Truth heals

It's Me...
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#Its been a while ne?! OTL but here is 4xxx words of actions....and more to come...  
Kyuhyun woke up all confused and frankly speaking, a little scared.  The place seem to be in a constant buzz and somehow shakes a little.  What's happening?! he ask himself as he tries to sit up.  Much to his surprise his whole body was feeling really heavy.  Reaching his hand up to feel his numbed head, Kyuhyun groan as he realise how his hand felt too warm to his forehead and cheek.  That's when a voice break into his thought, a voice his eyes naturally search for  
"Drink this sweetie..."
No doubt that's Siwon's mellow and ever-so-heart-warming voice just calling him 'sweetie'.  Siwon was looking very blurry and out of focus to Kyuhyun.  But it is truly his Siwon, currently bending on his knees as he support Kyuhyun's body and brought the glass of water near those lips.  Kyuhyun gulp down a few mouth full and a pleasing moan escape as he lie back down on the leather couch.  Just what the hell is happening?! he's getting irrigated at the thought of having no clear recollection of his last encounter.   Siwon was mad at him, very mad.  He man refuse to take any of his calls or texts.  The only thing he got out of Donghae was his task to watch over him.  Kyuhyun didn't realise his mind telling him to not think, if that voice and those warm touches were truly Siwon.  Let it be!  The man is no longer mad or at least not showing it.  Still Kyuhyun only got more and more awake by the fact of the pain he cause Siwon once again. 
Siwon silently place the glasses back and took the seat on the couch as well, right near Kyuhyun's head.  Supporting Kyuhyun, as he reposition his limply baby to lay his head back on his thighs, as pillow. Kyuhyun sigh deeply as the soothing hands his hair and caress softly down to his cheeks, it feels both sweet and protective.  Yet as soon as a soft gleeful smile boarded his cheeks naturally from the gestures.  Something clicked inside him making him abruptly pushes his body up.  Nearly come smashing into Siwon's face if the taller wasn't fully concentrating on Kyuhyun's movement and expression. 
"What the hell?!.... owch!...owch!... oh... arghhh my head...arghhh..."
Siwon was on his feet right away as Kyuhyun let out his first and series of agonising groan.  He pull the young into his embrace as he tuck Kyuhyun pouty face under his crook, soothingly kisses his forehead and patted everywhere his hands lands on.  Kyuhyun feeling a little better, but still amazingly pissed.
"You! no way..."
Siwon still didn't response, his large comforting hands busy working on calming and settling that headache or any starin in Kyuhyun. 
"I can't believe you... aish..."
Still not a single word, all of the sudden the older seem to be lost at words and that's a rare sight from all those years they've been together. 
Siwon only tighten his hold, few moments pass as the taller gain back a few confident power bar.  Deep down he knew he could play the upper hand, since it is Kyuhyun's fault for keeping such secret from him. And how dare the younger even thinks to put himself in danger after all they've been through.  But as always Siwon just simply lets L.o.v.e over take and before anyone knows it.  Siwon already did what his heart told him to do while his mind could only warn him of the aftermath.  Hence his guilty conscience is smothering Kyuhyun with fuzzy lovey-dovey touches.    He gently lifted Kyuhyun's chin so he could see those eyes he's been missing since two days ago.  An incredible pout was all Kyuhyun could muster as Siwon frowns turn from worry into a merry and loving smile when Kyuhyun finally look right at him.  The younger roll his eyes as Siwon dimples made their stunning appearance. 
"I love you" Siwon whisper in a smug tone so closely to Kyuhyun's lips as their noses brushes.  He knew whatever his baby figure out he did, anything are forgiven by those pouts.  Kyuhyun still couldn't believe how butterflies still flutters so crazily in him when he hear those three words, having Siwon confessed countless times before.  Suppressing an escaping smile, Kyuhyun turn his scowl on.  But that somehow made Siwon grinned even wider.  "just so you know. I'm.not.sorry"
That made Kyuhyun slap his chest as the young felt more back to his own self as seconds goes pass.  Siwon chuckle while he capture that slapping hand and kisses it nonstop until Kyuhyun yank it back as he giggle.  No venom in those puppy eyes nor those so-call slaps. 
"Where are we now?"  All jokes aside, Kyuhyun wanna know where exactly are they, and if this is really the awarded private jet Changmin once told him about. 
"Somewhere over the pacific..." Siwon brush a few strain of hair off Kyuhyun's forehead as he lovingly dot over his lover in his arms curiously looking around the cabin.  
"and...that's all you'll be getting."
"HYUNG~!" another slap to his chest, and this time was harder which means Kyuhyun was waking up more and more.  Siwon chuckle as he decided to shut his Kyuhyun up with some heavily mushy kisses, to no one surprise, it worked like magic.

