Another step

You Are My Dream

“I’m so happy for you!” Minwoo enveloped me in a hug. He pulled back and smiled. “So does this mean that I’ll get to see you everyday at work?” “Yeah. I guess so.” “Then I can keep an eye on you and see if any guy tries to steal you away…” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Nobody will steal me away from you.”

 He snorted. “I don’t like how guys in school ogle at you and try to chat you up every chance they get. So, from now on, I’ll keep an eye on you.” He nodded. “You mean… stalk me?” He looked at me in disbelief. “Do I look like a stalker to you?” “Hmmm. Let me think.” I rubbed my chin and pretended to think. “Yup.” I stuck out my tongue and ran away. “Yah! Yong Minhee!” He yelled. “Come back here!” “I’m not so stupid!” I called back and continued running down the street.

“Nervous?”Nami asked. “Yeah… aren’t you?” I turned to face her. “ Uh huh…” She looked down at her wobbly legs. “First impression counts…” “Let’s go, Nami.” I jerked my head towards the building. She laughed nervously. “ L-let’s go!”

She was rubbing her hands together and taking small steps. For once, the usual daring and bold Nami seemed vulnerable and afraid. I was nervous too. Very nervous. I’m metting the people who will be helping me shape my future. So… the first impression will count a lot, right?

“Thank you for coming. We hope to nurture you into outstanding stars.” The man smiled. “Thank you.” I breathed and shook his hand. I turned around to pick up my back before heading out of the conference room with Nami.

“Minhee!” I spun around. Minwoo was running towards me with arms wide apart. Grinning, I ducked under is arm. He stopped. He turned around slowly with a pout on his face. I giggled and went over to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me.

“Are you coming back tomorrow?” I nodded. “Yep. Nami and I are going to meet the other members.” We pulled back. “Does that mean I could see you at work again tomorrow?” “Let me think…” I tapped my chin. “Duh. Are you 3?” He cheered and threw his arms in the air…

“Hyung let go of my arm!” Minwoo whined. “Nope. We have practice. Let’s go.” The older guy replied before dragging Minwoo down the corridor. “ Bye Minhee!” He yelled. “Bye!” I waved.

“Childish.” Nmai muttered. “I heard that. I’m mature alright.” “Yeah real mature.” She rolled her eyes and walked out. “Such an …” I  mumbled before following her out.

Author’s P.O.V

“Was that your girlfriend?” Minwoo looked up at the older guy. “Uhm…” He scratched his head awkwardly. “Look at the time! Better get to practice!” With that, he scampered off, leaving the older guy standing in the middle of the corridor, confused. 

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sorry i haven't been updating recently. i just finished my exams and blahblah. but i'll be updating soon so... yeah. thanks for all your support! /throws hearts


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amyluvsminwoo #1
Chapter 17: please write more i really like this story
Chapter 17: Aish i dont know who to ship

Thanks for updTing and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 16: Aw~ the couple is so cute>.<
Thanks for updating and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 15: Omo so cool>.<
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for kwangmin*pouts*
He's so nice but he doesnt get the girl he loves.
Thank you authornim for updating.
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 13: Your story is so cute>.<
Thank you so much for updating and please update soon. Buing buing^^♥♡♥
Maiko1610 #7
Chapter 12: but i aslo like kwangmin!! T.T