Daddy's Little Miracle

A Pocketful of Sunshine


Hearing the familiar click of the front door being unlocked, Sehun paused from where he’d been dutifully setting the table for dinner – being the good boyfie that he was – and dropping all of the cutlery, he rushed down the hallway, thrilled that his beloved was home.


“Welcome home!” he squealed, throwing himself into Jongin’s waiting arms and hugging him tight. “I missed you.”


Smiling as he returned the loving embrace, Jongin planted a gentle kiss on his lover’s lips, before tucking Sehun’s head under his chin and tightening his grip around the other’s slim waist, hands wandering over his back.


One thing that Jongin always loved about coming home to Sehun, was that the latter would always say that he’d missed him – no matter how long he’d been gone! Whether he’d been gone for an hour or for the day, Sehun would always be waiting for him to return with a bright smile and tender words.


“I missed you too, Sehun-ah,” he replied with a warm chuckle, as they pulled apart and headed into the dining room, arms still wrapped affectionately around the other. “What’s for dinner?”


“I made pasta – just the way that you like it,” Sehun grinned, flourishing his arms with pride as he showed Jongin the food that he’d prepared.


“Mmm, looks good!” Jongin answered, his eyes trailing hungrily over the delicious meal as he relaxed into his chair, tired limbs welcoming the rest.


Sehun flushed with pleasure, before he sat down opposite his boyfriend and picked up his fork, twisting it through the spaghetti. Hearing a grunt of satisfaction, he smiled in amusement as he observed Jongin heartily digging into the Italian food, pasta sauce staining his lips.


I knew this was a good idea, Sehun thought, his stomach turning in apprehension for the conversation that he had to eventually have with Jongin. Softening him up with food…


With a frown, Jongin looked up to see that Sehun hadn’t touched his food and was instead fidgeting in his seat, cheeks flushed pink and biting his bottom lip in what could only be nerves. Sighing inwardly, Jongin realised that Sehun hadn’t made his favourite dinner for no reason at all…he was preparing him for something big.


“Sehun…what’s wrong?” he asked, setting his fork down next to his plate, as he mentally braced himself for what was to come. “I know that something’s up…you don’t make spaghetti for nothing.”


“W-Well, y-you see,” stuttered Sehun, his heartbeat quickening in panic – he wasn’t ready yet! “A few months ago I went to see Chanyeol – you know, Baekhyun’s geneticist boyfriend? – and he told me about this new experiment that he was wor-”


“Sehun…get to the point,” Jongin sighed, rubbing his exhausted eyes with the back of his hand and loosening his tie.


“Jongin…I-I’m pregnant,” Sehun blurted out, his fingers clutching at the food-splattered tablecloth for support.


There was silence. Awkward silence; as the couple simply observed each other.


Sehun’s gaze roamed over Jongin’s tousled dark locks, hanging limp across his tanned forehead, glistening with sweat, before their eyes met – Jongin’s weary eyes boring into his in frustration. Sehun knew that this was probably a terrible time to tell him, one look as his wrinkled suit that clearly spoke of his hard day at work…but it’d had to happen.


“Sehun…I’m really not in the mood for jokes,” Jongin snapped after a while, though his face contorted with guilt as Sehun flinched. “Honey…whatever it is, just saying it would be better – no more messing about. It can’t be that bad.”


“Jongin…Chanyeol figured out a way for men to get pregnant,” he sighed, burying his face into his hands – he didn’t want to see Jongin’s reaction. “And he asked me if I wanted to be part of the experiment – and I know that it’s risky, but I’ve wanted to have a child with you for so long – so I said yes.”


More awkward silence.


“Please tell me that this is just a really bad nightmare…”


“It’s not a nightmare,” Sehun retorted, his voice quivering as unshed tears prickled in his eyes. “We’re going to have a baby, Jongin.”


Gaping at his boyfriend in shock, Jongin took in Sehun’s wide eyes, which were blazing with determination despite his fear and realised that his beautiful, perfect lover was telling the truth.


“Oh…,” Jongin stated, sitting back in his chair as his mouth hung open in utter astonishment. “H-How?”


It was more of a rhetorical question, than anything else. Jongin still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that his boyfriend – a male – was pregnant with their child. And there he was, thinking that the ‘big news’ that Sehun had to tell him was that his parents – who never forgave Jongin for ‘turning’ their precious son gay – were back in town.


“I-I think I’ll get Chanyeol to…explain it,” Sehun murmured, as he slowly rose and staggered into the kitchen, his slender frame shuddering with the force of his pain.


Quickly grabbing the phone off the hook, Sehun dialled Chanyeol’s number and practically begged him to come over and explain the situation to Jongin. After hearing Jongin’s not-so-positive reaction, Chanyeol readily agreed and promised that he’d be right over.


Sagging against the kitchen counter, Sehun buried his face in his hands and wept silently, shoulders heaving as he unleashed his unhappiness. He knew that the news would be hard for Jongin to take…but they’d always dreamed of having their own child – shouldn’t he have been a little more pleased?


This is hard on me too, Sehun whimpered to himself. I would appreciate some support on his end.


Heading back into the dining room, Sehun felt sympathy overwhelm him as he saw Jongin, pale-faced and slumped over the table, clawed hands gripping his hair in frustration.


“What are we going to do?” Jongin mumbled brokenly, dropping his hands from his face to look up at Sehun with a hopeless expression on his face. “I-I don’t thi-”


“Jongin!” Sehun interrupted, not wanting words to be said that would be regretted later on. “Just…wait until Chanyeol gets here, okay?”


