Sixth Sense

Dangerous Mistakes


[a/n: The isn't really in this chapter (only borderline towards the end), because it's, like, 2K words. Sorry!]
After the encounter you had last night, you woke up back in your bedroom. 
You didn't even know how you got there in the first place. 
Putting that into the back of your head, you got up as you had to go out today with Bom to deal with a few trouble makers that where out to steal the two largest diamonds that are on Earth, to be found in the Nillili Islands. 
You had a gut feeling that something might happen, but you had never been one to trust your intuition. 
You undressed yourself and got under the shower, letting the hot water slide down your body as it relaxed your muscles.
Your mind was settled on what the Nillili Islands would look like; you never heard of them until, well, a few days ago. 
There's nothing to find about them on the Internet and your curiosity was killing you. 
You sighed. 
"That will have to wait then."
And as soon as you were done you slipped into your fishnets and leather shorts, accompanied by a black and golden shirt that was about two sizes too large. Underneath you wore black sneakers which had a white platform underneath. As a finishing touch, your neck and wrists were adorned with exclusive Versace jewelry.
You and Bom were on the plane to Nillili and neither of you spoke which caused the air around you to become thick. 
The only words that were spoken were those that came from the flight attendants, who asked every thirty minutes if we wanted anything.
You leaned back on your seat, closing your eyes. 
Since you didn't spend much time on your make up, it didn't bother you if you fell asleep and it got smudged or something - you could always redo it again within minutes.
At a certain point, you were so lost in your own thoughts that you jumped up when the plane touched solid ground.
Obviously, you had lost track of time. 
Just like any other time, you two were armed. 
The only difference is that, today, you were carrying two missile guns and a bazooka. 
Were you going to fight against a tank or-?
Without giving it much thought, you noticed that the gut feeling never quite left you. 
And this is where you just ignored it whether it would get worse or not. 
You felt eyes on you as you two walked down the streets, something that you never felt comfortable with. 
Yes, people actually lived here and no, they certainly weren't poor people - which kind of surprised you and at the same time it left you unfazed. Of course the riches would move out to some place in the middle of nowhere, no one would ever find them here even if they were to give their address.
You even doubted these Islands were traceable. 
You noticed Bom strutting and ignoring every single comment she got as she walked past the many swooning guys and men that had stopped to watch their "grand" entrance. 
You guessed she was used to this, since there was no sign or spark of interest nor a response.
As you looked through the crowd of people, you noticed a few familiar faces. 
Your jaw nearly dropped flat against the floor. 
Oh, really?
You saw how Jiho, Jihoon and Jaehyo blended in with the people as they watched from the sidelines. 
You gave them a warning look only to have Jiho smirk at you. 
Not good. Certainly not good, you told yourself. 
As you passed them you noticed a faded red mop of hair a few meters away. 
So that was the gut feeling about. 
Had it not been because you were stubborn, you would've listened to it sooner - could've seen it coming, even.
You sighed at how obvious it had been and mentally slapped yourself for the stupidity you carried within.
Turning your focus to the speaking elder in front of you, you caught something about being careful when you entered the more left out parts of the Nillili Islands. Or something. 
Unsure of whatever she had said beforehand, you kept close to her as you walked on. 
Maybe you should've chosen another attire.. You gulped and looked up to the jungle in front of you. 
Seeing Bom was wearing high heels kind of made you feel a tad smarter than her. Heels weren't always practical and appropriate. 
You entered tropical grounds with, what you assumed, were a lot of flesh-eating plants. 
You shivered, pulling one of your guns out of the straps on your back. You didn't feel like getting eaten, not today.
Bom turned over abruptly, facing you. 
"I think it's better we rest for now. We've been walking or three hours now.. and I'm hungry."
So, you want corn, you though as you wrinkled your nose slightly. 
You knew her well for whatever time you had been with the other three and her - watermelons and corn.
The two of you found a slightly open place between the endless trees and settled yourselves there. 
The night fell soon and Bom had fallen asleep next to you. 
You lay awake because you were scared that something or someone might attack you sooner or later. 
As the minutes passed, you heard some whispering and the rustling of leaves nearby.
Slowly you got up, grabbing one of the smaller and soundless guns, walking towards the direction that the sound come from. 
You claimed yourself to be stupid, no doubt. 
As you pushed the plants aside, you noticed a bright blonde mop of hair that couldn't be easily dismissed between all the green. 
Yes, no mistaking it. That's the seven idiots that you've worked with before. 
You sighed, an idea quickly popping into your head and a smirk curled your lips as your face got a devil-like expression. 
You sat still between the bushes, noticing how they started to come closer. 
You knew Bom was a deep sleeper so you weren't bothered she would wake up if these seven would start screaming like little girls. 
The first face to emerge from it all was Minhyuk's. 
His eyed widened to the size of saucers as terror washed over him and his hands found their way up to his mouth, muffling the scream that threatened to escape. 
You saw him fall back and heard the others complain endlessly. 
Jiho popped up, pointing a gun straight at your face - angry expression plastered on his face. 
You rested your hand on it, pulling it down as you sighed.
