Helping both

It's Me...
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OTL this took me two full days!!! have no idea going through my mind SORRY!!! >_< read at your own risk...




  "Siwon, there's something i wanna tell you..."
"yea baby..."   " may sound a bit shocking and ... and i bit late... but...ahmmm"   "hmmm..."   "well...ahmm...."

Kyuhyun was starting to freak out cause he basically have no idea where to start explaining himself.  Inhaling as he sits up straight all confidently only to hunch back down as his voice gone missing.  Where from? where to begin with the truth? His eyes doing laps around the room, hoping for some magical inspiration but only to fail.  Shall he start retelling from the first few days he started having little glimpses and pieces?  Or start from when he was fairly sure he was gonna punk Siwon with his awaking memories and evilness?   To be fair, at first Kyuhyun wasn't too convinced on whether the recovered memories was real or not, has it already been a month or a few?  He couldn't really keep track of when it first came and last, since they come randomly at any given moments.  Plus it wasn't anything like in the movies, how Kyuhyun would have like it.  When a person regain his memories, everything smoothly falls into places, flashes from A to Z and ding everything good and dainty, but that's the movies.  Whereas for Kyuhyun it was nothing simple and easy, he genuinely did spent some good hours/days into putting the pieces together.  Places and events time-frame arrangement required the most mental straining energy he experienced.  At one point, all and only a teenage-Siwon was very much he could see and hear from the moment he closes his eyes.  Also at another time flashes of himself doing hands stand  roaming about in the apartment somehow hallucinated into Kyuhyun's mind.  Till this moment the young still quite certain he never did such thing in his life, he simply can not walk on his hands as far as Kyuhyun always remember being teased about.    He would have ask for Siwon's help if the stress level of that man carrying for his physio and fussing over his healthy daily activity didn't already took most out of the latter.  Also Kyuhyun notice how his overly protectively boyfriend somehow wasn't too keen on hassling about his lost memories, therefore didn't felt the need to talk or get the guy all hysteric over a few possible-fake flashes.    Not until Donghae dauntingly scolded him moments ago, that's when Kyuhyun realise he might just have linger too long and have been unintentionally hurting his beloved without knowing it.      ~~~~~   Siwon continue to wait patiently, watching how his babykyu attempt to say something and then back out a few times already.  Siwon continue to only see the adoring cuteness of his baby, while tucking Kyuhyun's hair away and rub his slightly wet cheeks with attentive doe eyes.    Kyuhyun would never tell him out loud but secretly he wishes Siwon would just be human for a second instead of this perfection for once. He couldn't imagine Siwon being too mad at him, truth is, the guy never did in their life time together so far.   He'll only cherish his younger lover with such heart melting intense love, but now, just for once maybe screaming and yelling might actually sooth Kyuhyun's guilt.  Instead of being pamper with these puppy glossy eyes and with-its-own-mind si-brows.  The way those trusting, innocent eyes yeaning for him is what killing Kyuhyun the most. 
Don't look at him, you can do it, as long as you stop looking at him, it'll be fine... come on kyuhyun... toughen up!!!
The moment Kyuhyun turn away from Siwon, the older pouted while moving his hand and softly tuck under that doubly soft chin, gently beckoning him back.
", let me see your face.  I've been missing you for a whole weekend already. Sweetpeas."
Kyuhyun could only turn back towards the man feeling the nudge inside him, but his eyes was looking anywhere but it.
"Aw... are you shy...why?...what's causing such adorable look on my babykyu?...hmm... You can't make up what you wanna say... so not you kyunni... i hope is something naughty?... hmmm..."  Siwon lean forward capturing Kyuhun's ear lobe and started teasingly nibble on the soft flesh while the young squeeze out a not so convincing annoyed grunt.  Causing one to continue his spoiling, as one really want to come clean babykyu rather flushed and bad-timingly  from the touch.    "Won..." Kyuhyun loudly whined, in turn Siwon did retracted but not before resting his forehead on Kyuhyun's shoulder with a chuckle. Turning to nuzzle closer against Kyuhyun's expose neck, breathing in his sweet scent and sending hot shivers down the nervous rack.    "Won!" Kyuhyun was near slapping mode as he sense Siwon wasn't listening and only trying to distract him more with his hand rubbing his tummy suggestively.      "Alright, fine, fine... i'll be good" Siwon promise as he grab on to Kyuhyun's fidgeting hands and plant a few kisses on them before they could push him away.  "But before we talk, kiss me first" Siwon bargain.   "What? Siwon listen this is serious..."   "And kissing me isn't?!... Kyunni... a wholeeeee weekend already, I'm offended" Siwon fake grumpy when he narrow his sight on a perplex baby and exhales far too dramatically.   "what? huh... i mean... what? no Siwon...listen..."   "nope.... kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.... " Siwon started his little tantrum, bouncing his body up and down the bed lightly.    "WON!!!"   "KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS" Siwon only thrashes more heavily as Kyuhyun frowns deepen with this jaw dropping babyish behaviour.    "FINE! you big cheese ball!"   The younger roughly grab hold onto those smug cheeks with both hands, and dive into a rather quick peck on those plucked lips.  But as if Siwon would just let Kyuhyun get away with it that easily.  