A walk...

It's Me...
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                                                  SUPER SHORT Chapter.... Mianhe~~~~~~


"Kyuhyun-ah, breakfast time." Siwon happily said

"..."   "Kyuhyun-ah?!"   "Siwon-ah, let me..." Ryewook apologetically said.   Siwon could only pass the tray of food to Ryewook as he stood still at the entrance of his baby's room, staring at the men (not him) approaching Kyuhyun whom smile relaxingly.  Kyuhyun still isn't talking, and to everyone's astonishment he's current blocking Siwon out.  Kyuhyun has developed a good rapport with Donghae and Eunhyuk ever since hae's failed magic trick, the young have become more relax around them.  Now Ryewook has manage to get in the circle while Siwon could only look on.  Ryewook might have been the first person to get through to Kyuhyun after his coma, it happened a day after Kyuhyun's woken up.   As Ryewook's the cook among them all, he always have had a bonding with Kyuhyun even before the tragic coma.  So on the next day after kyuhyun have confirm waking, Ryewook made him breakfast just like when they were living together years ago.   Days after coma   "Kyuhyunn-ah"   "..."   "Kyuhyun, breakie...."   Kyuhyun slowly push himself up from the bed, he has been sleeping on and off ever since waking up, his mind still confuse and restless.  He watch how this skinny looking male approach him while happily place a tray too small for all the food he tries to fit in, carefully laying it on the bed infront of kyuhyun.  He glee cheerfuly at kyuhyun why are you so happy?!   "I'm Ryewook, Kyuhyun we are very good friend.  You love my cooking, and this is some of your favourite, Siwon won't let me cook you seafood or pork chop saying its too early for your system to digest.  Anyway dig in"   Ryewook excitingly motion kyuhyun to pick up the chopsticks infront of him.  Kyuhyun could only stare confusingly at the object and didn't know what to do with it.  Ryewook sensing the annoyance in Kyuhyun's eyes, picked up the fork instead and place it in Kyuhyuns hands then stab onto the nearest waffle.  Kyuhyun eye as his hands being lead to his mouth, he open slowly and soon he found himself digging onto another waffle.  Yes, he did love food, he remember this motion clearly. Soon Kyuhyun laid down the fork and ran his fingers over the chopsticks, Ryewook watch carefully of his friend and nodded encouraging as kyuhyun glance back at him.    Kyuhyun pick up the chopsticks and place them strategically into his hands and then the motion just flow through.  His hands and fingers start moving on their own to Kyuhyun's astonishment, he beam victoirously at Ryewook whom he found to be near whimpering a littler.  Kyuhyun pick up the nearest kimchi from the side plate and brought it up to Ryewook's mouth, with a pout kyuhyun gesture Ryewook to eat which Ryewook was only too thrill to oblige.  The two end up finishing the tray of food.  Kyuhyun didn't talk he just listen and kept his mouth moving.    All the meanwhile a happy Siwon was out peeking into the room.  He wanted so much to join the pair, however he know he need to give his friends equal right in helping Kyuhyun, all of them have been through so much now is not the time to play the jealous-possessive-Siwon.  He smile happily as he walk away from the room listening to the giggling sounds from it.  Maybe i should pick up cooking...   ~~~~~   Present   "Siwon sii, would you join us for breakie?" Ryewook eye the sad puppy and motion him over.    Siwon found himself digging out of the pity hole and eagerly approach the bed.  Kyuhyun watch him with a fork still attach to
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mcir66 #1
Chapter 7: Awww, this is so sweet. Love it so far.
evil_kyu27 #2
Chapter 22: Continue the story juseyo what will happen next? ;A;
knitapple #3
Chapter 22: I hope you finish this story. I love it and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what's going to happen. Great job :)
Angela17 #4
Chapter 22: Authornim... I'm so very curious with what's gonna happen to them next... Please update this fic... Hiks..
maryamkh #5
Chapter 22: I'm soooo looking forward for this amazing & so heart warming story , update soon ^^
Chapter 22: so here I'm ... reading this fic for .. i dont know.. nth time... and still waiting for your update ^^
Angela17 #7
Chapter 22: Wow... This story is really good.. I really hope to read the next chapter..
I'm enjoying every chaps.. Who will not love to read a love dovey WonKyu? Sigh.. I miss them so much.. :))
Will this fic have an ending soon? Well i hope you have the time to continue this fic..
Looking forward to your next update..
Angela17 #8
Chapter 2: I just found this fic.. How come i missed this one? Interesting plot.. Will continue reading this.. Marathon... Lol..
I just hope this won't make my heart hurt in the end.. :))
I miss WonKyu so much.. Since i have no life.. Lol..
anonymous88 #9
*broken heart*
anonymous88 #10
I miss this story