"Don't shoot me, that ain't gonna get you any further than you are, you know?"
Your voice came out cockier than you had wanted to, but that was one of the things you'd worry last about if anything. 
His eyes narrowed to the point where they almost disappeared. 
"What are you doing here?"
"Making y'all scream."
A snicker behind Jiho was heard. One that you knew all too well. 
"Let me put it differently, then. Why are you here?"
"Because of the same reason you're here, clearly."
Laughter broke out behind the younger boy in front of you and all he could do was pinch the bridge of his nose as you smiled ever so innocently. 
"Yeah, okay, keep being a smartass."
You snorted quietly; weren't you at it already?
He undid his squatting position as he hovered over you, looking down at you.
"Get it in our way and I'll kill you without second thoughts."
"You do that."
You simply shrugged, your words sailing into the other members' ears as they watched you with big eyes - it was frightening how calm you were after the statement he had made.
Standing up, you swung the gun around in your fingers.
"What's the big deal in that anyway?"
Hadn't it been because you had been taught not to hold onto your life, your words wouldn't have been so cold. 
You knew that losing your life could happen in less than a second, so getting told about it was no big deal anymore.
Bom had woken up from the huddle you had created a few meters away and now you all sat around the small fireplace.
You were sitting between Minhyuk and Yukwon. Bon sat between Jaehyo and Taeil. 
You noticed that they had something going in behind their backs but decided to pay no mind to it. 
"We can't leave them here to be eaten by the unknown monsters that wander around. It is only eleven at night and it's already creeping."
Jiho looked at Kyung in disbelief.
"We can't take our enemies to our apartments, idiot. That's risky."
"Bom can stay at Jaehyo's, noona can stay wherever she wants."
Bom's eyes narrowed at the younger's request. 
"Why do I not get a choice?"
"Because your obvious is showing and it's so painful that it is nearly a must to put you two in the same place."
She nodded and snorted. It was undeniable. 
You remained quiet even though you wanted to claim Yukwon and his apartment. 
"She'll come with me, then. Since no one seems to be offering."
And with that, the young redhead got up to his feet, pulling you along as he started to make his way down.
White and black were the only tints you've seen ever since you entered his apartment. It was quite big.
You'd showered and you were using one of his shirts and his boxers as pajamas. 
It felt foreign and known at the same time. 
You lay on the bed that you had now claimed, looking over at the clock as the digits showed '01.36 AM'. 
You couldn't sleep.
Longing for Yukwon had gotten the best of you tonight - his arms, his scent, his face, his body. Everything. 
Memories from how you met crossed your mind. 
Groaning, you stood up and walked out of the room on your tip-toes. 
You made your way to his room which was settled diagonally from yours, about a meter away. 
His door was half open and your petite frame fitted so that you could slip in without moving the door to make noise. 
You smiled as you saw his sleeping figure, as innocent as ever: he lay sprawled over his bed, the pillow next to him rather than under his head. His mouth hung slightly open and his hair was a complete mess, some stands sticking to his forehead.
You walked over as you stood next to his bed, looking at him as you held your breath which seemed louder than usual. The last thing you needed is for him to wake up now and find you there. 
You bit your lip as you noticed how Yukwon stirred and his eyes opened halfway as he looked up at you, smiling. He turned to his side, looking up at you as the rays of moonlight brought out his feline features more than usual. He was beautiful. 
"Mmh, paying me a visit, aren't we, sugar?"
Yukwon's voice was an octave lower and laced with sleepiness and cockiness at the same time. His arms tugged you down against him, a cocky smirk planted on his lips. 
"You know it's a bad time to pay a visit now, right?"
You arched a brow, confused. 
"And why is that..?"
He pressed his hips against yours, a gasp escaping your lips. 
"That's why, sugar."
He rolled on top of you, leaning in to and nibble your earlobe and your hands grasped needy at his shirt. He moved down to your neck slowly, biting gently at the flesh and the forming red spots on your skin, making sure that everyone else tomorrow would know what you had been up to. 
Your breathing heavy, you mewled quietly. You hadn't been touched properly for a long time and now he was making you crave more than you should. 
"Let's have some fun, sugar. I missed you."
His hands ghosted up into your shirt as he kept smirking, obvious mischief written all over his face.
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BamBamPrinceCharming #1
Chapter 26: Omg, it has been like a yeeaaaaar since you haven't updated XD awww
xoRynoa #2
Chapter 26: Omo!~ Totally loving this fix so much right now. Can't wait for an update!!!! (:
ZNA123 #3
please update soon
Tinesha #4
Chapter 25: BEAUTFUL! You can most definitely write !! ;)
solhee #5
Chapter 24: Aw why was jiho being so hostile before though :( great story, keep up the awesoMe work author-nim ^^
Chapter 23: yeyyy back to u kwon,finally! But who was lucifer,didn't she sleep with him too? i am lost...O.O
Chapter 23: yes yes yes do it do it ;3
jaehyos #8
Chapter 23: yes do it (≖‿≖)
Chapter 23: YES!! YOU SHOULD ^^ Lol