Truth hurts

It's Me...
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# It's only a short update... I'm super sorrie... and i'll work harder on the next chapter >"<



    "You sure you ready to tell your over protective mother-hen what we've found?"
"Don't call my wonnie-oppa that!!!"
"What the hell.... what oppa?!"
"well he did hold a tiny little grudge with me not confessing to him sooner, so for the rest of the month i'll have to call him oppa..."
"O....K..... but he isn't here why~~ are you still calling him oppa?"
"Gosh... no secret who wears the pants in your house...Owch... Owch... Owch..."
Kyuhyun fiercefully pinches and punches his best friend as he just about had enough teasing from Changmin as the two were supposedly having a nice relaxing lunch.  But since the topic of Siwon brought up, along came the blushing faces of Kyuhyun.  The younger just couldn't resist the chance of catching his cheeky best friend with his loved up Wonnie-oppa.  The two finally settle down when the waitress came over to refill their cups with water.  The two children manage to fake cough their way out from having any eye contact with their curious server. 
"So, when do you think we should tell Swion-op...." Changmin didn't manage to finish his sentence as Kyuhyun sharp glare was sending blaze right at him. "...i mean Siwon-hyung about it?" 
All jokes aside, Kyuhyun was dreading telling Siwon about anything even the slightest in relation to his attack.  He still remembers how disastrous when he just ask Siwon about his incident.  The older seem to have issue letting go that period of their history.  And to be honest, Kyuhyun can't blame him for it.  However, as selfish as Kyuhyun might act he knew for them both to have true happiness without fear in their future, they will have to come face to face with their worst nightmare eventually.  Having anything suppress or brush aside doesn't mean its buried 6feet under or forgotten.  It only means its skilfully cover and one day it will come -slapping in your face whether you like it or not. So why not face it now and start fresh clean, but unconvincing the ever protective mother-hen does bring migraine to everyone.
Siwon use to be such a carefree spirited soul.  You may actually say he's quite hasty and impatient before.  But ever since what happened to Kyuhyun... but truly no one could blame these drastic changes.     The big guy lost his energetic self and see everything as nothing and pointless.  Finally he's getting his Kyuhyun back, life seem to have its meaning and light back.  Its only added to his poor sensitivity in taking every possible precautions.  So now, the issue of Kyuhyun wanting to tell his mother-hen  his secret quest in locating his attackers.  Who knows what kind of hell this door will open.  And Kyuhyun was sure he won't be opening that door by himself.
"Its not whether i'm ready or not.  After what I told him last week, i don't want to hide anything from Wonnie no more. I've told him there's more to what I have to tell him, but that idiot never given me the chance... did you know he kept a box of...."
"YAH! YAH! need to share too much..."  Changmin push the glass of water to Kyuhyun's lips, making the maknae take a drink before more stuff can be spill from his untamed mind.  "...jinja..." Changmin let out a deep breath as he pat himself for saving another ridiculous cheesy story from Kyuhyun about the other.  "...Kyu-ah, i understand where you're coming from, its hard to keep anything from your love ones...but this is Siwon we're talking about.  OK... so we joke about him being  overprotective but seriously this is 'different'.  He lost you before, you think he'll risk ... i mean... if you tell him, i can so see he'll fly you out to a deserted island one day and just deadbolt the two of you there. So he could make sure you never get anywhere near danger"
"Exactly.  And that's all thanx to these asswipes.  Siwon has always been protective and i love that of him.  But ever since... he's acting overly and i can't tell him anything without thinking it could or would  drive him overboard...  Until we catches those people, he'll never feel safe about me.  And we're so close..."
"I want to catch them..." Kyuhyun voice nearly cracked but is full of conviction and Changmin understand completely "...they've taken soo much from me...min..."  Kyuhyun taking deep breaths to settle his tears and raised heart beat, "...what happen if I were never woken up? what would become of siwon... why... just for a stupid pro..."
"shhh... kyu... it's better if we don't discus it here.  We'll tell Siwon, if that's what you want.  And we'll make sure he'll see to it.  Cos Kyuhyun, as much as Siwon need this, you also needs it.  Don't worry, we won't let them get away.  Promise!"
Kyuhyun gave a thankful smile to his friend with b glossy eyes soon moon shaping into the smile, knowing that Changmin wasn't just saying those words but really meaning for them as well.    "So... let's plan this out..." Changmin success in changing the topic, cos Kyuhyun's glistering round eyes and those flushed cheeks telling him if he pester more on this tell-or-not-tell topic his snarky Kyu will burst into a water fountain.  And no one wants to see that, especially when Min know Siwon might just be alert by Kyuhyun's puffy eyes and that'll screw up their whole 'friendly-get-together-bestie-lunch-date'.    So after
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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story