Of Wishes And Requests

The Thread Of Circumstance
I think you already know what this Chapter contains? Aigoo, sorry for the MINOR READERS out there but you can't read this chap.
I don't know why but I'm really disturbed by this chapter (lol). It's like the most gruesome thing I've ever written, I never went this far in my fics before... Huhuhu.. Please be gentle to me...


“What do you mean by that?” Jiyong demanded.
“I don’t believe you,” she repeated. “You’re lying!”
“What?” he wearily asked. “I’m not lying!”
“How could you. . .?! How could you love me when my own family doesn’t even. . . . I’m not lovable, I’m not worthy of-”
Silence filled the room.
“I love you,” he softly said now. “May you be Sandara Park or Dara or Lois Lane or-”
“You. . . remember!”
“It’s funny how alcohol makes your mind foggy,” he chuckled. “Yes, I do remember parts of it but not all. I know I’ll remember them all eventually.”
“Say it again,” she whispered. “Say those words again.”
“I love you, my wife.”
“You’re not lying, are you?” she quietly asked, on the verge of crying.
“Dara,” he whispered, cupping her face. “Didn’t you even feel how I worshipped you everytime we make love? Didn’t you even feel anything from my hugs and kisses?”
“I’m. . . I’m sorry. I thought. . . I thought you were just being. . . naturally !” she finally cried. “I never thought. . . I never thought someone would have the guts to love me when my own family can’t even. . . “
Jiyong pulled his wife in his arms and hugged her tight. Unable to stop herself, she childishly recounted the conversation that happened between her and her mother. Jiyong just listened and didn’t say anything. Dara’s mother was so far from his mother. It’s so hard to imagine how Lady Eun Jo could be so cold to her own daughter.
When her sobs finally subsided, Jiyong pulled her away gently from him and brushed her tears away. “My wife,” he cooed.
“Jiyong. . .” she softly returned. “Can you. . .? Can you kiss me?”
He bit his lower lip to stop the giddy smile threatening to curve his lips. Leaning down, he gently kissed her. But the gentle kiss didn’t last that long for it was now replaced by a passionate one. He wasn’t really surprised with the transition but he was taken aback with how Dara aggressively stole the lead from him. His wife wasn’t just being an active participant; she was actually leading the kiss! And not just that, she was now pulling his shirt off him. Who was he to stop her?
It didn’t take them a minute to strip each other’s clothes off. Both , they just continued kissing on their spot, not moving to the bed. Dara pulled away from the kiss and gazed at his face. This man in front of her. . . he was making her heart beat stronger than it usually does. Resting her head on his chest, she felt herself smiled at the feel of his equally strong heartbeat. The moment seemed precious that if given the power to do, she’d put a halt to time and stay like that forever. But she knew it was far-fetched. Going back to reality, she smiled at him again before going on her toes to reach his lips.
Slowly, they headed towards the bed with their lips silently sending messages to each other. Dara gave a light chuckle as she bounced off the bed when he pushed her down. Loving the sound of her throaty chuckle, Jiyong started attacking , earning a moan of approval. Oh, how he loved hearing that sound from her. Going down, his hot mouth stopped at the valley of her s. Teasingly, he showered the surroundings of one erected . And he totally enjoyed the frustrated sound that came out from her luscious lips. Wanting to more, he selfishly ignored the tight peak and just went to kiss the surroundings of the other holding the equally tightened peak.
“Jiyong. . . .” she growled.
“Yes?” he INNOCENTLY asked.
“Don’t you dare. . . ignore them!”
“Ignore what?” he went on with his oh-so innocent voice.
“JIYONG! Don’t play dumb and innocent with me! I want you to touch and kiss my. . . ugh. . . just do it!”
An idea suddenly formed in his mind. All her life, Dara’s been following orders of everyone around her. It’s about time for her to do some ORDERING herself. And he’ll be her willing servant. “You have to tell me what you want, Dara.
“I already told you what I wanted!” she hissed.
“Say it again.”
“Ya. . .” she grunted. “I want you. . . I want you to. . .”
“Yes, tell me what you want, my love.”
“I want to feel. . . y-your hands and mouth on me,” she finally said, blushing to the roots of her hair.
“Like this?” Jiyong huskily asked, kissing her collarbone while caressing her thigh with his hand.
“N-no. . . not there. . . oh, Jiyong please!”
“You have to be specific, my dear.”
