Need to know

It's Me...
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*it's short... but i'm hoping to get another chap up in 24hrs ^^



"Donghae hyung, my shirt are fully drench, please stop crying."  Kyuhyun begged for the nth times after Donghae ball his eyes out on the young.  

Eunhyuk have already given up cooing the dude after 15minutes of sob fest.  His attention now rested on the games from Kyuhyun's notebook.  

"Kyu-ah, why haven't you told Siwon yet?  He'll be off the roof knowing you've got your memories back..." Donghae finally ask while drying his tears with the tissue Kyuhyun handed to him.

"Hyung, dont you think Siwon's already has been without roof for quite sometimes now? Didn't you see how he practically out the bar last night?"  Kyuhyun offended by his hyung's patronising question.

"But, kyu-ah why? you really like teasing the poor man that much?"  Donghae frown, its known among everyone that Donghae's never really like pranks or teasing people.  He's the peace maker in the group, he enjoys silly jokes and occasionally you'll also find him betting on pranks. However when it comes to mind games and secret holding he's never really a fan.

"Well, at first i wasn't really sure... I only remember bits and pieces.  And i wasn't sure if its real or if its my dreams or imagination.  Did you know Siwon have shown me hundreds and thousands of pictures and hours of videos of us from way ago.  I wasn't sure if i was really remembering ,remembering, or was it just his stories running wide in my mind." Kyuhyun justify.

"But now....?" Donghae probe

"Well... let say... i enjoy the little shock look on him every now and then"  Kyuhyun smirk evilly after he's own words.

"Gosh, i feel bad for the horse..."  Eunhyuk chime

"Well don't be... besides its not like he'll baby me less after knowing.  So, for now, just let me have my fun."  Kyuhyun beaming them with one of those heavenly child like smile that the two simultaneously felt goosebumps form on their skin from the wickedness of their dongsaeng.

Siwon... you poor er...

The three enjoyed their little quiet time away from the noisy Siwon after no more tears and no more judgement.  It wasn't like the tallest of them tends to make the most noise when they're together.  More like the awesome dual doesn't much enjoy, actually they actually absolutely hated seeing Siwon uses his power of aegyo around their maknae.  To others, that might be heart melting and endearing and 'cute' as their maknae would defend for his man, but to the hyungs its definitly something they don't need to be drown in.  


When night fall comes, the three non-ski/boarder met with the other at the ski field and everyone joked and laugh at the multiple mini injuries Kangin sustanced from his day.  The tough guy blame it on his army service lacking ski training for his rusty skills.  Hence Siwon chance of suggesting his hyung to start gyming with him, which resulting in Kyuhyun rolling his eyes at the sport obsessed lover of his. 

As Siwon and Kyuhyun make their way to their room after a lengthy dinner and chit chats.  A sitting figure outside their room made a supposedly very giddy Siwon abruptly waken up and setting a murderous sight on the person annoyingly looked up from the game console he was concentrated on.  

"CHANGMIN~~~" Kyuhyun called out, excited enough to be heard from the hyung's still inside the lift as the door slide close.  Everyone start rolling their eyes and foreseen the potential drama of tomorrow's day.  They all agree to not answer any call in their room and to whoever Siwon ends up knocking that person has to succumb.    Not me, not me, not me, not me....Donghae could be seen mouthing, as Eunhyuk patted his shoulders as they walk out the lift.   ~~~~~
"What is he doing here?"  Siwon whisper as he pull Kyuhyun's arm back from the small leap he attempted toward his friend.

"Well, i will find out if you let go hyung."  Kyuhyun skilfully reply, a tad annoyance in his voice.  In turn Siwon's face fell as the single word he hated most came out of his baby which instantly broke Siwon's grip and heart. you know i don't like you calling me that.... T_T

"Min... dont say a thing.." Kyuhyun hush his friend as he got up from the floor.

