The Race

A Pocketful of Sunshine


While twins Kai and Jongin appeared to be identical on the outside – their sun-kissed skin, full lips, tousled locks and beautiful brown eyes earning them the reputation of being two of the hottest guys on campus – they couldn’t have been more different personality-wise.


Kai was the more out-going twin, constantly surrounding by his friends and loving the spotlight to be focused on him. He loved being the ‘playmaker’ on all of his sporting teams, holding numerous records in athletics, as well as owning many of the trophies within the display cabinet in the front office.


Jongin was the shyer, more reserved twin, preferring to watch from the sidelines than participate in his brother’s many attention-seeking antics. While he was nice and had a warm heart, he often didn’t talk with those whom he didn’t consider to be close friends thus emitting an air of mysteriousness for those observing him.


But Jongin liked the way he was; he didn’t mind that his brother got it all – the attention, the affection and the adoration of the entire student body – if anything, he was kind of relieved that he didn’t have to deal with much teenage drama – that stuff was too bloody tiring, in his opinion. But this all changed on what started out as a seemingly uneventful day.


“Jongin!” called Kai, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he made his way over to where his brother was sitting in the crowded cafeteria. “I have something important to tell you!”


“Oh yeah? What?” replied Jongin with a sigh, already mentally bracing himself for his brother’s next crazy plan, as he put down his ham and cheese sandwich. “If you want me to help you spray-paint the word ‘’ onto the principal’s car again…my answer is no. D’ya know how many dance practices I missed because I was in detention with you?!”


“That was awesome – but no,” grinned Kai, not regretting the last scandal that had skyrocketed the two juniors into the hall of legends within the school. “I, uh, think that I’ve fallen for someone.”


“You’ve what?!” Jongin gasped, as he gaped at his strangely-blushing brother, who was scuffing his shoe on the floor, while biting his lip – definitely not normal Kai behaviour. “With who?!”


“He’s new here, actually,” Kai answered, a soft smile adorning his face as he reached across and took a bit of Jongin’s lunch. “He only moved here a few weeks ago…but he’s in my Chemistry class and it’s impossible not to fall head over heels for him. He has the most beautiful eyes, they kind of disap-”


“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” chuckled Jongin, interrupting his brother before the he could ramble on about this guy’s eyes and god knows what else. “You’re in love. Now what?”


“I asked him to come over and have lunch with us,” Kai added, the way his voice shook just a tad, giving away that he was nervous. “I’m planning to ask him out on a date later today…Jongin, I really like him.”


“I can see that,” snickered Jongin, though he was pleased that his twin had found someone who could potentially be more than just a one-nighter. “Well…I actually like someone too, his name is-”


Sehun!” beamed Kai, effectively ending his brother’s confession, as he looked up and saw his crush smiling shyly at him. “This is my twin, Jongin. Jongin…this is the guy I was telling you about. Sehun, please, join us.”


Jongin’s heart sank to the very pit of his stomach, as he turned around in his chair and saw the person whom his brother had fallen for…he was the same person that he was in love with!


“Jongin and I already know each other,” replied Sehun with a gentle smile, as he sat down next to the wide-eyed boy. “We sit together in society and culture.”


“That’s great!” Kai smiled; pleased that everyone knew each other and no awkward introductions would have to be made. “Anyway, Sehun I hear that you were…”


Jongin officially zoned out of the conversation, instead opting to focus on what the hell he should do! Kai liked Sehun…but he’d liked Sehun since the boy was placed next to him in class since he’d first moved to the school. Didn’t that give him ‘first dibs’? And as his gaze travelled over Sehun as he continued speaking to his brother, Jongin released that unlike the other times when the two brothers had liked the same person, he wasn’t going to back down and let his brother ‘claim the prize’. Sehun was worth fighting for, because in Jongin’s eyes, Sehun was absolute perfection.


His mesmerising brown eyes, that crinkled when he smiled his endearing eye-smile, the way that his dark locks were styled to perfection, so that there were always a few silky strands falling into his eyes, and not to mention that when he blushed, his normally creamy skin turned into a charming shade of pink.


Then there was his laugh – such a beautiful, musical sound that he could just listen to all day long, even though he found Sehun’s lisp quite bewitching; but perhaps the way that he looked when he was happy – face glowing and laughing eyes sparkling with the vitality of life.


All of these little things made up Sehun and Jongin loved him for them. Which is why he couldn’t let him go, especially to his brother. Taking out his phone, Jongin quickly sent a text to his twin.


I’m in love with Sehun too. – Jongin


Watching as his brother pulled out his mobile and read the text, Jongin felt a little nervous – Kai had a wicked temper – as he saw Kai’s body tense up and jaw clench, before his fingers flew over the screen as he sent a reply.


You’re kidding, right? – Kai


Wishing that that was the case – actually, on second thoughts, he didn’t want to change his feelings for the beautiful boy whatsoever – Jongin looked glumly at his twin across the table and slowly shook his head.


Nope…not kidding ­– Jongin


With a menacing growl – that promptly scared the living daylights out of Sehun, who was wondering what in God’s name is going on?! – Kai stood up, leaned across the table and glared at his twin.


“I’d back out, if I was you,” he snarled, eyes burning with fury as Jongin rose up in his seat to face him as an equal.


“Not gonna happen this time, brother,” Jongin hissed back defiantly, his eyes narrowing as he challenged his brother to do something. “I’m fighting this time.”


“Then it’s on, brother,” growled Kai, watching as Jongin simply rolled his eyes and left the cafeteria, not like the suffocating tension caused by their love for the same boy. “Let the best man win.”


Sehun’s confused gaze flitted between a fuming Kai and Jongin’s retreating back. He still was unsure about what was going on…either way, he could tell that thing were about to get ugly between the two siblings. Soon.




