Morning Coffee and Minty Freshness

A Pocketful of Sunshine


Jongin staggers out of the bedroom rubbing his bleary eyes, as he drunkenly makes his way into the small kitchen where he knows Sehun is waiting for him.  Dark chocolate locks messily framing his face – Sehun calls it his hair – he runs his fingers through it, mussing it even more as his amused boyfriend hands him his morning cup of coffee.


“Oh…black nectar of the gods,” Jongin mumbles reverently, taking a sip and nearly as the delicious drink warmed his insides.


Sehun chuckles at his lover’s typical morning behaviour…Jongin and mornings never really got along. He smiled fondly as he watched his beloved slowly wake up to the world – coffee was pretty much the only thing that woke him up in the morning…apart from other things – eyes becoming more alert and back straightening from his slumped position.


“Morning,” he croaked, voice deep and cracking from disuse.


“Awake at last, my cheerful ball of sunshine?” snickered Sehun, sitting prim and proper at the head of the table, hands nursing a mug of tea. “Mornings are such a pleasure with you.”


Jongin raised his eyebrows, freezing in position, with the coffee mug poised in front of his lips.


“Well it’s a good thing that I have you to wake me up,” he grinned, standing up and sauntering over to where Sehun was seated, before planting a sloppy kiss on the side of his cheek.


It was just so typical of Sehun to be showered and dressed by this ungodly hour. Unlike his other half, he didn’t mind mornings – a firm believer that a day spent in bed is a day wasted (unless Jongin was in that bed with him…).


“Eww,” cringed Sehun, leaning away from his goofball of a boyfriend. “I have cooties now!”


Jongin simply chuckled, wrapping his arms around a squirming Sehun, before cheekily stealing a kiss from him.




Story prompt: coffee and mint

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 23: Oh wow, i just fell in love with all your amazing stories.... Sekai is my first love in exo.... Thanks for all the love I'm checking your other stories
Chapter 9: I kinda like timid Sehun
Chapter 18: You made me cry for this one !!!!
Chapter 15: I love twins Kai and both liking Sehun
Destiney990 #5
Chapter 21: Awwwww omg thatis so cute!!
cookie1132 #6
Chapter 18: I am like obsessed with this chapter, I'm crying and omg you did such a good job! Best first time angst fiver ever!
Wow... all your drabbles left me with an ocean of feels! They were all so good and oh gosh how I love your writing! Your works are beautiful, I'm so glad that I fell upon them :D it was a pleasure to read and thank you so very much for sharing them <3
lalicesarang #8
Chapter 20: I love every single one of your drabbles. I read them all in one go and yeah fluffy sekai is incredible and irresistible. Pls write more sekai <3
siniechan #9
Hello author ( ^ 3^ )! I'm a translator at Latte World (the fanpage for Kaihun or Sekai shippers in Vietnam). I have read your series- drabble and I love all of them. Can you allow me to translate them into Vietnamese? I will write full credit. Hope you will reply soon. Thanks for reading
Chapter 21: /le dies/ my Sekai~~~~