1st War

It's Me...
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"Hey! Mr.Pouty, pass me the glue"

"Yah! Dong-sii we're not as close as you might think"

"Fine, KyuKyu-sii please pass me the glue"

"arghhhh....Get it yourself"

"Miss, Kyuhyun's not sharing" Donghae whine as is new friend of this new school isn't as friendly as he hoped

"Kyuhyun-ah, sharing is caring" MissHyuna tried to convince

"But i don't care for him" Kyuhyun call out with his innconent yet hurtful eyes

"misss...... wuuuuuuu"

"oh... there there Donghae... Kyuhyun time-out" MissHyuna stated as she rush over to dot on the crying Hae. 

"What?! its not....."

"Out kyuhyun.... now"

Kyuhyun stare dumbfoundedly at what just happen, "Cry-baby!" kyuhyun mutter as he pass the 11years old Donghae whom just relocated to Kyuhyun's school, hence even being a year older however in the same class.  Donghae wasn't a bad person, but just sort of annoyingly attach to people.  He hates being alone, and somehow being the boy sitting next to him, translate to best buddies in the new boys mind.   Somehow Kyuhyun thought Hyukjae will be better at the job, since he loves giving in to peoples wants, he made a mental note on that. So now Kyuhyun sulkily walks out the classroom and stood next to the person whom his currently having a cold war against.

"So you miss me this much already?" the equally punishing taller boy commented as soon as Kyuhyun took his spot next to him in the hallway. 

'tsk' was all he got from the shorter one, since he reminded himself that his not talking to him cause he lie about watching out of him. 

"You should have just pass Hae the glue"


"But i guess you really just wanna be next to me....my oh my... control yourself would you!"

"YAH!!! Choi Si Won, shut up would you"

"KYUHYUN.... you're here for punishment not to chat up the older boy from next room....." MissHyuna caught the heavy flushed kyu as she check up on him. 

"I'm not chatting him up" Kyuhyun murmur as his blushing cheeks darken by the second, as the comment from his teacher were heard by the whole class 'awww' and 'wooo' were made as the class watches their teacher back into the room and cover their giggles as their Miss hush them.

Siwon couldn't hide his happiness and smile happily wagging his head as Kyuhyun glare him again for the nth times.

"You're this happy because i was scolded by MissHyuna, what you have a crush on her?'

"Nope"  Siwon closed his eyes and shook his head while pressing his lips together.  "I'm happy cause now the whole class know YOU want ME." Siwon pointing his index from his chest to touching kyuhyun's nose. Kyuhyun couldn't believe his ears, "WHAT?!"

"Huh? didn't you hear the awww and wooo..." Siwon eye the shorter innocently, leaning forward to study the details of the young as Kyuhyun tries to make sense of what the older just inform him. 

"But we're kids"


"So... why would they think i want you? ....for what?"

"Don't you?!"

"oh...yea... i do want you... i want you to STOP annoying the hell out of me"

"Language kyuhyun...tsk tsk... you're only 10 and already you talk like a 20"

"See....THAT... thats what annoying about you..."

Siwon didn't comment and even smile wildly at kyuhyun's angry yet captivating cutie pie face, which makes Kyuhyun madden by the second

"See....THAT as well... which by the way i think their totally fake"

"WhAt?! fake...you're just jealous"

"I'm gonna wipe those dimples off your face one-day"

"So... you do want me..." Siwon smirk and lean back onto the same wall Kyuhyun had his back attach to, somehow that made his heart jolly and merry

"Shut up....you fakie"

"...kyu...kyu...kyu...." Siwon hummed

And this actually was a bad day for Kyuhyun the 10 years old and Siwon the 12.  They've met 1 year ago when Kyuhyun first transfered to the school due to his dad's employment.  Siwon being the school King/Bully kinda took the young under his wings when he first eyed his skinny frame wandering around the playground:

"Kyu...Kyu...Kyu..." Siwon sing-song his way as Kyuhyun's daydream of cupcakes and cotton candies.