Turning around, towards the now close by Siwon with a pout.  Kyuhyun really didn't wanna do this but he has to as he convince himself.  Or why else would he ask Changmin to come all the way to the ski field after he knew the guy got back from his latest mission.  Sighing deeply, Kyuhyun pull Siwon's arms and make the taller walk back towards the lift with him.  Siwon had a surprised expression on as he tries to make sense on where his baby is going with him.  Just when the lift *dings* Kyuhyun pushes Siwon in and distance himself, but not before pressing a floor button.  

"Wonnie, I've ask Min to come game with me, cos Eunhyuk-hyun is hopeless.  We'll start now, i know you're tired and we'll be too loud for you.  So I'll call you in Donghae's room after we're done, I'm thinking maybe 3 games max. Ok!  Sleep tight honeybear, i love ya, *maaauccch* night night!"  Kyuhyun blew a big kiss and winked at a stunned and speechless Siwon.  The lift door slide close as one man stood motionless while the other bounces off to another standing but sneering man.     honeybear?!... gosh these two really are something.... Changmin thought, he would have tease Kyuhyun if only there were witness in the hallway to protect him.    ~~~~~

"So why did you make your best friend whom would-tell-you-where-he-flew-back-from if he could, to drive alllll the way here? What... just to make that boyfriend of yours cry?"  Changmin ask as soon as Kyuhyun led the way into the slightly warmer room.  

"Why would i wanna make him cry? besides as if i need you to do that?" Kyuhyun smirk after taking off his jackets, woollen scarf and mittens.  A somehwat annoying but very loving condition Siwon insist on the young, applied for as soon as Kyu leaves their room during their ski trip.  

"There's drinks in the fridge and call room service if you want something to eat Min"  Kyuhyun call out from his room.

The standing man gave kyuhyun a light nod in acknowlegdment not minding no one actually there to see the nod.  Tiredly he decided to make himself comfortable as he crash onto the couch while Kyuhyun ruffles around in his room and fetch his second notebook.  Changmin didn't really thought Kyuhyun was serious about the game thing until he see the notebook Kyuhyun brought out

is eunhyuk hyung really that bad?!

So Kyuhyun made it back and sat himself next to Changmin and wait for the computer to load silently, as if his mind has a million thing running along the computer as well.

"hey...are you serious about the game thing Kyu?"

That question got Kyuhyun to roll his eyes and huffed a little.

"Min, remember that night at my place..."  Kyuhyun started while the notebook buzz into life. "know how you told me about the men whom attacked me?" Kyuhyun wasn't really expecting an answer from the person sitting next to him, more like he wants to voice out what's constantly in his mind.   "Well the other day, i found these 'notes' i wrote couple days before the attack.  Serioulsy, i really don't understand how the police classify that as a simple robbery attempt gone bad.  Besides some really obvious ransacking of the place and some missing items...I ... anyway... I went through my back up drives that i have hidden.  And i came across some findings i still couldn't remember clearly.  At the moment I'm still in the process of decoding them, well i believe i delibrately coded them so even if others comes across, they wouldn't easily know whats in there."

"What do you think its in there?" Changmin ask, serious and deep into his tracking mind.

"I can't put my fingers on it yet, but i think this has to do with my attack more than those stupid rolexs and money they took.  I think they were looking for these"  Kyuhyun met the concern eyes of Changmin as his notebook screen run's lines after lines of binary codes,  codes that waiting to be read and review.

The night didn't end after a long, tiring 4hrs of Changmin trying to make contact to his government mainframe as he transfer Kyuhyun's recovered but coded date.  Plus a few too many attempts in hypnotism to get the maknae to remember more of that night: the things they've might said, the way they romp around the place.  But all and all, as soon as Changmin saw the tiredness in his recovering friend face, he strongly suggest to paused their little meeting and insist to Kyu that himself was too tired to continue with a clear mind.  

Kyuhyun couldn't stop his helpful friend from sleeping, after all Changmin is the only one he could honestly ask for help.  The other's was and still believe/deem his knowledge of the past was dangerous enough, nevertheless now the maknae have gone through so much little experiments to remember of that said night.  It would drive them koo-koo bananas if they ever finds out.   Changmin was the one whom told him truthfully about what ha
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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story