
You Are My Dream

Minwoo: "Made new friends?"

Minhee: "Yeah. Wae?"

I turned my head and looked at Minwoo.

Minwoo: " ...Nothing. Just surprised at how you can make friends so quickly and guys are like uhm.. crazy for you."

He hesistated a little at thr 'crazy for you ' part.

Minhee: Beacuse I'm nice and too iresistable, Hehe."

I winked at him.

Minhee: " Okay, just kidding."


Minwoo's P.O.V

Mrs Kim: " You'll sit beside that girl right there. Her name's Kim Nami."

I looked up. What? She's sitting in front of me. Omg.. She started chatting with Nami and her friends and they giggled. Wow. Her giggle is like tinkling silver bells. It's beautiful. 

Minwoo: " Made new friends?"

Minhee: "Yeah. Wae?"

She turned around.

Minwoo: "...Nothing. Just surprised at how you can make friends so quickly and guys are like uhm.. crazy for you."

Minhee: "Because I'm nice and too iressistable. Hehe."

She winked at me. She winked at me..? Her wink is so adorable.  I looked down. I think i blushed a little.

?: "Hey minwoo, shut up."

I snapped my head to the direction of that voice. Kwangmin.. He was staring at me. Youngmin who was sitting beside him smacked his shoulder.

Youngmin: " That was rude! "

Kwangmin: " Whatever hyung. Minwoo, stop flirting and listen to class or you'll fail your maths again." 

Minhee was looking at us and laughed silently. I groaned and turned my attention to the board.


The bell finally rang. I slammed my textbook shut and walked to Minhee who was busy chatting with her new friends.

Minwoo: " Hey Minhee, next class is science..So, I won't be seeing you. "

Minhee:" Are you sad?"

She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Minwoo: "What? N-noo. Wanna eat together during break?"

Minhee: "Can my clique come too? Pleaseeee."

I nodded. Kwangmin suddenly jumped in.

Kwangmin: " Your next class is science? Let mee see your schedule. Oh.. I won't be seein you only for science classes. I mean, we."

He pointed to me and Youngmin.

Minhee:" Haha okay. I'll see you guys at break then? Bye bye~"

She grinned at us, waved and walked off.



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sorry i haven't been updating recently. i just finished my exams and blahblah. but i'll be updating soon so... yeah. thanks for all your support! /throws hearts


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amyluvsminwoo #1
Chapter 17: please write more i really like this story
Chapter 17: Aish i dont know who to ship

Thanks for updTing and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 16: Aw~ the couple is so cute>.<
Thanks for updating and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 15: Omo so cool>.<
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for kwangmin*pouts*
He's so nice but he doesnt get the girl he loves.
Thank you authornim for updating.
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 13: Your story is so cute>.<
Thank you so much for updating and please update soon. Buing buing^^♥♡♥
Maiko1610 #7
Chapter 12: but i aslo like kwangmin!! T.T