D-19: The Little Things.

25 Days 'Till Christmas

Listen to- "Illa Illa" by Juniel

Hani felt better after Yookwon was there to comfort her yesterday. He was understanding, he didn't judge her for what she had done, and he gave her advice.

Yookwon was a true friend which is something Hani didn't have. Sure, she had lots of friends being one of the popular girls in school but come on, there's always those fake friends. The girls that would hang out with Hani just used her.

Hani seemed to be used by a lot of people, even her ex boyfriend. But Yookwon was different. He liked Hani for the way she was and not for who she was. He wanted to show her just how it is to be treated right by a man.

The school day was over and Hani was walking to a class room for tutoring. Her math teacher suggested a tutor for her so Hani took the opportunity. 

When she opened the door to the classroom, there was a couple of students already sitting with the available tutors. As she looked around for someone who wasn't already with someone, her eyes widened.

Yookwon looked up and made eye contact with Hani. He looked around and smirked; He was the only tutor available.

Hani mentally face palmed but was a bit happy that Yookwon was going to be her tutor. She let out a deep breath and walked over to the table where he was sitting.

"Hello, my name is Kim Yookwon and I will be your tutor." He smiled at her and Hani rolled her eyes. 

"Bae Hani, nice to meet you." Yookwon let out a small chuckle and opened up the textbook. 

Hani got out her math folder and took out the assignent from today. "Okay, let's do this." She said.

With Yookwon's amazing teaching skills, Hani was soon able to solve the problems in a flash. "I did it!" She exclaimed in excitement over solving one of the hardest problems on the worksheet.

Yookwon was happy for her, "Yeah you did! Good job." He smiled at her and ruffled her hair. 

Hani's mood instantly changed and she felt her heart drop. The sudden contact made her freeze up. She remembered how Hyungseok would always ruffle her hair. 

Yookwon noticed her face fall and he cleared his throat. "Well, we're done for today. I guess I can tutor you tomorrow."

Hani looked up at him with a blank face and slowly shook her head, "N-No. It's fine. I got the lesson. Thanks anyway." She quickly packed up her stuff and both her and Yookwon stood up at the same time.

"Hani, what's wrong?" Yookwon asked worried. 

Hani shook her head, "Nothing." She said as she put her things back into her bag and quickly walked out of the room with Yookwon chasing after her.

"Hani! Hani-ah! Stop!" He yelled. He finally caught up to her and grabbed onto her arm and spun her around. She looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact with him.

"Tell me what's wrong." He said.

Hani felt tears swell up in her eyes and she shook her head. "He used to do that." She said.

Yookwon caught on and scoffed. He looked up and shut his eyes in frustration. "You can't become like this just because of some memory of that jerk. Hani, you have to let go of the past. Let go of everything. You can't have every little thing reminding you of him. It's over, remember that."

But Hani didn't want to believe that it was over.

Almost catching up with the updates, wooo. :D But, I haven't been updating my other fics :( sorry!

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Awwww <3

That is all I can say <3
muzikkluvrr #2
Chapter 26: Too fluffin' adorable <3
Chapter 26: Yayyyy it finished! Chukkae authornim! :)
Chapter 26: Too freakin adorable~ >.<
heheheh.. ^^
What a great ending!!!
I love love love love love love it!!
You did an awesome job writing this story.
Very well-detailed and full of cuteness!!
Thanks so much for writing such an ahh-mazinggg story!!
Chapter 25: *spazzinglikecrazy*
Kwonnie, why are you so freakin sweet?!?!
Aigoo~ Too much adorableness happening in one chapter! XP
Chapter 24: Cute cute cute cute!!!
Thats all i can really say!!
Shoo~ id be embarassed to face my
bf's mom too if she caught us makin out! XD
So funny..
Chapter 23: LMAOOOO ^^
Chapter 23: Omg!!
I think this chapter has to
be my favorite of all!!
So hilarious..
Kwonnie Oppa, jus a little heads up,
you do know why they invented door knobs with locks right??
Thanks for the awesome update!!
BdAilee #9
Chapter 23: Update I love your story's so much!!