Chapter 2

standing in a broken glass


Seungho was dreaming. In his dream he was looking at Joon who was standing on the edge of a cliff, silently looking down. The waves crashed against the rocks, sounding like an approaching thunder. The water was dark blue, hiding its power as if it was calling for you, pretending it was not dangerous to fall down. The wind was blowing hard, you could feel the saltness of the sea in it. Seungho was scared. Joon was standing too close for it to be safe. He tried to call out to him, but the wind was howling loudly and Joon couldn't hear him. Suddenly, he took a step forward and let himself fall into the depth of the ocean. Seungho didn't think  and immediately jumped after him. As soon as his body hit the water, he was paralyzed by its coldness. He spotted Joon sinking down with closed eyes and he tried to swim to him but Joon was getting further and further away. He screamed, forgetting he was under the water, it got into his mouth and he found himself unable to breathe, as if something heavy was sitting on his chest. Just when he felt like dieing, he woke up. He was drenched in cold sweat, breathing fast. The nightmare has shaken him and he was trembling a little. He felt an urge to see Joon as soon as possible, the bad feeling making his stomach churn. 


He stormed into a Joon's room without bothering to knock only to have the breath knocked out of him. The sight before him was worse than any nightmare he ever had. Joon was lying in the pool of blood. His eyes were open, but they were glassy, starring at nothing. There was no light in them anymore. He looked  as a wax figurine, unmoving and pale. Seungho took his hand, tearing up when he felt how cold it was. He tried to rub it, but you can't return the warmth into a dead body and no matter how painful it was to accept, Seungho knew Joon was dead. He knew it the moment he opened the door, maybe even the moment he woke up from his nightmare. For a few minutes, he just sit there, tightly holding Joon and crying.


Once he managed to compose himself a little, he called the police and the agency. The apartment turned into a mess when official bodies came. The rest of the members also woke up and despite their protests, he didn't let them anywhere near Joon's body. As their leader, he was going to protect them from such a pain. They were all shocked and heartbroken. This came without any warning and they didn't know how to react. The fact, that he was gone forever refused to sink in.


The funeral was held soon. It was a nice ceremony on a beautiful day. The sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly. Almost as if heavens were expressing their happiness about welcoming one of their lost angels back. People dressed in black gathered around one wooden coffin, their eyes glassy with tears. Only the close friends and family were aloud to attend the funeral. The hundreds of mourning fans decided to pay their respect  by letting out black balloons filled with hellium out in the sky. Each balloon had one red rose sticked to it and soon, there were many of them reaching up from all around the world, trying to turn the sky dark.


Afterwards, the members went back to their dorm. They sat together in the living room, not saying anything. They didn't know what to say or what to do now. Cheon Doong decided to go into Joon's room one more time and look through his things. Today was the last day, he allowed himself to feel so heartbroken and to let out his sadness openly, so for the last time, he wanted to feel his presence, to remember everything he could about him. He was looking at the photos, Joon secretly kept, each picture bringing back the memories. Tears continued to stream down his cheeks and he sat on his bed, feeling the softness of his blanket. It still had his smell and Cheon Doong closed his eyes and lied down, hugging the blanket close to him, pretending it was Joon. Suddenly he felt something hard under the pillow, he reached there with his hand, curious of what could have been hidden there. It was a nice dark brown leather diary...

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looshyhooshy #1
still not updating?? :(
looshyhooshy #2
Chapter 16: Is this the end of the story?!..
Where are the next chapters?!
It is a really nice heartaching story that I loved very much
Chapter 13: Love the piano songs
Chapter 1: I'm going to read it, cuz I really like your writing style - I just... Do you suffer from Bipolarity yourself or... did you even red about Bipolar Disorder? :i

Because Bipolarity is defined by changing from being manic to being depressed to manic to depression etc etc etc.

I just... I love your writing style, which is why I'll keep reading, but.. Just wanted to know if you had been making any research on Bipolarity.