Things had gotten way out of hand between the twins during the next couple of weeks, to the point where they didn’t even bother to acknowledge the other’s presence – blatantly ignoring the other as they passed each other in the hallway, in classes and even at home.


The sudden fracturing of their once-close relationship had the entire school talking because Kai and Jongin never fought with each other, until now. Until Sehun.


So far, it seemed that Kai was winning the game of hearts that the siblings were playing. Despite the fact that it was Jongin that had the majority of classes with Sehun and sat next to him during them, Kai used every opportunity that he could possibly have to be with Sehun, and soon it occurred that he was a constant presence at the boy’s side. And Jongin hated it.


He gritted his teeth together as he watched his cocky brother lean down and whisper something in Sehun’s ear, causing the latter to smile and giggle at his words. Slamming his locker door shut, Jongin groaned in frustration and resisted the urge to bash his head against the lockers in an attempt to figure out what the hell he should do.


On one hand, he was more than prepared to fight for Sehun’s affections, but at the same time, he didn’t want it to be at the expense of his relationship with his brother – they were twins after all.


He quickly glanced over to where Kai and Sehun were standing, surrounded by an admiring crowd. Feeling wistful, Jongin thought that if things were different – if they both hadn’t fallen for Sehun – he’d be with his brother now, laughing and talking with the rest of their close friends. But as he watched Kai casually drape his arm across Sehun’s slim shoulders and pull him close, he knew that things weren’t different this is how it is.


Not being able to see the love of his life in his brother’s arms, Jongin spun on his heel, hastening to the dance studio down the hall – it would be deserted at this time of the day – in the hope that he could unleash his frustrations through body movement.


Throwing his backpack haphazardly on the ground, Jongin breathed a sigh of relief as his gaze trailed over the mirrored walls and smooth floor – this was his sanctuary, where he could get away from the troubles of teenage life and just be himself.


Plugging his ipod into the dock and turning the speakers on, Jongin’s face split into a contented grin as his body began to move to the beat; twisting and turning, bending and stretching to the sway of the rhythm.


As beads of sweat glistened on his skin, Jongin observed himself in the mirror and smiled as he saw the thrilled exhilaration in his eyes, but as his eyes moved to the blurred figure behind him, he realised that he wasn’t alone. Turning off the music, Jongin turned around to face the intruder.


“S-Sehun?” he said softly, not letting himself believe that the boy was actually with him and not Kai.


“Hi Jongin,” Sehun replied with a shy smile, bashfully looking up at Jongin, as the boys instinctively moved towards each other. “I-I followed you here…you’re amazing, you know – I never knew that you danced!”


“Hmm…it’s just a hobby,” Jongin smiled fondly, coming to a stop about half a metre from Sehun.


“Anyway, I was wondering…” Sehun began, biting down on his lip as if he was nervous about something. “Well, I was talking to my friend Luhan about this new pla-”


Jongin stopped listening to what Sehun was saying, instead focusing on the way that his lips moved to form the words, adam’s apple bobbing up and down. As his eyes roamed over the rest of his beautiful face, Jongin decided to do something rash.

“Sehun,” he murmured, taking another step forwards until their chest were merely inches from touching.


“Y-Yes?” Sehun stammered, cheeks flaming as he looked up into the smouldering eyes of Kim Jongin.


“You’ve stolen my heart…but it’s okay – I wouldn’t want anyone else to have it,” Jongin finished softly, before he took Sehun in his arms and lightly brushed their lips together, sighing as he felt tingles throughout his body.


As he pulled away, Jongin felt an immense amount of satisfaction as he took in Sehun’s wide eyes, flushed cheeks and parted lips – thus cementing the fact that he was the most beautiful creature Jongin had ever come across. With a sad smile – because he knew that Kai had won – Jongin reached up and gently ran his fingers through Sehun’s soft hair, trailing them down to lovingly caress his cheek.


“W-Well,” Sehun choked out, as he tried to regain composure from Jongin’s sudden kiss. “That’s a coincidence…you’ve stolen my heart too.”


With a small giggle at how Jongin’s face broke into the most glorious, ecstatic smile that he’d ever seen, Sehun wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed their lips together once more, thus sealing their love for each other.


And as Kai watched silently from the doorway, his heart shattering as he watched the scene before him, he couldn’t help but feel proud of Jongin for fighting for Sehun and taking a risk for once.


It seems that the underdog won after all.



Story Prompt: twins kai and jongin both compete for sehun's love


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 23: Oh wow, i just fell in love with all your amazing stories.... Sekai is my first love in exo.... Thanks for all the love I'm checking your other stories
Chapter 9: I kinda like timid Sehun
Chapter 18: You made me cry for this one !!!!
Chapter 15: I love twins Kai and both liking Sehun
Destiney990 #5
Chapter 21: Awwwww omg thatis so cute!!
cookie1132 #6
Chapter 18: I am like obsessed with this chapter, I'm crying and omg you did such a good job! Best first time angst fiver ever!
Wow... all your drabbles left me with an ocean of feels! They were all so good and oh gosh how I love your writing! Your works are beautiful, I'm so glad that I fell upon them :D it was a pleasure to read and thank you so very much for sharing them <3
lalicesarang #8
Chapter 20: I love every single one of your drabbles. I read them all in one go and yeah fluffy sekai is incredible and irresistible. Pls write more sekai <3
siniechan #9
Hello author ( ^ 3^ )! I'm a translator at Latte World (the fanpage for Kaihun or Sekai shippers in Vietnam). I have read your series- drabble and I love all of them. Can you allow me to translate them into Vietnamese? I will write full credit. Hope you will reply soon. Thanks for reading
Chapter 21: /le dies/ my Sekai~~~~