D-20: I'll Be There.

25 Days 'Till Christmas

Listen to- "Whenever You Need Me" by Urban Zakapa

Hani wokeup, not in her bed, but in Hyungseok's. It sunk in, what she had done. Looking around the room she found no sign of Hyungseok. He had probably already left for class. 

Hani looked for her phone and found it under the pillow. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was 11:37 A.M. and she had a bunch of missed calls and text messages from her parents. 

She cursed herself and quickly grabbed her clothes and hopped in the shower. She would have to go to school with the same uniform she wore yesterday.

Luckily for her, Hyungseok didn't live far from the high school. She got there at 12:20 and walked into her 3rd period class trying to go unnoticed. That wasn't the case as her teacher called her out for being late.

As Hani was walking to lunch she saw Yookwon walking towards her. She wanted to avoid him after what happened yesterday. "Hey!" He yelled as he chased after her.

Hani finally stopped and Yookwon looked at her with a confused look. "What happened to you yesterday and why did you get here so late?"

"Do you need to know every thing I do? You're not my boyfriend." Hani snapped at him.

Yookwon's jaw dropped and he was left dumbfounded by her sudden attitude. He slowly nodded his head, "You left with Hyungseok didn't you?"

Hani's eyes widened and she cleared . Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at Yookwon, "So what if I did?" 

Yookwon scoffed and rolled his eyes, "He used you didn't he?" He lifted his eye brows. 

Hani felt a knot in . Thinking back to what happened yesterday with Hyungseok, she wanted to cry. Of course he used her, how could she be so stupid?

Not wanting to admit her mistake to Yookwon, she bit down on her lip trying to hold back her tears and shook her head. But Yookwon knew she was lying.

"Hani... You don't need to lie to me. I'm not here to judge you." 

Hani broke down in front of Yookwon and he took her in his arms as she cried. "He used me. That's all he wanted from me. I thought he actually cared about me but he didn't."

Yookwon her hair and tried to calm her down. "You're better than that Hani. He never deserved you and if he's just going to be using you like this, just stop talking to him. Ignore him."

Hani nodded her head and sniffled. This is just what Yookwon needed, a way to gain trust from Hani. After this, she would definitely feel comfortable coming to him whenever she needed someone. One more step forward for Yookwon.

Guyssss, hello. ^^

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Awwww <3

That is all I can say <3
muzikkluvrr #2
Chapter 26: Too fluffin' adorable <3
Chapter 26: Yayyyy it finished! Chukkae authornim! :)
Chapter 26: Too freakin adorable~ >.<
heheheh.. ^^
What a great ending!!!
I love love love love love love it!!
You did an awesome job writing this story.
Very well-detailed and full of cuteness!!
Thanks so much for writing such an ahh-mazinggg story!!
Chapter 25: *spazzinglikecrazy*
Kwonnie, why are you so freakin sweet?!?!
Aigoo~ Too much adorableness happening in one chapter! XP
Chapter 24: Cute cute cute cute!!!
Thats all i can really say!!
Shoo~ id be embarassed to face my
bf's mom too if she caught us makin out! XD
So funny..
Chapter 23: LMAOOOO ^^
Chapter 23: Omg!!
I think this chapter has to
be my favorite of all!!
So hilarious..
Kwonnie Oppa, jus a little heads up,
you do know why they invented door knobs with locks right??
Thanks for the awesome update!!
BdAilee #9
Chapter 23: Update I love your story's so much!!