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It's Me...
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"Hyung, what should i do with these?"




"Yah! Choi Si Won, you want these ramen or not?"

"Kyu~~~ah~~~not hyung not Choi Si Won... its either Won or Wonnie....or Sweetheart....or Darling..."


His baby-kyu just blinked his round glossy eyes, at lost with the big goof's sudden distaste in the calling.  Kyuhyun shrug off the confusion and decided to attack the pack of instant noodle by himself. Siwon's pose has not change since he made his demand from the bar stool. Both hands on hip and a pouty lip.  However his baby-kyu seem to be more interested in the packet instructions than his tantrum.

"Kyuuuuuu~~~" The goof stomp his feet while flinging his arms as he got up,

Dont look kyuhyun... you'll laugh if you look up... this goof...his image has nothing to do with whats inside that head of his.... tight navy jeans, black singlet, short black sleek hair, you could be a movie star but nah you decided to turn into Mr.StompieMcPout.... Kyuhyun could not simply ignore this goof as he slowly make his away around the open kitchen bar.  To escape Kyuhyun went the other way as Siwon approach.

"Hyung, you want me to make dinner or what?"

"YAH~~~Cho KyuHyun, you're still very weak, stay still... stay... come back here..."

"Hyung... i'm trying to cook here... stop following me..."


"Hyung....can't you put a sweater on or something its -2 outside"

Two goof's just decided to chase well more like speed walk around the kitchen bar table, kyuhyun still holding onto the pack tightly. While the older persistently will not give up till he has his arm around his baby. 


Swion victoriously cheer out as his arms naturally found their way around his baby, kyuhyun blush as their body close off the gap between them, however Siwon was too excited he didn't notice the blush on Kyuhyun's face till he pull away from the embrace.  Kyuhyun still holding onto the pack of noodle with his two hands which currently leaning against Siwon's chest.  Siwon sigh deeply which cause kyuhyun to look up and again blink those round eyes. Beautiful baby... you're soooo adorable. 

"Kyuhyun-ah, you have to get use to this soon"


"This...." Siwon tighten his hug and nod in sync to his action. Kyuhyun's blush turn from pink to red and slightly nodded to Siwon's request.

"Because baby, before, this is practically all we do." Siwon lean his face on Kyuhyun's head, taking in his baby's scent.  ahh... lemongrass shampoo..hmmmm 

"You mean at home?"

"At home, in uni, while shopping, on the street, you name it.  We're inseparable"


"I'm serious... You wouldn't let go of me!" Siwon exclaim which earn his a smack on his chest from kyuhyun.  But nevertheless didn't wiggle his way out. 

"Don't do that baby"

"Do what?!"

"That pout... don't do that... i'm using all my power to hold myself.  You're not helping looking so adorable, i wont be able to control myself...and *sigh i don't want you to hate me"  Siwon eyes suddenly turned somber as if a memory from the past made its way back to his thoughts. 

Kyuhyun could not understand why he felt just as awful when the man infront of him does.  Without thinking too much he tiptoe and place a light kiss on Siwon's cheek to which instantly turning that frown upset down and the dimples kyuhyun loves to poke so much made his way.  Kyuhyun's index finger automatically reach to it.

*poke hello pokies... you've been showing up alot these days....

Kyuhyun is also somewhat surprise at his own action, feeling a sudden shyness he lower his head back onto the pack of noodle his holding.  Siwon still indulging from the touch only watch as his baby shyly play with the noodle, until a certain door bell broke their silent, it was with a thousand unwilling, but Siwon manage to unhook himself from his baby and went to the front door to see whom so brilliantly disturbed their precious moment. 


"Hangeng-Hyung, gosh i've miss you, how have you been? still handsome as always i see"

Kyuhyun was alarm by Siwon's cheesiness as he hug the so-call Hangeng with Heechul trailing from behind with the happiest smile he even seen. So you're cheesy to everyone not just me....hmmm.... Hangeng has a different feel to the other hyung of Kyuhyun's and soon he found out cause the man is from China, and his family requires him to fly back very often to watch over their business.  So even at a young age Hangeng has had a mind-set of family perception.  They made their way to the living area where Kyuhyun currently took his seat.  

"Kyuhyun, hello.  How are you feeling?"


"Honey, our kyuhyun only talks to people he's close to, maybe he'll talk to you if this wasn't the second time he met you" A sense of hostility from Heechul which Hangeng coo over with a tug around his waist, a mock blow kiss and that smile came back again.  While Siwon and Kyuhyun look awkwardly at the couple infront of them, with Siwon reaching out his hand, entwining with Kyuhyun's under the coffee table.  

"So how are you Siwon?"

"! Good....I'm great... infact" Siwon proudly announce as he look from his hyungs back to his kyunni and back to his hyung. 

"Yes... i'm glad... Kyuhyun's back, nothing can be more wonderful... you should have seen yourse~~..."

"ahhhhh...lets get something to eat shall we, you haven't eaten yet right?"  Hangeng was interrup

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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story