As Kyuhyun pull away, Siwon gave an audible light scoff and took control, kissing back thirstily.  The older secure on Kyuhyun's nape and drag him back, closeing off the mere distance Kyuhyun created.  Evidently not able to tame Siwon's desire that effortlessly.    Kyuhyun protested at once, aiming to get everything off his chest before something like this goes too deep.  But just like every other time, Siwon's touches, his scent, his warmth, is just too easily clouding to his mind.  Before the young could react against Siwon's very enticing moves, he already caught himself defeated and lusting for more.  Their body answering to what they both missed for a weekend period of time, unsated hunger for the other, both demanding it and keenly surrendering to their contentment.     It wasn't until that hand of Siwon's started rubbing far too pleasurable for Kyuhyun.  Causing the latter start groaning into their mushy kisses.  As no matter how hard he pushes against, Siwon still won't budge.  Thankfully a rather sullen groan manage to snap Siwon's eyes open.  Although their lips and tongue still connected, Kyuhyun's scowl was alert enough for Siwon to slow down, yet only subject to his hand.  Both his hands slowly making its way back up to Kyuhyun's chest and neck, causing the young to whine more frustratedly.  Siwon could only smirk and continue when he couldn't feel the slightest objection from that hot muscle twirling and  on his as response, although the grunting and light pushes persisted.    Finally Kyuhyun mange to half heartedly pry himself off Siwon, yet his alluring pants was too much for Siwon not to beam at his affects on his babyKyu.  Hence again and again, Siwon dive in to steal a few more chaste kisses from Kyuhyun, no tongue just simply loving the cushiony sensation those plump lips deliver.  Till Kyuhyun had enough and with a much clearer determine mind, he blocked the older lips as he cup onto Siwon's equally swallow lips.  Kyuhyun  had to press his own lips together as the sudden lost of pressure ache him more than he expect.    Siwon loud whines were muffled, hence he utilise his si-brows in full action style, jiggling it about.  Causing Kyuhyun to burst out into laughter as he cutely slap Siwon's chest for him to stop.  The older continue to whine,  pout and dance those wiggly brows, making more incredibly delightful laughing sounds from Kyuhyun to fill up their room with echo's.    ~~~~~~   "I'll do anything to hear your laughs, Kyunni.  So baby please, don't cry alone anymore, it hurt me more than you'll ever know sweetie." Siwon dimples flashing as he lovingly state while his hand comb through Kyuhyun's side hair as the latter lean into the palm and smile appreciative to his one and only.  "I love you sooo much Kyu".   Kyuhyun heart flutter's every time hearing Siwon's express his love for him.  It's something he'll never get tired of or use to.  As he nuzzle into the palm on his cheek, an anxious glints and fear flashes in his eyes replacing the carefree sweetness that was there a moment ago.  Which surely didn't go unnoticed by the older.    "What is it, Kyu?"   "You're so wonderful, Siwon... i-i don't deserve your love."   "hey...shh... what are you talking about silly, you are the single most important ...everything to me, i'm nothing without you."   "s-siwon...b-but i..."   "hey... baby...please don't cry, did the other two said something nasty? i'll tie them down and you let you shave their heads."   "thanx...b-but no..." Kyuhyun wipe away the guilt-tears off his cheek, making Siwon heart dropped a thousand miles.   "baby, you know i can't stand you crying like this...hush now...shhh" Siwon scoop Kyuhyun's sniffling body into his embrace, running his hands through those brown curls gently down to soothing his back up and down tenderly and lightly rocking their body back and forth. "shhh...i'm here...babe...wonnie's here..."   "....."   "shh... you know i go crazy seeing you cry...babe...shh.."   "Yea... like that Christmas when that fat Santa took the last chocolate-pudding that we lined up 30minutes for, and you ambush him afterward in the parking lot..." Kyuhyun recall still weepy against Siwon's chest.    "HAHAAA yea.... exactly..."   "O-or that time after watching toy-story 3, i cried cos Andy gave away woody and buzz?"   "uhmm...i dressed up as buzz and did that dance for you..." Siwon finish off that recount with a little light bolt in his mind start flickering as his mind process a and b.    "Or...that time when i accidently ran over a cat with your jeep?"   "....."   "Or, the time when i try to tell you, i got my memories back but you keep distracting me with you kisses, hugs, and dimples?"   "....."   ">_<;"   "O_O"   ">"<;"   "O_O"   "s-see... i-i don't deserve y-your..."   "You remember..."   "ah...uhmmm"   "since...?" Siwon finally pushes away in search of Kyuhyun's teary eyes with sternness and a hint of hurt.   "Since... i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm soo sorry...Siwon please forgive me.. I shouldn't have lied to you,...well i didn't exactly lie, lie... more like i don't know...and...and... i wasn't sure...besides.. i didn't know what was going on...and ... i-i...i..."   Siwon's blank expression was damaging more than it meant to.  Kyuhyun felt waves of cold chills running down his back and his hands numbing, he didn't know what Siwon was thinking. But the man should be comforting him by normal standard while Kyuhyun acting all bat crazy.  But apparently all Siwon could muster was stare at the one-man show in front of him.    Kyuhyun brokenly gave up as he knew no words could explain why he did what he did, he plummeted down into the bed and cover himself with the blanket.  Hiding away this very moment, he wishes he could go back to 30seconds ago and not tell Siwon about it.  Or better yet go back to the fi
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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story