Getting Personal

Noona, Will You Ever Love Me? {HIATUS}


*** AN: Thank you Dyvatasya for your first comment^^ and all my other readers who never fail to leave comments. I appreciate them so much! ***


"So why isn't Taemin coming over anymore?" You were curious because a week had past by and he had not come over. "Did you ban him from the house again?!"

"What? No. He's taking dance lessons. You always blame things on me."

"That's because you always start things." You say with a small laugh, "So he's taking dance classes that's cool!"

"You know I dance too. Taemin and I have been taking dance lessons since we were in middle school."

"Really~. Why didn't you sign up this time?"

"I wanted to take a break this year." You nod your head and he continues. "That reminds me you should stay away from Taemin."

"What do you mean?" You ask not knowing what he meant.

"He likes you. So don't encourage him."

"Haha he does?!"

"Why do you sound so happy?"

"I'm not. I just didn't know he felt that way."

"Why do you think he was hanging around here so much and being nice."

"He's always nice."

"Ha your so gullible." He says sharply.

"Taemin and I have been friends for a long time so I know him. He has great qualities, but one of his flaws is that he crushes fast. Even though he may like someone, but he's never serious about it."

"Thank you for telling me. I should watch what I say and how I act around him from now on."

He has a small smile on his face maybe because he was happy to find out that you didn't like Taemin. Although Kai wasn't aware of his feelings just yet, but he liked your company and being around you. At the same time he didn't like you paying attention to Taemin. He only wanted that attention for himself. 



On the phone:

"When are we going to hang out? I hardly see you now."

"I know I'm sorry unnie. I was just thinking of calling you to see when we can hang out."

"Uh huh. I'm sure~ you were." She says playfully.

"Chinjjayo~. Are you busy this weekend?"

"I'm not busy. Why? Do you want to do something?"

"Why don't you come over for the weekend? We can do things around this side of town. What do you think?"

"Ok sounds like fun..."




The environment between you and Kai was comfortable now. You appreciated him looking out for you like he did with Taemin. He really liked your attention. Since his parents were away most of the time and busy at work he didn't have anyone at home giving him attention besides Taehoon, who was now gone. However, although he did miss Taehoon, but he was glad you replaced him. He didn't want you paying attention to anyone else expect him. He didn't want to loose that attention he was getting from you like he did with his parents.

Now that Kai was helping you daily around the kitchen you two actually had conversations. Not only that, but every once in a while you two would play games like the 1, 2, 3 game (AN: I don't know what the game is called, but someone asks a question, they count to three, and everyone answers.) You found out you had a few things in common. Even though he could be immature and childish at times, but you liked his company. 

"How old are you anyway?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just wondering." 

"I'm not going to tell you." You say in a teasing tone and big smile. 

"You've been saying that. Just tell me."

"Just know that I'm old. Very old haha."

"Neh halmoni."

"Yah! Don't call me grandma."

"Don't get mad at me, you called yourself old haha."

"Anyways let's change the subject before I beat you." You say with a laugh. You two had that kind of relationship now, where you would tease each other. "So what are you going to major in when you start college?'


"Do you like business?"

"Since I'm going to take over my parents business I have to major in business."

"Is that really what you want to do?"

"Well yeah. What else am I going to do?"

"Why don't you major in something you like? I think you'll be a lot happier if you go for something you really like."

"That's not how it works for people like me. My entire life purpose is to continue with my parent's business. Besides I wouldn't know what else to major in."

"Oh...I didn't know you thought like that...Things are different for you."

"That's what I told you before, but you were too worried about me 'acquiring skills'."

"Hey~ That's still important. Well just remember, it's important to pick something you like to do. If you don't you'll be miserable in the end."

"Are you happy with what you're doing?"

"Yes, I love what I do!"

"What made you want to be a chef?"

"Well..." You didn't go into too much detail. You just said your mom left you at a young age so you had to cook for your dad and sister. You found out you really enjoyed cooking and was good at it, so that inspired you to become a chef. Questions like that go back and forth.

He starts slacking off again and doesn't pay attention. You get mad because he's not paying attention.

"Fine I won't teach you anymore if you're going to be acting like this."

"Noona don't be so serious, have fun once in a while."

"I do have fun, but I'm trying to teach you and you're not taking me seriously."

"Araso, I'm sorry."

"That reminds me, my friend Mirah is coming this weekend. So try not to be annoying."

