Everything was familiar

A Promising guy or a Rich one?

It has been a week since Taeyeon left Tiffany. And this whole week, Tiffany had been looking for the latter everyday without fail. She would go to the places where Taeyeon would always visit, after she had finish her lessons and at night, Tiffany would make a trip to Taeyeon's apartment, hoping to hear some good news from Mrs Kim, but...that never happen...







"Yeah..it's me.." Taeyeon smiled, walking towards the girl.

"Am i dreaming?" Tiffany asked, receiving only a smile from the guy.

"Have you slept well?" Taeyeon asked with his gentle voice, carressing Tiffany's cheeks with his thumb.

Tears started forming in Tiffany's puffy eyes, her nose is getting redder too...irregular breathing could be heard from her.

"Tae~" Tiffany wrapped her arms around Taeyeon's waist, snuggling her head into his chest.

"Hushh~ I'm here...why are you crying...." Taeyeon mumbled softly into her ears while engulfing her in a tight embrace.

"Where did you go.....I-I..i miss you, Tae~" Tiffany cries even harder, clenching onto Taeyeon's shirt tightly.

"Aren't i here now....don't cry anymore....i'll always be here.." Taeyeon continued running his fingers through her hair, untangling some of her brown locks.

"I miss you Tae.....i really do....don't leave me anymore..please..."

"I won't...I won't..arasso?" Taeyeon kisses her tears away.

Tiffany nod her head against his chest.

"I love you Tae~"

"I love you too, my princess..."




"Tae?" Tiffany called out as soon as she opens her eyes.

She rubbed her eyes to get a clearer view of her room.

"Tae? Where are you Tae?" She got up from her bed, walking towards her bathroom and opened the door, hoping to find the person she was looking for. But....

"I guess...that's just a dream..." She sighs, plopping herself on the bed.

"Seriously..where are you Kim Taeyeon.." Tiffany mumbled as tears trickled down her beautiful face.



"Mom...I'm going out..."

"Where are you going?"


"Are you going to find that guy again?"


"He's gone...stop finding him.."

"He's not gone..."

"He is.."

"He's not.."

"I told you he is..stop wasting your time, maybe he doesn't love you at all..."Mrs Hwang was mad at how Tiffany was so determined to find Taeyeon.

"HE'S NOT! I know he's not...he told me he'll always be by my side..he won't leave me just like that...i'm sure he's just lost or something and i'm gonna find him back now..." Tifffany cried.

"Why are you deceiving yourself..he didn't even told you that he's leaving so that means he doesn't care about you! "

"I don't care mom..i'm gonna find him..nothing will change my mind.."


Tiffany froze on the spot after hearing what her mother had just said.

"Are you hiding something from me, mom?" Tiffany asked cautiously. She knew something was fishy about her mom these days. Mrs Hwang would always panick when Tiffany told her that she's going out to search for Taeyeon. She thought Mrs Hwang was worried about her safety, that's all...but...somehow, today, she find it weird that her mom actually knew that Taeyeon wouldn't be back anymore.

"N-No..of course not..." Mrs Hwang stuttered.

"Something's really fishy about you, mom.."

"What?!?! Noo...what's fishy...there's nothing i knew about Taeyeon..."

"I didn't say it's about Taeyeon..."

"Oh..i-i'm just guessing it's about Taeyeon since we're in this topic right now.."She fake a chuckle.

"Mom..you better tell me the truth...you knew something about Taeyeon whereabouts right? Tell me mom..please..."


"Please mom...i'm begging you.."

"What's wrong with you..why are you begging to know where he is right now? He doesn't deserves someone like you...Tiff. You belong to Siwon..He's rich..and perfect...why can't you give him a chance?"

"BECAUSE I DON'T LOVE HIM MOM! I LOVE TAEYEON...KIM TAEYEON! Please mom, tell me where is he...i need him..please.." Tiffany cried.



"I don't know where is he..." Mrs Hwang sighs.

"But....i just know that..you'll never meet him.."

"W-Why?" Tiffany asked softly, almost inaudible.

"Because...I told him to stay away from you...forever.." Mrs Hwang confessed.

