Last visit

It's Me...
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Me not too happy with this chapter, however needed it to start me starting fluffs sorrie my lovelies OTL


"Kyu.... we're gonna be late....again...."

"Won...give me another 5minutes"

"You said that half an hour ago"

"last 5minutes... pleasee... pleaseee...."

Kyuhyun learnt pretty early on that he can get mostly whatever he wanted as long as he whines a bit more, puppy eyes and pouty mc-pout, it has actually always been like this, before or after the coma.  It's only been Siwon's illusion that he had any upper hand in their relationship at any stage.  But its not like Siwon was complaining.....ever, however he did internally hope that since Kyuhyun doesn't remember his power over the love-goof, he could perhaps balance the scale a bit.  How he fail...badly. 

So once again Siwon found himself leaning against the door, hands in pocket with a dreamy smile plaster across his face while watching his baby-kyu stuck to their computer chair while clicking frantically of that poor mouse 'yeh-ing' at every character he killed of Heechul team.  Kyuhyun manage to pick up gaming once the physio suggested that gaming will help Kyuhyun's intellectual and physical abilities such as motor skills, to which Siwon snickers as to think Kyuhyun doesn't need any encouragement towards games since that's pretty much in his blood.  Kyuhyun also learn his hyung's that before the coma he was one of the top game programmer in Asia and its practically his second life, which the latter found a tag jealousy while sharing his baby with his job.  Kyuhyun found that especially cute since Siwon pouted heavily while Kyuhyun only commented how silly of him to be jealous of such thing.

Just when Siwon dazed on, Kyuhyun clicks his fingers, did his little finger dance in winning another round and turn his chair around to face Siwon's dimples face.  Kyuhyun gladly push himself off the chair and bounce towards Siwon's, while wrapping an arm around his waist.  Kyuhyun found himself poking at those annoyingly beautiful dimple with the other, effectively causing them both to chuckle at such action.  Siwon claim kyuhyun's poking hand and kiss it palm tenderly.


"You ready now?" he ask softly while kissing the said palm again and leaning towards the touch.

"Yep...and with 2minutes to spare" Kyuhyun cheerfully reply even though the pinkish blush appear, he secretly hope that eventually he'll get use to Siwon's affection and not blush every time Siwon touches him.  Well good luck with that kyunni. 




Today was a special day for Siwon and his baby-Kyu, it might be the last day to visit the hospital therapist's.  Well kyuhyun have been doing extremly well after he woken up and start accepting people into his life again, with Siwon taking a whole year hiatus just to motivate and take care of him, the road of recovery have been very positive. 

And before they know it, Kyuhyun have stopped with his speech therapist, vocational counsellor, occupational therapist and today their hoping it'll be the last visit to physical therapy.  Kyuhyun had much problem's with physio as the boy was very weak at the start, however Siwon never once forget or slack off with his treatment.  To which the young held a little grudge against, he realise no matter how puppy or pouty he'll become that was the ONLY area Siwon held his ground.  Hence if todays was the last day, kyuhyun realise his power will be fully redeemed and nothing can fight against his adorable power towards the goofy handsome-dimples- freak.. 


"Why are you.....smirking(?!) kyunni...." Siwon question when he realise the young was being quiet and seem to have a million thoughts in his mind, but it was the not too frienldy, slightly evil smirk that got Siwon worried.


"Oh... nothing...hmmm?" Kyuhyun held his hand over his mouth nonchalantly, trying to cover his winning gloat, however it only got Siwon thinking again.


"Baby... you know you can't fake a tummy ache 'again', even if they want you in the pool doing water aerobic, its only for your own good" Siwon whine as he make his turn into the hospital car park.


Yes it wasn't a good day for Kyuhyun, not only he was force into the pool with a bunch of elderly couple for their routine workout , he was made to do star jump, slow walk, otter roll, play with a ball, all while a giggling Siwon watches on.  But the worst was when they gave him a yellow rubber noodle, made him place it between his legs and walk back and front the pool, it was way harder than it looks since it increase in resistance, however it felt horribly 'wrong' when something rubbing between him, while a blushing boyfriend watching from the side with mouth agape and a baffled stares.  Kyuhyun swore he'll never enter the pool again... well at least not by himself. 


"Yah! i wasn't 'faking', i was really in pain" pain of embarrassment Kyuhyun thought to himself while defening with arms crossed and turning his head away from Siwon.  If only Siwon can see his pout i doubt they'll make it to their appointment.


"Well, just promise me, you won't run away this time."


"It might be our last visit today baby" Siwon remind the sulken baby of his


Successfully making his kyuhyun turn back towards him with a happy smile and shyly biting his bottom lip.  Siwon smile back with a V hand sign and arched brows.  After they park the car, Siwon held his hands with kyuhyun's sensing a slight tension from the young.  Well, no one can blame him, even for a normal person it's uncomfortable to waltz in a hospital, maybe its the smell or the over use of white.  Everything just doesn't sit well, especially with Kyuhyun whom dislike the place just as much as Siwon.  Siwon tighten his hold on that soft hand, making the young whom cupping his with both hands felt just the right amount of extra strength he needed and smile back gently towards his dimples boyfriend while they walk into the rehab section of the place.




After another agonizing 45minutes of physical therapy, Kyuhyun was showering while a nervous Siwon pacing up and down right outside the corridor.  Even though more than one nurse have ask him or told him, he could wait inside the doctors office, Siwon still insist on waiting right outside the shower-quarter just like every other times.  The goof might tell people that he was afraid Kyuhyun might fall or needed his help, however it's clear that he was the one couldn't let his baby out of his sight for a minute. 

Hearing the shower going quiet, only sped up Siwon's heart beat even more.  Maybe its the idea of finally leaving this place got his heart racing for Kyuhyun to quickly get out before he bust into the bathroom and drying him off with his own hands.  Luckily he didn't waited that long enough for a wet locks, tired looking Kyuhyun to walk out the door.  Siwon quickly walk over and just like every other times wrap his arms around the young

"You did Great baby."  Siwon softly landed a kiss on Kyuhyun's cheek and his now blushing baby's jawline with his thumb while he study the young face. 

"You look tired, my poor baby"  Siwon whined with knotted brows

"I am... but lucky... no water aerobic" Kyuhyun cutely answer with big round brown eyes.   

Siwon chuckle at his humorous baby, kyuhyun just knew how to bring smiles to Siwon with whatever he says or does, to such the older just simply a

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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story