Mixed Signals

A Pocketful of Sunshine


“There he is,” giggled Sehuna, her cheeks tinting a slight pink as the object of her affections walked into the cafeteria. “Gosh, isn’t he just ah-maz-ing?!”


Flipping her lustrous, glossy brown hair over one shoulder, Sehuna internally squealed as her wide, twinkling eyes trailed over messy dark locks, sun-kissed skin and a lean, muscular body, that made the rest of the male population of their school envious.


“He is so hot, Hunnie!” agreed one of her friends, the glint of desire in her eyes making Sehuna more than a bit jealous, as they continued to ogle him. “Oh the things I could do to those lips of his…”


“What are you talking about?!” Sehuna snapped, her eyes flashing with barely disguised anger as she glared at her supposed friend. “Kim Jongin is mine!”


“Technically…he’s not,” she replied, a smirk on her face as she stood up and looked down at a fuming Sehuna. “You aren’t dating him so you can’t claim him as yours.”


There was a moment of silence, every person at their table holding their breath in anticipation as Sehuna and Luhan stared each other down.




Both girls froze in their positions, before whipping their heads around at the sound of the soft voice. Simultaneously, their eyes widened in surprise as they realised that the boy that they were currently fighting over, was standing right in front of them!


“Hi there, Jongin,” Luhan eventually choked out – the first one to recover from the initial shock. “What can I do for you?”


She casually sauntered over to where he was standing, before smirking evilly at a furious Sehuna as she gently placed her dainty hand on Jongin’s arm and beamed up at him.


“A-Actually…I wanted to t-talk to S-Sehuna,” he stammered nervously, removing Luhan’s hand from his arm and looking intently at a delighted Sehuna. “If that’s alright…”


While she was screaming on the inside about how adorable Jongin was when he was acting all nervous and how wonderful it was that he wanted to talk to her and not Luhan, on the outside, Sehuna simply nodded and offered Jongin a warm smile as she followed him out of the cafeteria, curious as to what he had to say.


When they were outside of the building, walking side by side in silence, Jongin took Sehuna’s hand and gently guided her towards a bench underneath the shade of a weeping willow. Merely following his lead, Sehuna tried not to hyperventilate too much at the thought of Jongin holding her hand, and instead attempted to focus on what he was about to say.


“Sehuna…there’s s-something that I’ve been meaning t-to tell you for quite a while n-now,” he began, biting down on his lower lip anxiously, and keeping his gaze locked firmly on the ground. “So I’ll j-just say it…Sehuna, I’m in love with you.”


With his confession finally out in the open, Jongin looked up and tentatively met Sehuna’s eyes, his mouth slightly parting in shock as he observed her flushed cheeks and teary eyes. Flinging herself into his arms, Sehuna nuzzled her face against Jongin’s shoulder and let out a joyful sob, before pulling away, just a little bit, to look at him in the eyes once more.


“Jongin…I love you too!” she replied, her beautiful brown eyes disappearing into crescent moons as she beamed at him, her whole face glowing with happiness.


Emitting an excited whoop, Jongin released one arm from around her slender waist and tenderly brushing away the tears lingering on her face, he leaned forward and captured Sehuna’s lips in the perfect first kiss.




For the next few weeks, Jongin and Sehuna were practically swimming in the utter bliss of their teenage love; shy smiles went hand-in-hand with lingering glances across the classroom, and chaste kisses at every possible moment. And Jongin couldn’t have been any happier.


After every class, he rushed down the hallway to where Sehuna would’ve just finished her lesson, content just to walk with her for even a few moments before they were separated by their schedules once more – and she often did the same for him.


Lunchtimes consisted of feeding each other under the shade of the weeping willow, leaning over and wiping excess food from each other’s mouth, before all giggles became muffled under heated glances and light brushes of lips against lips.  


But it seemed that these precious moments weren’t meant to last.


All of a sudden, like the flick of a switch, Sehuna’s behaviour changed. But it didn’t change in the sense that she treated everyone differently, oh no, the only thing that was different was the way that she treated Jongin.


She stopped looking him in the eye, and the rare moments that their gazes did lock, Sehuna would look at him coldly before quickly turning away. Their conversations were no more; if Jongin asked her a question, she replied with one or two words – if that – before turning aside to talk to someone else.


There were no more sweet ‘good morning’ pecks on the cheek from Sehuna, shy I Love You’s whispered under the willow, and nor were there any tender brushes of her lips on his when they said their farewells at the end of the day. Simply because Sehuna wasn’t there.


She wasn’t there waiting for him after class, and she no longer walked with him down the hallways as they made their way to their next lesson. Lunchtimes were no longer spent together; Jongin realised this when Sehuna didn’t show up to their usual place and when he went in search of her, he found her laughing and chatting amongst her friends in the cafeteria.


At first, Jongin thought that his beloved girlfriend needed some space, because after all, they did get pretty serious rather quickly, and so, he respected her wishes and kept his distance. But as the days turned into weeks, he began to get the feeling that something was very wrong.


Deciding that he needed to do something to save their relationship, Jongin began to follow Sehuna around, like a pathetic little puppy, starved of affection – which he kinda was.


He’d try to pull her into hugs – resulting in her wriggling out of his embrace and hurrying away with some friend, he’d try to talk to her about things that she liked – which lead to her rolling her eyes and walking away, and he’d even try to kiss her, which turned into him kissing thin air as he realised that, once more, she’d left him hanging.


It got to the point where Jongin was becoming very frustrated with the whole situation and not knowing whether he could take it anymore.


As he sat under the weeping willow during another Sehuna-less lunchtime, he sighed as he tried to fathom just what went wrong.


Was it something I said?