“B-but. . .” she weakly protested. In the end, the need to feel him won out. “I want to. . . t-to f-feel your hand on m-my b-.”
“Okay,” Jiyong answered and rested one hand on her left .
“S. . . sq. . . .s-squeeze. . . .”
Jiyong obliged, making her back lift off from the bed. “Like this, my love?”
“I want more!” she moaned. “Pinch it, Jiyong then roll it in your fingers.”
“What do you want me to pinch and roll?” Jiyong tightly asked as he felt himself getting harder every second.
“Jiyong. . .” she pleaded.
“You have to tell me what you want, wife.”
“My , Jiyong! I’m talking about my !” she suddenly exclaimed.
“This way?” he grunted as he followed her request.
“Yesss. . . oh yes!” she replied oh-so happily. “Take the o-other inside. . . ha. . . your. . . oh, mouth.”
Again, Jiyong obediently followed. While kneading the other , he teasingly tugged on the tight peak on his mouth, and nibbling a little.
“Oh, Jiyong!” she moaned. “S- it. . . no, not like that. . . harder. . . please!”
Dara was slowly gaining confidence, her inhibitions slowly ebbing away. Too drowned with the sensations of Jiyong’s mouth and hands on her, she could only moan endlessly and claw at his back, not knowing that she was turning her husband on even more.
“Go lower,” she confidently and steadily ordered. “Kiss your way down to my navel but don’t stop kneading my .”
Jiyong freed her and started kissing his way down, putting most of his weight on her as both of his hands were filled with her creamy mounds. The sounds she was making were more than he could take that he felt a little regret in putting her in control and command of their make up . He desperately wants to get inside of her but he owes her this so with all the strength he could muster, he stopped himself from slamming inside her relentlessly. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, hell it wasn’t but he knew his wife NEEDED this.
Upon reaching her navel, he paused and waited for her to order him on what to do next.
“Ji. . . “ she mewled. “Go lower.”
With a growl, he again, obeyed.
“Jiyong, I want to feel you at my center. Please, kiss me there.”
Oh, she was driving him to the edge but he held a tight grip on his sanity. Was she taking him to one of her fantasies? It looks like it. For all the times they shared a passionate union, he never dared kiss her at her most precious part thinking that she won’t allow it.
“Send your tongue in!” she gasped. “Then put. . . oh, that feels. . . so good! P-put. . . oh, put two. . . ahh. . .fingers in.”
Jiyong was surprised. Where did his wife learn all of this, eh? Nevertheless, he followed her, sliding two fingers inside her with his tongue still doing its wonders on her.
“R-rub. . . haa. . . your thumb on the. . . oh, nub.”
Dara started writhing in pleasure as Jiyong obeyed her, simultaneously fulfilling all of her wishes. It was more than heaven that she let herself get drowned with it. Writhing and endlessly, she held on tight on his hair, pushing his face deeper into her precious jewel.
“Faster. . .” she breathed. Jiyong willingly obliged, pacing faster. And it didn’t take that long for Dara to in his mouth and fingers. He obligingly her juices off, including that in his fingers. “Jiyong, come here,” she breathlessly whispered.
Jiyong pulled himself up and crawled back on top of her. With a tired but satisfied smile, Dara locked her fingers in his hair and asked, “How did I taste?”
“Honey,” he answered at once. “You tasted like honey.”
“Really?” she giggled.
“Yes!” he exhaled.
“Now,” she seductively said, wrapping her slim legs around his waist. “I get to order you around, right?”
“Yes!” he gritted as the pain in his groin grew intense.
“Good,” she smiled. “But now, I want you to take over. Claim what you own, Jiyong. Take me as possessively as you can.”
Jiyong crushed his lips on hers the same time he pushed in. He just can’t hold it in any longer. Her fingers raked his back at the sudden intrusion but instead of wincing, he actually wanted her to dig her nails further in. His eyes rolled up as Dara started moving her hips with his every powerful , her skin making contact with his balls sometimes. On and on he went until he felt himself exploded, making him see stars under his lids. Body spent, he pulled off her and rolled to the other side of the bed. Breathing heavily, he pulled Dara in his arms and kissed her hair.
“Thank you,” she murmured.
“For what?”
A smile curved her lips. “For being my husband.”
He chuckled. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered, blushing deeply.
He tensed for a few seconds but then, he relaxed after a while. With a smile on his face, he hugged her tighter and drifted to sleep.
