D-06: Don't Give Up, Please.

25 Days 'Till Christmas

Listen to- "Blind For Love" by Yesung

Yookwon knew it was time. There was still 6 days that he had left but he knew he had to give up now. There was absolutely no reason for him to continue. 

He walked down the hall and when he looked up, he made eye contact with Hani. She bit down on her lip and looked to the ground. He scoffed bitterly and walked to his locker.

He got out his books and when he turned around, Hani was standing there. "Hey." She simply said in a low voice.

Yookwon said nothing. Instead, he pushed passed her and made his way to class. Hani stood there, confused. Had she just messed up everything?

Throughout the day, Yookwon ignored her. In his mind, he was finished but he found it hard just walking passed her. "This needs to end." He told himself.

Hani had no idea why he was ignoring her. "I messed it up." She told herself. 

Afterschool, Hani was looking for Yookwon so they could talk. She spotted him and mustered up all her courage. She tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at her. His smile instantly fell. 

He began walking away but she held onto his wrist tightly, "Let's talk." She said. He turned around and looked at her and she smiled.

Yookwon scoffed, "Everything's fine for you." He said, a tone of anger evident in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Hani asked.

"You're perfectly fine while I'm here hurting over you." 

Hani looked down. Hearing those words hurt her. "You think I'm fine?" She asked with a hurt smile on her face.

"You have nothing to be sad over. I get it, you don't want to be with me. I failed. There's no point in using whatever time I have left to get you to like me because I failed. I'm giving up okay. Something you've always wanted." 

He walked away and tears began to swell up in Hani's eyes. "But I do like you." She whispered to herself. 

Later on that night, Hani was walking down the street. Her hands were in her pockets as the cold, winter breeze hit her. She shut her eyes for a moment.

Yookwon was also taking a walk to clear his mind. Things were finally over. He would now have to go on as if nothing ever happened. He shut his eyes and took everything in.

Hani opened her eyes because she felt a presence. Yookwon opened his eyes at the same time and they were standing right in front of each other. Silence filled the air, the only thing being heard was the wind. 

They stared into each other's eyes, hurt filled them. "Hey." Hani said. Yookwon turned around and walked away.

Hani looked up at the sky, bitting down on her lip. Tears began rolling down her cheeks. "Kim Yookwon!" She yelled. Yookwon stopped and stayed still. He looked at the path ahead of him, not turning back.

"Don't end it like this." She said. Yookwon shut his eyes tightly and continued walking. "Don't walk away from me! I like you! I want to be with you!" 

Yookwon froze. His eyes widened and he felt his heart start beating at an incredible speed. Slowly, he turned around to face her. 

Hani's eyes were filled with tears and her nose and cheeks were red. "I like you okay. I'm admitting it! So please, stop."

Yookwon nodded his head slowly. Hani began to run. She ran towards him and she crashed into his arms. Yookwon lifted her up and hugged her as tight as he could. She cried in his arms and he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Finally! I get to write this chapter ;___;

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Awwww <3

That is all I can say <3
muzikkluvrr #2
Chapter 26: Too fluffin' adorable <3
Chapter 26: Yayyyy it finished! Chukkae authornim! :)
Chapter 26: Too freakin adorable~ >.<
heheheh.. ^^
What a great ending!!!
I love love love love love love it!!
You did an awesome job writing this story.
Very well-detailed and full of cuteness!!
Thanks so much for writing such an ahh-mazinggg story!!
Chapter 25: *spazzinglikecrazy*
Kwonnie, why are you so freakin sweet?!?!
Aigoo~ Too much adorableness happening in one chapter! XP
Chapter 24: Cute cute cute cute!!!
Thats all i can really say!!
Shoo~ id be embarassed to face my
bf's mom too if she caught us makin out! XD
So funny..
Chapter 23: LMAOOOO ^^
Chapter 23: Omg!!
I think this chapter has to
be my favorite of all!!
So hilarious..
Kwonnie Oppa, jus a little heads up,
you do know why they invented door knobs with locks right??
Thanks for the awesome update!!
BdAilee #9
Chapter 23: Update I love your story's so much!!