Moving In

You Are My Dream

Your P.O.V.

Minhee: 'Are we there yet? Ugh. It's been like 5 days. My is aching from sitting in the car for too long.' I groaned. Minhae: 'It has only been like 2 hours. Stop exagerating.' I rolled my eyes. Mom: 'We're almost there honey. Just awhile longer.' After around 30 minutes. I stepped out of the car and stretched. Ah! Fresh air! In front of me stood a beautiful house. Minhee: 'uhm so we are staying here?' Dad: 'yeah.' Cooooooool. I nodded my head. Mom: ' Now, can we stop talking and move these boxes into the house?'

Minhae, mom and dad was busy unpacking everything from the boxes in the house. So, i decided to bring the last two boxes in. Minhee: 'Ugh this is heavy. Woah, oh my gosh!' Did i mention that i am really clumsy? I trppied and fell. Well, i didn't exactly fall... someone saved me. I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist. I looked up and blinked *blink blink* In front of my face was an angel. Not exactly an angel but he was so handsome. Minhee: 'Wow... so... handsome...' ?: ' What... ' I quickly snapped out of my daze and got out for his arms. Minhee: ' Mianhe..' I bowed. ?: ' haha. It's alright. Uhm.. your stuffs.' He handed me my boxes. I quickly thanked him and walked away but he grabbed my wrist. ?: ' Uhm, what's your name? I'm No Minwoo.' Then, he smiled at me. That perfect eyesmile that he has.  I snapped out of my dazed and answered him. Minhee: 'Yong Minhee.' I quickly headed inside. I closed the door and leaned against it. Wah... That handsome guy touched me..



Okay, i know it . Sorry. And it's a really short one. I have English exams tomorrow so yeah.. Seeyou hehehe d:


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sorry i haven't been updating recently. i just finished my exams and blahblah. but i'll be updating soon so... yeah. thanks for all your support! /throws hearts


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amyluvsminwoo #1
Chapter 17: please write more i really like this story
Chapter 17: Aish i dont know who to ship

Thanks for updTing and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 16: Aw~ the couple is so cute>.<
Thanks for updating and please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 15: Omo so cool>.<
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for kwangmin*pouts*
He's so nice but he doesnt get the girl he loves.
Thank you authornim for updating.
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 13: Your story is so cute>.<
Thank you so much for updating and please update soon. Buing buing^^♥♡♥
Maiko1610 #7
Chapter 12: but i aslo like kwangmin!! T.T