- - -
Coldness greeted him as he woke up. Opening his eyes, he saw an empty space beside him. Frowning, he quickly jump to his feet and pulled out a robe to put on himself. Walking out of the room barefooted, he searched for her. A smile then curved his lips upon seeing her at the head of the yacht, sitting on the floor while hugging her knees tightly to herself.  That was just the time that he noticed it’s already evening. Slowly and silently, he walked to her and joined her on the floor, making her jump a bit in surprise when he wrapped his arms around her from the back.
“Have you eaten?” he asked, kissing the side of her neck.
“Not yet,” she answered. “Some of your men offered me something to eat though. But I told them I’ll wait for you.”
“You should have woke me up.”
“You looked really tired,” she said, leaning her head back. “And besides, I’m not that hungry yet.”
“Mmm,” he thoughtfully mumbled. “What are you doing out in here, by the way?”
“Just thinking,” she answered with a shrug.
Jiyong waited for her to elaborate but when she didn’t say anything, he decided to ask her. “Thinking about what?”
“Stuff,” she answered. “About my family, actually. About us.”
“Care to share?”
“Now that we settled everything between us, of course that would mean the divorce won’t be applicable anymore. I was just thinking of how my family would react to that.”
“What if they ask you to file for one?” he asked. “Especially now that Taecyeon’s showing his interest again. . .”
“Even if they ask me to file for a divorce, I know you won’t sign them.”
“So, it’s all up to me, huh?” he scoffed. “I’m sorry for your family and Taecyeon then because all their efforts will be wasted. I will never let you go.”
“I have faith in you,” she chuckled.
“Is that all you’re worried about?”
“Not just that,” she finally said. “I’m worried. . . .”
“About what?”
“If. . . if we’ll get through this, time would come that we’ll have. . . babies, a family of our own. What if. . . what if our children would not like me? What if I’m not the type of mother they expect? What if-”
“Dara,” he patiently and kindly cut off. “You’d be the best mother the world has ever seen. I’m sure of that.”
“How can you be so sure? My own family won’t even-”
“You can slap me for saying this but your family’s blind for not seeing your real worth.”
“I. . . I just haven’t done anything to prove my worth as a Park.”
“You don’t have to prove anything,” he argued. “The fact that you’ve been a good daughter and granddaughter should be enough to make any parent or grandparent proud. You don’t have to change anything about you in order to impress them.”
“You can be really biased,” she chuckled.
“Maybe I am a bit biased but I’m not blind and stupid not to see you’re worth, Dara.”
But what is my worth? she mentally asked herself.
*a/n: you can KILL me now!!!
wait, i take that back... *runs away and hides, no plans of coming back anymore*
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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 24: It's a story I hate ending.
makes you a good writer but makes me an unhappy reader.
Not everything is a pink cotton candy in life İ know even clearly... But it's not real life right so a little cotton candy won't kill us, I still want a happy ending when I read it, it's too much:(((( Hope to meet you in a new Daragon story ending with a happy ending. Good luck
Chapter 24: Wah!! Mapanakit ang ending!!!?? but love how you played the stories and characters Authornim!! All the best!!??
chakajanelao #3
Chapter 23: I hate you for hurting me so bad! I didn't feel anything not until the last 3 paragraphs. I bawled to my heart's content knowing what happened!
Chapter 23: Oh cmon!!!!! i already expected it but i still can't accept the ending grrrrr
Chapter 23: Pfft. I hate the ending ?
Chapter 24: People don't change. Understand that dara's complex rooted from the time she was born, thats just her period. What she needed was help from licensed professional, i was actually waiting for a character to bring that up. All her life the inflicted emotional trauma accumulated snowballed and just exploded. I also believe she's suffering from PTSD, notice her suicidal tendencies. It takes 3 traumatizing events for a person's brains to have loose screws.
dummyfan #7
Chapter 23: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/33577/23'>Epilogue: Of Thread And C...</a></span>
<span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/33577/23'>Epilogue: Of Thread And C...</a></span>
The ending has no sense AT ALL... And the dara character was not even likeable even in end! I just can't relate or even feel any sympathy to her... I thought it would be interesting at first but only got a BIG disappointment... But on a positive note, I do love the author's other works...
LazilyArtisticXox #8
Chapter 24: I should’ve read the comments first, ughhhh
Chapter 24: I hate the ending and dara's character in the story
Chapter 24: Oh my freaking ufudxsyghfsruduhgf!!!