Where Are You?

A Promising guy or a Rich one?

The next day, In the morning...

"Morning, mom..." Tiffany rubs her eyes cutely as she walks down the stairs.

"Oh? Morning.."

"Ahhh~ I'm sooo tired!" Tiffany plops herself on the couch.

"Tiffany....Come and have your breakfast...Siwon will be here soon..Don't let him wait.." Mrs Hwang.

"Mom..i told you..i'm not taking a ride from Siwon..Taeyeon will fetch me.." Tiffany chewed on her bread, still clueless that she'll probably not be able to see Taeyeon anymore.

"Taeyeon will not fetch you to school anymore!" Mrs Hwang snapped.

"Huh? What do you mean by he'll not fetch me anymore?" Tiffany got worried. She had a bad feeling. A really bad one.

"I-I mean..he'll not fetch you today.." Mrs Hwang said.

"Why? Did he tell you something last night..?" Tiffany asked.

"Y-Yeah...he told me he had something on today and he'll not fetch you..then i told him it's okay since i will asked Siwon to fetch you.." Mrs Hwang lied.

"Oh...But he should give me a call..." Tiffany pouts as she stared at her phone.

"Maybe he's afraid that he'll wake you up from sleep?"

"Then he could at least message me..."

"Aigoo....stop pouting and eat up...go bathe afterwards...or else you'll be running late.." Mrs Hwang ordered.

'Phhew~ That was a close shave...'- Mrs Hwang.




At school:

Tiffany sat at the end of the classroom, with an empty space beside her. Apparently, that seat next to her was reserved for Taeyeon, it had become a habit of theirs, leaving a seat for each other, eversince they started schooling.

However, much to her utmost dismay, Taeyeon did not turned up. The bell had rang, indicating that school had pfficially started and even their homeroom lecturer, Mrs Park, is already standing in front of the class, waiting for the students to greet her.

Tiffany was worried and at the same time, she told herself that maybe Taeyeon was just late for school, since she remembered what her mom told her this morning. But deep inside her heart, she knew something was wrong. Taeyeon was NEVER late for school. He was basically the punctual kid. But this time, it's different.

As much as how desperate Tiffany was hoping that Taeyeon was just purely late for school and nothing else, Taeyeon did not appear even after school hours ended.

"What happen.." Tiffany bit the bottom of her lips.

"Fany..are you ready to go?" Siwon asked.

"Shut up..i'm not coming with you.."

"But Taeyeon's not here in school today, who'll fetch you home then?"

"By any chance do you know where's Taeyeon?" Tiffany ignored the latter's question.

"Huh? I don't know..i was expecting you to know..since you're always so clingy towards him.." Siwon mumbled.

Tiffany glared at him.

"I-I'm sorry...uhh..since you insist on not wanting me to fetch you home...i'll see you tomorrow then..." Siwon waved and walked away.





"Auntie~" Tiffany knocked on the door.

Just then the door creaked open.

"Oh? Tiffany..."

"Auntie..is Taeyeon in there?"

"N-No my dear.." Mrs Kim stuttered.

"Really? You're not lying are you?" Tiffany frowns.

"O-Of course not..i'm just suprised that you ask me Taeng's whereabouts all of a sudden...it scared me..." Mrs Kim lied.

"Oh..i'm sorry Auntie..it's just that Taeyeon didn't come to school today and he didn't even bother to answer my calls or reply my messages...it worries me alot.." Tiffany bit her lip to prevent herself from crying.

"Hey...don't cry, Tiffany..i'm sure Taeyeon's just...you know? I'm sure Taeyeon will be back tomorrow. Why don't you go home first, your mom will be worried sick if she can't find you..."


"Don't worry...Taeyeon will be back okay, sweetie? Go home first...arraso?" Mrs Kim forced out a smile.

"Okay..but..if Taeyeon comes home, can you ask him to give me a call?" Tiffany plead.

"Sure...now go home now..." Mrs Kim pat Tiffany's shoulder gently, assuring her that everything wil be alright.









"I'm sorry, sweetie..i can't help you this time...your mom...she wants Taeyeon away from you...forever..I'm really sorry..." Mrs Kim mumbled as she witness the girl walking into the elevator, with a heavy heart.









Updated!!! So...hmmm...do you think TaeNy will be separated just like this..? KEKE...don't ask me...i'm clueless too..i guess...we'll just have too wait for the upcoming chapters?



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Chapter 3: Hi author please continue your story
Chapter 15: Continue please!!!!!!
gabiel #3
Chapter 15: AHH plese continue the story
Chapter 15: update soon author :)
Chapter 15: Wah~ Hope you will still update ^^
coffeeslur #6
Chapter 15: this story is awesome and kudos to Tiffany for not being a money-obsessed *beep* like her mother...

I hope TaeNy stays together. Taeyeon needs to understand that he's good for Tiffany and not Siwon with his money. And Tiffany's mother needs to sit down, drink tea and take a chill pill
danborobot #7
Chapter 15: wow its really beautiful story..
please update soon :-D
porkymama #8
Chapter 15: pls update.. so sweet
Chapter 15: update please!!! :'(