Going home

A Promising guy or a Rich one?

"Now...what would you like to eat?"

"Hmmm...Kimchi Stew!"

"What? Now? Are you kidding me?

"Yah! You're the one asking me what would i like to eat...and now you're giving me that look..." Tiffany crossed her arms as she sat on the sofa.

"Fine Fine..no kimchi stew..but kimchi ramen..is that okay?"

"Mmmm..." Tiffany nodded.

Taeyeon then walked to the kitchen to prepare Kimchi ramen for the latter.

Tiffany followed Taeyeon, settling herself on one of the dining chairs.

*ringgg~ ringgg~*

Tiffany picked her phone up from the dining table and look at the ID.

She placed her phone back on the dining table, leaving it to ring.

"Yah...why aren't you answering your phone?" Taeyeon glanced at the latter, who was now spacing out, waiting for her kimchi ramen to be cooked.


"Aishh.." Taeyeon picked the phone up to find out who's calling.

"Eh? It's your mom, Fany..."

"I know..that's why i'm not picking up.."


"She'll most probably ask me to get home..."

"Well...you should then.."

"YAH! You said you allowed me to stay here for a night.." Tiffany pouts.

"I Know..but you can't possibly let your mom worry about you right?"

"Worry? I think she's angry over me..."


"Stop talking about her....i'm hungry...i want my ramen now.."

Taeyeon could only shake his head and continued cooking ramen for Tiffany.





"It's your mom, Fany ah~" Taeyeon told the girl who is currently busy eating her ramen.

"Ignore her..."

"KIM TAEYEON! OPEN UP!" Mrs Hwang shouted again.

"STOP SHOUTING MOM~ YOU"LL WAKE THE NEIGHBOURS UP!" Tiffany shouted back, continue slurping her piping hot kimchi ramen.





Taeyeon finally opened the door, allowing the angry Mrs Hwang in.

"How dare you kidnap my daughter?" Mrs Hwang burst in to anger.

"I Didn't Mrs Hwang..."

""Then why is Tiffany here in your house?"


"He didn't kidnap me mom...i wanted Taeyeon to bring me to his house to escape from that freaking Siwon....that's it..stop maglining him.." Tiffany got up from the dining table and went over to Taeyeon, hugging his arm possesively.

"Why are you always on his side...and stop hugging him!" Mrs Hwang pulled Tiffany away from Taeyeon.

"Why? Why can't i hug him?" Tiffany puffed her cheeks, wanting to returned to Taeyeon's side.

"Because i said so..now let's go! Siwon's still waiting for you.." Mrs Hwang grab Tiffany's wrist and pulled her towards the door.

"Tae~ Help me...."

"I'm sorry Fany ah...just go home okay?" Taeyeon gave a slight smile.

'Why? You said i could stay over?" Tiffany mumbled.

"I'm sorry..just go, okay? Don't let Siwon wait for too long...and Don't make your mom upset okay, Fany ah~"

"You know i hate him....i want you..not him...why can't you just fight for your best friend.." Tiffany was on the edge of crying.

"I-I'm sorry....just listen to your mom, i'll fetch you to school tomorrow.." Taeyeon lowered his head.

"I HATE YOU, KIM TAEYEON!" Tiffany slapped his chest before making her way out of Taeyeon's house, following her mom into their car.








"That's how it should be from the start Fany ah..i can't afford to love you...your mom doesn't like me...let's just stay as best friends..or maybe..just friends will do..." Taeyeon mumbled to himself, before heading to the dining table to clean up.













Short update..sorry...i'm really busy these days.... I'm guilty for making you guys wait for me too..MIANHE...


WELL..I'll try my best to update soon... :D

And sorry if the story is getting boring..but this is just the start....it'll be more interesting in the future...i think...:D


ANYWAY..comment please..so i can have the ENERGY to update more :)



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Chapter 3: Hi author please continue your story
Chapter 15: Continue please!!!!!!
gabiel #3
Chapter 15: AHH plese continue the story
Chapter 15: update soon author :)
Chapter 15: Wah~ Hope you will still update ^^
coffeeslur #6
Chapter 15: this story is awesome and kudos to Tiffany for not being a money-obsessed *beep* like her mother...

I hope TaeNy stays together. Taeyeon needs to understand that he's good for Tiffany and not Siwon with his money. And Tiffany's mother needs to sit down, drink tea and take a chill pill
danborobot #7
Chapter 15: wow its really beautiful story..
please update soon :-D
porkymama #8
Chapter 15: pls update.. so sweet
Chapter 15: update please!!! :'(