Tiffany's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know what to say. She felt like dying...Her hopes of finding Taeyeon back just came crashing down. She felt lost, hopeless, desperate and most of all...ALONE... She never knew she would be separated from Taeyeon just like that. She thought the guy once told her to stay by her side no matter what. And she trust him, but, he left her now. He lft her when her mom told him too. Where was his determination? Doesn't she deseves at least a little perserverance from Taeyeon? Or was it beacause her mom was too harsh on him? He couldn't take the continuous trashing from her mom that he decided to leave her when he was told to...Whatever it was, Tiffany's mind is in a mess now. She didn't know why her mom had to do that..

"Why mom?" She bit her lips, lifting her head up, while looking at her mom with her sorrow eyes.

"He's not the right one for you Tiff..."

"Why? Cause he's not as rich as Siwon?"

"....I just want you to have a wealthy husband so you wounldn't need to suffer in the future.."

"But what's the point of having a wealthy husband if i don't even have any feelings for him?"

"Love can be nurtured.."

''Is money really that important mom?"


"I love Taeyeon mom...i love him so much..and i know he loves me too..but..the only thing that's stopping the both of us from being together is you! I don't care if i'm going to suffer..i don't care if i don't get to lead a comfortable life...but what i care is being with Taeyeon... If i don't even care about all these stuff..why should you, mom? It's not you whose entering a relationship with Taeyeon..you don't have the right to chase him away from me..."


"Do you know what you're doing to me now? You're torturing me, mom...I....hate you...You chase my love away..." Tiffany cried even harder.

"Tiff..i'm sorry.."

"Sorry...you said sorry...but Taeyeon isn't coming back to me anymore...what's the point of apologising now? You should be happy...you've got what you want...He left me..." Smiled bitterly.

"I hate you mom..." Tiffany mumbled, walking out of her house, slamming the door after her.







"Tae...Tae......" Tiffany cried as she sat at the ground of an deserted alley, hugging her knees while burrying her face into her arms.

"Woah Woah..look what we got here...a heartbroken lady.." A voice echoed throughout the alley, followed by laughters.

"Hey pretty...why are you crying? Need me to make you happy?" One of the guys bend down and started carresing her face.

"D-don't touch me.." Tiffany pushed his hand away.

"Woah..clam down...angel...who make you cry huh? Tell me...i'll bash him up.." The guy in a green tshirt joked, making the other 3 laugh.

"Go away.." She sobbed.

'Why? We're here to make you happy.." He started kissing Tiffany's shoulder.

"I said stop.." Tiffany was about to stand up when the guy make her sit again.

"You like it rough eh? Fine..we'll be rough then.." He smirked as he started to rip Tiffany's blouse.

"S-stop! Get away from me!" Tiffany was struggling, trying to pushed that guy away from her.

Suddenly, he stop touching her. A loud thud could be heard after that.


Tiffany lift her head up, only to see a back figure of a well-built guy punching the gang of uncouths.

She was too afraid to witness what was going to happen next when she saw her 'hero' lifted one of the guy up, hence, Tiffany burried her face back into her arms.


A few moments had passed, and it seems that the gang had left as the alley is finally peaceful.

Then, footsteps could be heard. It was coming near Tiffany.

Before she could do anything, arms were being throwed around her, wrapping her in a warm embrace. It was familiar. The hug was familiar. It seems like it was as if the one that she misses so much. The one that Taeyeon used to give her so often that she became addicted to it. She felt warmth again, something that she always wanted to feel ever since Taeyeon left her.

Unconciously, Tiffany returned back the hug. She circled her arms around the guy's waist, while keeping her head burried in his chest. Sniffles could be heard while the guy carress her hair gently, trying to calm her down.



"Are you hurt?"




Tiffany was shocked.

His voice.

It was the same.


Same as the guy she had been looking for all this while.






Tiffany lifted her head up slowly.






She bursted in tears at the sight in front of her...
















Bye for now~~~

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Chapter 3: Hi author please continue your story
Chapter 15: Continue please!!!!!!
gabiel #3
Chapter 15: AHH plese continue the story
Chapter 15: update soon author :)
Chapter 15: Wah~ Hope you will still update ^^
coffeeslur #6
Chapter 15: this story is awesome and kudos to Tiffany for not being a money-obsessed *beep* like her mother...

I hope TaeNy stays together. Taeyeon needs to understand that he's good for Tiffany and not Siwon with his money. And Tiffany's mother needs to sit down, drink tea and take a chill pill
danborobot #7
Chapter 15: wow its really beautiful story..
please update soon :-D
porkymama #8
Chapter 15: pls update.. so sweet
Chapter 15: update please!!! :'(