"Annoying? When am I ever annoying?"

"Sometimes you are."

"Whatever I'll just stay at Teamin's if you don't want me here."

"And dramatic!"

"Do you really think of me like that?" He says in a concerned voice almost pleading you not to think of him that way.

"I'm just kidding. You're so gullible haha."

"That's not funny."

"Aigo uri Kai is so cute! You see I'm not always serious." With that you two start laughing and continue cooking.



The weekend comes around and you're happy because Mirah was coming over. Although you got the weekends off, but you mostly spent them at your new home. Since going back home took long you didn't go back too often. You also didn't go out on that side of town, but since Mirah was coming you were thinking of just walking around and getting to know your new neighborhood.


"So? What are we going to do?!"

"Well since I'm still new to this side of town, do you want to explore it together?"

"Ok that sounds like fun! I bet there's a lot of cute rich guys around here hehe."

At that moment you hear Kai come down stairs. You walk out of the kitchen to meet him.

"Kai where are you going?" You ask since he's carrying a bag.

"I'm going to Taemin's."

"Are you mad because of what I said before? You don't have to go."

"Haha no it's not that. How sensitive do you think I am? We actually made plans to go out."

"Oh ok. What time are you coming back?"

"It's going to end late so I'm staying over at his house, but I'll be back tomorrow." He looks over at Mirah who was standing there the whole time. "Is that your friend?"

"Omo, I'm sorry. That was so rude. Yes that's my friend Mirah."

"Annyonghaseyo. It's nice to meet you."

"Neh, annyonghaseyo." He says before turning his attention to you, "Well I'm going now."

"Ok well be careful."

"Neh" He says with a smile. 

He says goodbye to both of you and leaves. Then Mirah says, "What was that?" in a scolding tone.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the way he looked at you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You didn't see the way he smiled at you? I think he has a crush on you." She sing songs.

"What?! No, that's just how Kai is. I mean his smiles are nice, but he's too young for me."

"With that kind of smile it's hard to believe he gave you a hard time."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say unnie haha..."


You two get ready to go out. Once there you went into makeup stores and bought a few things. You also went into clothing stores, only to walk right out. Everything was ridiculously expensive. You ended your outing getting ice scream.

After coming back from exploring you catch up and talk about different things.


"So do you like working for them?"

"Yeah it's nice. The parents are hardly home, but now that Kai is coming around it's a lot better."

"Speaking of 'the young master' does it ever get awkward with just you two in this house?"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Since he likes you."

"You're going to talk about this again? What makes you think he likes me?" You say with a serious face. "Just because he smiled at me? That's your proof?"

"No that's not my only proof." She says mischievously.

"What else? Tell me." 

"Nope I'm not going to tell you." She sing songs. "He's cute. Or you don't think so?"

"He is cute, but that's inappropriate in so many ways."

"How old is he again?"

"He's 18."

"It's not that bad he's only four years younger."

"Umm unnie, how should I say this...YOU'RE CRAZY!."

"Haha I'm just kidding. You know i like to tease you."

"I know, but that was just too weird haha."

You two continue talking about different things and teasing each other before finally falling asleep around 12:00 am.



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Get ready everyone. Here comes the update. Hope you like it^^


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Chapter 20: Oooftt Dem feels im feelin ;-; !! i will wait for you to return >w<
Gigi_L #2
Chapter 20: It's on hiatus :(
what i only started reading this :(

your comeback shall be highly anticipated ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
omg, it's on hiatus. =(

Can't wait for you to comeback. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 18: haha lol Taemin, why you so mean?? XD lol
Update soo~n. Hwaiting, Author-nim!!
Oh my feels. =P
Chapter 19: wow, omg thank you so much author-san <3
Chapter 18: Ooooo you added a little more to this chappy ^_______^ Wha, Lina is so slow, but adorable c: and Kai...stop ignoring her man .-. lol. I love it!
Byetha #7
Chapter 19: Ahh..gomawo ^^
Chapter 19: Omo! Gomawo author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 19: Kamsahamnida author-nim! I was wondering where the karam came from O.o

but omfg Kaiii~ i suddenly want to choke him :3 and then slap some sense into him and lock him inside a room with Lina :3 ehehe~
thank you for an amazing fanfic author-nim! hwaiting!
kpopmylife95 #10
Chapter 19: You are awesome!!! Keep updating I love this story!