FLASHBACK 2 days ago

The moment Siwon realise Kyuhyun have been plotting this death-mission of his, he didn't really know how to react or should react.  The person he loves more than anything in the world, the one he'll die over a thousand times for, have basically just told him that he willingly signed up for a near suicidal quest.  And was he planning or trying to seek his approval?!  Over my dead body!!! Siwon told himself, but he knew he has maybe two options. A. Throw a titanic size tantrum and basically threaten Kyuhyun not to continue with all means.  Or B. Team up with the young and goes all Rambo and iron man at those ers. 

To be honest, neither of them sounded slightly appealing to Siwon.  Which was why he took option C.  A bit of A and B. 

It was with much difficulty in order for Siwon to walk out on his Kyuhyun's while the young was almost hyperventilating with pearl size tears dropping from his cheeks.  Carrying his broken heart towards his car, Siwon mentally thank god that Donghae was there to watch over Kyuhyun.  He surely texted Hae once he manage to stop hearing Kyuhyun screaming for him while he drives off.  Needless to say his hyung immediately reply and assure him of Kyuhyun's safety of all. That's when he decided to turn off this phone after one more call.  A quick call to Yunho (whom he knew was the master mind behind all this)

Siwon comprehend that for Changmin to be in this whole shenanigan, Yunho would have be the one to approve and if not, assist.  Although the taller swore he shouldn't and couldn't deal with that particular dark part of his life just yet, but knowing his soulmate/lover/bestfriend fully: having adopted the 'Its either Kyu's way or no way' policy.  One way or another Siwon needs to find a solution that promises Kyuhyun's safety at any cost. 


Right from the beginning, when Kyuhyun was pronounce to be in a heavy stage of comatose and its up to himself to ever wake. Siwon completely broke down both mentally and psychically.  It wasn't till Donghae dragged his sorry back home from the hospital (after a full week) and basically terrorize style him into bathing.  Follow with forced rest, it first started with encouraging speeches: hoping to get some sense into the man.  But when that didn't work out, Donghae have result to brought out his manhandling-technique: it turn into one sided fist fights with blood and bruises, slamming and throwing.  It was only then Siwon find himself too exhausted from pain and sorrow to stay awake.  Or simply his body decided to shut down.  Either way with a bruise set of knuckles, Donghae tuck in his dongsaeng and wish he'll never ever have to do that again.  Siwon fell into a state of blackout sleep for 4 days and 4 nights, waking up only to drink water and use the toilet.  He lost six kilo's while sleeping that time.   

By the time Siwon finally woke and his body ached, his babyKyu was nonetheless still sleeping in the hospital and his Hae hyung still nursing his bruised knuckles.  Siwon look worst than wear, with his insane eye bags and stuffed up face (cover with bruises and marks, a certain physical pain that he's grateful for since it took his pieces of heartache elsewhere for a very short period of time). 

Trying to distracting himself like per his hyung's suggestions after the first month of zombie life.  Siwon slowly and stressfully venture through kyuhyun's bits and pieces, pictures they've took, letter's and texts they sent to each others, clips of hyung's birthday, clips of holiday, pranks, surprises, love sing residuals Kyuhyun recorded for him.  Everything only shatter his pieces of bleeding heart even more. 

Following the next month passes of picking up random pieces of Kyuhyun's items, holding it, crying over it, and handling it from left hand to right and place back onto its spot.  Siwon came across a shoe box size mental vault, he honestly didn't expect to find anything like such hidden within the piled up texts and papers in their storage room.  Once he open the lock with their usual passcode.  What he came across was something he couldn't handle at the time.  A letter written by some highly powerful individual under the proxy name 'Lord Black' and a silver usb.  The letter was address to Kyuhyun, asking him to sell his near complete program 'adam' to him.  The staggering price tag could purchase the islands of Juju and maybe some more. 

It suddenly daunt on Siwon that whatever he just came across is something he's too foreign to deal with, especially without Kyuhyun.  What's 'adam', why does it worth that price even though its only near a finishing product, Kyuhyun would never work on anything that's corrupted or criminal like.! never!  Not my baby...

Locking back the vault, he handed it over to the only person he knew would take it to his grave if ask.  Yunho.  And that was the last Siwon ever saw of

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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story