Hard to Say Goodbye

OMG So Awkward


Seohyun’s POV

-3rd December- Me: “I was running through the snow with my bff and Luhan lolz.” Jasmine: “AND LUHAN. OMFG.” Me: “Yeah I was having fun with the guys lmao. I was running with him lolz.” Jasmine: “Endless love. I can only think of endless love.” Me: “Then he pushed his bff away from his locker. Me: ‘Jesus Christ.’ Sehun: ‘Do we have a German test?’ Me: ‘Yea.’ Luhan: ‘WAIT WHAT???’ Me: ‘It’s on 12PM.’ Luhan: ‘Oh I’m home then.’ Sehun: ‘You’re not learning?’ Luhan: ‘Nope.’ Me: ‘Shut up.’” Jasmine: “SEHUN RUINED THE MOMENT. UGH.” Me: “B( NO. I had the feeling that he ing stared at me at economy class. P.E was extremely hilarious. But ofc, he wasn’t there.” Jasmine: “My shipper heart 3” Me: “INSTEAD, I had fun with my new friend Mr. Sehun and his friends aka the baddest volleyball players ever. I’m friends with him now. He wanted me in his volleyball team. I scored once and Sehun called me ‘the best’… LOL… what happened… I’m starting to get popular in class.”

-4th December- Me: “I. SAT. NEXT. TO. YOU. KNOW. WHO. YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN?!” Jasmine: “OMG WHAT HAPPENED NEXT.” Me: “He helped me with my English presentation, were hyper, stared at me.” Jasmine: “UGH SO ADORABLE.” Me: “You don’t know how happy I was. Oh my God. Luhan decided by his own to sit next to me. Wow.” Jasmine: “<3 SEOHAAAN <3” Me: “Dude you don’t know how ing happy I am. Okay he likes me. He does B)” Jasmine: “SEE. TOLD YA.” Me: “He’s so cute.” Jasmine: “YEP THAT’S THE FEELING.” Me: “Remember when I had other crushes? WHAT WAS I BLIND BACK THEN. You were blind too. You picked Sehun over Luhan.”


Yoona and I are outside together, for the last time this year. “STOP.” “Why?” “Let’s just stop here and stand for a while.” I do what she says. It’s ing cold now, what is she planning to do? She gives me a big hug. “You better have a lot of fun there, make a lot of photos and make us all jealous with the perfect weather there!” I laugh. “Okay, that’s a deal. But I really should go now, if you don’t mind. Bye!” “Bye!” I get on my bike and ride to home.


It’s 9PM. All our luggage are downstairs now. “Are we excited?” mom asks. Tiffany and Taeyeon nod like crazy. I’m excited too actually, but… On the other side: I don’t wanna leave actually. It’s like I’m letting all my friends here behind. I saw how Luhan looked at me when I told him about this. I sigh. “Is there something?” Tiffany pokes me. “No, it’s nothing.” We decide to sleep now because we need to wake up at 4AM tomorrow.


Mom wakes me up. I’m trying to get out of my bed, but I can’t. I’m so tired. Taeyeon pulls me out of bed. “WAKE UP! Today is a big day!” Then she leaves. I grab my diary and read all the memories of the past months. I’m smiling like a damn idiot. Never thought you’d mean so much to me. Even though I only looked at Sehun the first days. You always stayed. Thanks. I love you, Luhan.


We get in the car, on the road to the airport. Taeyeon sleeps, Tiffany and I are listening to music. After two hours, we arrive at the airport. It’s 8AM now. While we’re at the airport, every single one of our class is getting ready for the school’s sports day. Everyone, except us three and Luhan. Other kids from other classes are replacing us in our teams that we made up a few weeks ago. I’m happy that I can miss that. I hate sports hahaha.


After a few hours, we hear that our gate is open. “You know, after we get in the gate, there’s no decent internet connection anymore,” Taeyeon says. She checks her Twitter timeline. “Oh look! Our class is winning ALL the competitions at this moment!” Tiffany is enthousiastic. “Omg yes!” We get in the gate and our social life will be gone for now. Goodbye, decent internet communication. Goodbye, friends. Sigh.


After the six most boring hours of my life, we arrive in Singapore. It’s nice to feel the heat all suddenly. Baseball jacket out, T-shirt in! Time to get some summer clothes on! But we’re not that very happy, since we have to wait one whole day here till our next plane to Jakarta. But the good thing is: THERE’S WI-FI IN THIS PLACE. Tiffany and Taeyeon check their Twitter timeline again. “The class is saying that the exams are very difficult. .” Actually, I don’t really care about that. All I wanna know is, how’s it going with Luhan?


Thursday, 20th December 2012

Gangnam was so fun! It was srsly so hilarious with the girls and it was also funny with Sehun. Too bad that Luhan didn’t join us. I’m getting sick of that disease of him. He never gets to do something fun with us :/ I only saw that guy once this week. ONCE. GDI. Last Tuesday. Like we could talk -,- Exam week, huh. And now, my family and I are on the road to Manado, Indonesia. My hometown. With my homies (: With the thought: “I’m gonna miss you” in my head. I don’t think you’ll ever know this, but I’m gonna miss you. Srsly, Luhan is the 1st guy I’ve ever rly liked. It’s a miracle. While we’re waiting at the airport in Singapore, my mind is full with memories. Good and bad times. The dumb times when I liked Sehun. The sweet times when Luhan started to not ignore me anymore. The funny times when Krystal became my friend. Speaking about ppl, there’s a bad one in front of me now. Dad. He’s mad. Again. Like I care. I never did. Since 2002, I never cared a damn bit. I can’t stand this anymore. I hate him, okay? Okay. 1st dad: left us with tragedies. 2nd dad: for a long time, there was no freedom. Srry but my trust in daddies = gone.

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Chapter 1: oh my gosh seohyun and luhan again but i cant copy this on my ebook.
Chapter 22: Seohan just foto cuteeeee!!! ^_^
Chapter 20: Cute Seohan ^^ and really funny too :-))))

About you author's note: Good luck to you :-))) Hope you succeed ^_^
Chapter 19: i love this..Luhan Hwaiting! update soon author-nim~
Chapter 16: lol xD
Luhan is so desperate to be a goat :)
Specifically, Seohyun's goat :D
You should ask her number when you meet her again, Luhan.
Be brave :)
Chapter 13: ^_^ poor Luhan,he isn't going to be with Seo :\ hehe hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 12: Awww Luhan is so sweet >w< hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 10: Hehehe there kore closer >\\\< yes!!! Hwaiting update soon :)