D-17: Sneaking In.

25 Days 'Till Christmas

Listen to- "Bad Man" by Juniel

Yookwon was in his room, pacing back and forth. He still couldn't believe that Hani had kissed him yesterday, it was so surreal. 

After the kiss, he felt as if he was lifeless. Like she took away his soul when she kissed him. He enjoyed it, he did, but it felt forced in a way. 

He felt as if Hani used him to escape from her pain. He was there to make her happy but at the same time, he didn't want her using him like that.

He let out a deep sigh, "Hani, you're making this hard." He said to himself. He grabbed his coat and made his way downstairs. 

"I'll be back later!" He yelled out for his parents to hear and put on his shoes and was out the door. He walked down the sidewalk feeling the cold winter's breeze. He was confused that was for sure.

He took out his phone and debated whether or not to call up Hani to hang out today. It was Saturday so it was the perfect day to go to the movies or something. He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up but she never did.

Hani heard her phone ringing so she rustled around in bed. It was 11 A.M. and she was still asleep. Her eyes flung open and she stretched. She sat up and noticed her phone was on her desk. She groaned not wanting to walk across the room to get it.

As she turned to her left, her hands quickly went over to cover as she let out a shriek. Hyungseok was asleep next to her. She felt her eyes swell up with tears. How in the world did he get in here? How did she not know he was there?

He was asleep, shirtless. Hani shook her head and shut her eyes. She slowly got up and quietly got her phone. She had one missed call from Yookwon. She called him back, "Hello?" She whispered into the phone.

"Hani? Why are you whispering?" Yookwon asked.

Hani turned back and looked at Hyungseok in his sleeping state and shut her eyes. "What did you need?" She avoided his question.

Yookwon cleared his throat, "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to see a movie today."

Hani smiled and nodded her head, "Yeah sure, I'd love to."

"Love to what?" Hani felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and the husky voice spoke into her ear sending chills down her spine. She froze and her eyes widened.

"What was that?" Yookwon asked as he furrowed his brows.

"N-Nothing. I'll talk to you later, bye." Hani quickly hung up. She felt Hyungseok's lips curve into a smirk as they were touching her ear. He placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Why are you here?" She asked and he chuckled and turned her around to face him.

"You don't remember last night?" He asked. Hani pushed him away, "Nothing happened!" She yelled. "Leave now before I go get my parents!"

Hyungseok smirked, "I'll tell them how I've been sneaking in here for the past 3 years." Hani was defeated. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breathe.

"Please, leave." Hyungseok nodded his head and reached for his shirt. He slipped it on and walked to the window, "I'll see you soon babe." He said and left. 

Hani began to cry and she texted Yookwon, "I can't go out with you today. I'm sorry~" 

When Yookwon read the text he smiled bitterly and replied, "It's cool. Maybe tomorrow or some other time. See you on Monday."

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Awwww <3

That is all I can say <3
muzikkluvrr #2
Chapter 26: Too fluffin' adorable <3
Chapter 26: Yayyyy it finished! Chukkae authornim! :)
Chapter 26: Too freakin adorable~ >.<
heheheh.. ^^
What a great ending!!!
I love love love love love love it!!
You did an awesome job writing this story.
Very well-detailed and full of cuteness!!
Thanks so much for writing such an ahh-mazinggg story!!
Chapter 25: *spazzinglikecrazy*
Kwonnie, why are you so freakin sweet?!?!
Aigoo~ Too much adorableness happening in one chapter! XP
Chapter 24: Cute cute cute cute!!!
Thats all i can really say!!
Shoo~ id be embarassed to face my
bf's mom too if she caught us makin out! XD
So funny..
Chapter 23: LMAOOOO ^^
Chapter 23: Omg!!
I think this chapter has to
be my favorite of all!!
So hilarious..
Kwonnie Oppa, jus a little heads up,
you do know why they invented door knobs with locks right??
Thanks for the awesome update!!
BdAilee #9
Chapter 23: Update I love your story's so much!!