Swallowing, Jongin nodded and buried his face in his hands again, going back to freaking out. Not really knowing what to do, Sehun left the room and walked towards the front door to wait for Chanyeol’s arrival – he didn’t think that he could cope with seeing Jongin like that.




“So what I basically did was remove the DNA in an ovum and a and replace it with both of your DNA and then I implanted the then fertilised egg within Sehun’s…” Chanyeol rambled on, wild nest of hair bouncing in his excitement as his eyes sparkled and cheeks flushed with pride at his revolutionary scientific work.


But Jongin had stopped listening a long time ago. The only thoughts swirling through his mind were about the – his – baby growing within his lover and just how would they cope with this sudden change?


His gaze flitted over to where Sehun was sitting next to him on the couch; legs squeezed tightly together, hands neatly folded in his lap as he focused his gaze downwards, fringe falling across his eyes. Jongin felt guilty as he took in his beloved’s anxious state, knowing that he was the main cause for it.


“…While this whole process is quite risky, I believe that it will work,” Chanyeol continued, oblivious to the fact that both parties were ignoring him at the moment. “And if Sehun follows my careful procedure throughout his pregna-”


“I’m heading out,” Jongin interrupted quietly, deciding that he needed some time to himself to sort out the jumbled mess of thoughts darting about in his head, as he grabbed his keys on the coffee table and practically ran out the door. “I-I need some time…to think.”


Sehun watched him go and his heart sank. He hoped that Jongin would be coming back to him.




Exhaling deeply as he strolled down the street, not really paying attention to where his feet were taking him, Jongin ran his fingers through his hair, mussing his dark locks.


“A baby,” he muttered as he collapsed onto a wooden bench near the sidewalk, still attempting to comprehend the full gravity of the entire situation. “I-I’m going to be a father.”


Ever since they had gotten serious with their relationship, Sehun and Jongin had talked about children, with both males wanting to become parents one day. They had tossed up the ideas of adoption and even paying a woman to be inseminated by one of them. Once, Jongin had joked that wouldn’t it be much easier of you could get pregnant, Sehun? And now…it had actually happened.


And it’s scary, Jongin thought to himself with a sigh. But Sehun…


As an ocean’s worth of guilt overwhelmed him, Jongin realised that he hadn’t even considered how his boyfriend was dealing with this. Not only did he have to come to terms with the fact that they were going to have a child, Sehun had to physically carry the baby within him.


He’s got more right to be scared than me.


Straightening up in his seat, Jongin came to the conclusion that he was going to be there for his lover and give him all of the love and support that he deserved. Rising to his feet, he grinned as all of the good emotions that came with the news of a baby, overpowered him.


A baby…a baby! He thought excitedly, his heart lightening as he thought of soft downy hair, smooth skin and cheerful gurgles erupting from a toothless smile.


As he turned to head back home, a shop down the street caught his eye. And as the grin on his face widened, Jongin quickly rushed for the store and went inside. Browsing amongst the various baby items on the shelves, ranging from bottles to diapers, and from booties to rattles, Jongin gasped in delight as his gaze landed on the perfect object that basically summed up all of his feelings at the moment.


A tiny white t-shirt that said ‘Daddy’s little miracle’.




Jongin burst back into the apartment, cheeks flushed and eyes shining in sheer happiness, and taking his surprised lover in his arms, he kissed him with ardent fervour, the affection convincing a teary-eyed Sehun that Jongin was here to stay.


“I missed you,” he whimpered, as they pulled apart, lips still ghosting over each other and warm breath mingling, as they gazed solemnly into the other’s eyes.


“Not as much as I missed you,” Jongin replied gently, the pad of his thumb lightly caressing Sehun’s face, as the latter closed his eyes and leaned into his loving touch. “I have a present for you.”


Raising his eyebrows in shock, Sehun accepted the small bag from his bashful lover and peeked inside, his heart constricting as he took out the t-shirt and read the printed words.


Daddy’s little miracle,” he whispered softly, before flinging his arms around Jongin’s neck as passionately kissed him, joyful tears falling from his eyes.


And as Jongin clutched his precious Sehun tighter in his embrace, he realised something very important.


We’re going to be okay


Story Prompt: Sehun is pregnant

A/N: This turned out crappier than I intended...>_<

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 23: Oh wow, i just fell in love with all your amazing stories.... Sekai is my first love in exo.... Thanks for all the love I'm checking your other stories
Chapter 9: I kinda like timid Sehun
Chapter 18: You made me cry for this one !!!!
Chapter 15: I love twins Kai and both liking Sehun
Destiney990 #5
Chapter 21: Awwwww omg thatis so cute!!
cookie1132 #6
Chapter 18: I am like obsessed with this chapter, I'm crying and omg you did such a good job! Best first time angst fiver ever!
Wow... all your drabbles left me with an ocean of feels! They were all so good and oh gosh how I love your writing! Your works are beautiful, I'm so glad that I fell upon them :D it was a pleasure to read and thank you so very much for sharing them <3
lalicesarang #8
Chapter 20: I love every single one of your drabbles. I read them all in one go and yeah fluffy sekai is incredible and irresistible. Pls write more sekai <3
siniechan #9
Hello author ( ^ 3^ )! I'm a translator at Latte World (the fanpage for Kaihun or Sekai shippers in Vietnam). I have read your series- drabble and I love all of them. Can you allow me to translate them into Vietnamese? I will write full credit. Hope you will reply soon. Thanks for reading
Chapter 21: /le dies/ my Sekai~~~~