But…Sehuna was always quick to snap at him if, on the rare occasion, he said something to offend her. So that couldn’t be it.


Did I do something?


Maybe I was too clingy?


As his fears and insecurities plagued his troubled mind, Jongin wondered what had happened to the sweet and loving Sehuna that he’d fallen in love with?


Maybe…she doesn’t love me anymore?


Gasping as he came to that seemingly impossible conclusion, Jongin felt his heart shatter into a thousand broken fragments on the ground as the truth hit him mercilessly.


That explains it…the whole ‘avoiding me’ thing. Not to mention how she rejected all of my advances. Perhaps…we should end it?


A single tear trickled down his face, as a heartbroken Jongin slowly rose from where he was sitting to find his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.


Because…it’s not as if she wants to be with me anymore.




“I think that we should break up.”


There he’d said it. Exactly one day after he realised that this is what Sehuna wanted, and he’d give it to her, even if it hurt him.


With a nervous sigh, Jongin looked over at Sehuna who was sitting across the table from him, head bent forward and long hair – which Jongin once loved to run his fingers through – shielding her face from view.


The moments passed by without a sound, and emitting a bitter laugh as he still didn’t get a response out of her, Jongin got up out of his seat and would’ve walked away but the sudden hand on his arm stopped him.


“W-Why?” Sehuna asked, her soft voice shaking as her grip on him tightened.


Jongin looked down and his heart broke just that little bit more as he saw the tears spilling from Sehuna’s wide, frightened eyes and the hurt look on her face. But as her question registered in his mind, Jongin could only feel anger towards the girl who’d royally screwed with his feelings.


Why?! I’ll tell you why,” he snarled, no longer playing the sweet and caring boyfriend that he once was – Sehuna had destroyed that part of him, leaving this as its replacement. “You’ve been ignoring me for the past month – a whole month! And to be quite frank, when you did come into contact with me you behaved like a cold-hearted …I just can’t take it anymore!”


Sehuna looked stunned at his anger-fuelled outburst, and as she took in Jongin’s obvious fury and discontent, she couldn’t hold herself back any longer.


“Jongin-ah,” she wept, not bothering to wipe away the salty tears as they trickled down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry for hurting you – believe me, I never wanted to cause you pain…I-I was just scared.”


“Of what?!” Jongin snapped, his patience with her gone long ago.


“Of how much I love you!” she shouted, slamming her hands on the table and standing up to look him with an unwavering gaze. “I-I didn’t think that it was normal…for my feelings for you to be so deep in just a short amount of time. A-And so I was scared of them…and then that fear got taken out on you.”


Jongin simply stared in utter amazement at the fiery, passionate beauty that was his beloved Sehuna, as her voice softened and she looked at him pleadingly.


“I’m so so sorry for what I did,” she continued, her voice cracking as she sobbed. “And if I could go back and erase it, I would. But please…don’t leave me. I still love you, Jongin. I always have and I always will. Please…don’t break up with me.”


Unable to cope with the sight of her breaking down into a weeping mess in front of him, Jongin pulled his heart’s heart into his arms and hugged her fiercely, cradling her slender frame against his as he tangled his fingers in her hair and gently kissed her forehead.


“Did you not think that perhaps I was afraid too?” he murmured softly, as Sehuna nuzzled her face into his chest and sighed. “I was always afraid of how much you came to mean to me in such a short amount of time…but I didn’t dwell on it because I knew that no matter what, being with you was what my heart needed to continue beating…and it still does.”


Sehuna untangled herself from him and frowned up at him.


“Then why did you want to break up with me?”


“Because I thought that you didn’t love me anymore,” he mumbled, his shy eyes meeting her surprised ones. “And that you didn’t want me around you.”


“Silly…that could never happen,” she said, a small smile emerging through her tears. “I want you around all of the time.”


“Then promise me that you will never ignore me like that again,” he demanded, feeling a little childish for needing reassurance.


“Okay…but only if you promise to never break up with me,” she replied, the slight tremor to her voice betraying her inner fears.


“You have my word,” Jongin smiled, feeling the happiest he’s been for nearly a month as Sehuna beams back at him, her love shining through her eyes.


Their lips then met in the sweetest of make-up kisses. 


Story Prompt: Sehun as a girl with tsundere traits and Jongin as her biggest crush. When Jongin confessed his love for her, Sehun was all ‘dere dere’ and accepted his love, but then acted ‘tsun tsun’ towards him in the end even though they were already dating. 


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 23: Oh wow, i just fell in love with all your amazing stories.... Sekai is my first love in exo.... Thanks for all the love stories....now I'm checking your other stories
Chapter 9: I kinda like timid Sehun
Chapter 18: You made me cry for this one !!!!
Chapter 15: I love twins Kai and both liking Sehun
Destiney990 #5
Chapter 21: Awwwww omg thatis so cute!!
cookie1132 #6
Chapter 18: I am like obsessed with this chapter, I'm crying and omg you did such a good job! Best first time angst fiver ever!
Wow... all your drabbles left me with an ocean of feels! They were all so good and oh gosh how I love your writing! Your works are beautiful, I'm so glad that I fell upon them :D it was a pleasure to read and thank you so very much for sharing them <3
lalicesarang #8
Chapter 20: I love every single one of your drabbles. I read them all in one go and yeah fluffy sekai is incredible and irresistible. Pls write more sekai <3
siniechan #9
Hello author ( ^ 3^ )! I'm a translator at Latte World (the fanpage for Kaihun or Sekai shippers in Vietnam). I have read your series- drabble and I love all of them. Can you allow me to translate them into Vietnamese? I will write full credit. Hope you will reply soon. Thanks for reading
Chapter 21: /le dies/ my Sekai~~~~