating.
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 13: Your story is so cute>.<
Thank you so much for updating and please update soon. Buing buing^^♥♡♥
Maiko1610 #7
Chapter 12: but i aslo like kwangmin!! T.T