"It's Kyu-HYUN...."

"Siwon...Choi Siwon", knowing his own charm from countless drooling teachers and noona's Siwon flashes the famous dimples smile to the smaller boy infront of him. 

Kyuhyun stared for a few second at the overly cheerful face [wow, he looks like buzz-light-year] before his curious stares turn into a beaming smile, which made Siwon's gasp, mouth agape to the point of nearly drooling and eyes unfocus for the first time in his life  [oh my sishese, he's adorable...] From then on Siwon was only too keen to show the boy his power, he often make his minions go fetch Kyuhyun from his room in case the young was lost or scared, he would bring the young extra yummy food from home, loving how Kyuhyun always hug him tight upon surrending the deliciacies to him and kyuhyun always amazes Siwon by finishing everything. 

Soon as the young took in more confident, he began to talk sharply to the older.  Which made many students taken aback with the language he uses on Siwon whom somehow would only be amuse and never be offended by the young.  Though it's a different case when other tried the same language.  Siwon wasn't a bad kid nor did he actually bully others, he just took in the role pass down by his hyung's.  It started with LeeTeuk, to Heechul, to Sungmin, and now Siwon.  Respect just came with it, and there were rumours that Siwon was prepping Kyuhyun to be the next in line. 

The cold war actually started a week ago, on the day Siwon told Kyuhyun about his primary graduation.  Siwon soon will be in high school, meaning a different school, also meaning a life without Siwon.  Kyuhyun didn't have brothers so he enjoyed the company of Siwon and his heart sunk the moment Siwon told him about his leaving.  From then on the young stopped answering to Siwon, no longer Siwon was invited over for dinner or finding himself napping under the tree only to be waken up by Kyuhyun's loud snoring next to him.  Kyuhyun was upset and Siwon was upset but just not showing. 


"Kyuhyun-ah, don't be sad.  Even with Siwon gone, you still have me"  Donghae encouragingly told kyuhyun when he saw the pout on Kyuhyun's face again. 

"Donghae-ah, i don't care if Siwon's gone or not, and i don't need you"  Kyuhyun calmly said, however he start seeing the tears building up in Donghae's eyes and quickly add "Well, i need a friend who won't cry all the time, if you can do that....then i might reconsider", Kyuhyun tried his best convincing smile, making Donghae fist punch his arm and then hug him tightly "Deal!" he exclaim as Kyuhyun shook his head at the hyung-boy in front of him.  From the corner of his eye, he notice a familiar body, he quickly detach himself from Hae and walk over to the door, seeing the back was enough to prove it was Siwon but Kyuhyun didn't catch up with the older.  Only his heart sunk a bit lower at the distance footsteps as it gets quieter. 


"Kyu, we need to talk"

Siwon announce as soon as he bust into Kyuhyun's room, which only earn him a pillow thrown in his face as the young shocked and abashed by the sudden intrudent and how he's currently flipping over their pictures of the pass year on his bed. 

"YAH! can't you knock"

"sorry...ahem... but we need to talk, meet you in 10mins, our park"

With that Siwon turn on his heels and left.  A bad feeling was building up inside Kyuhyun's but he couldn't put a finger on it.  He lazily got up from his bed and pull a sweater over this body and head out. 


"I thought we're not talking" He said as soon as he reach the park next to his house as he stare onto the back currently facing him.

"No, you're the one who stop talking.  I'll never give up"

"I didn't give up...." Kyuhyun pouted he was offended by the accusation from the older, he know he's immature for not talking or listening to Siwon, however his 10, his entitle to do so.

"Kyu, i'm not here to fight."

"You think i enjoy fighting with you?"

"Thats not what i mean"


"Kyu, i'm leaving"

"Yes i know, after graduation to another school."


"just to another school....right"

"....i'm leaving to

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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story