Mission Ludicrous

A Pocketful of Sunshine


“Bye hyungs!” Kai chirped cheerfully, smiling as he bounded down the porch steps and into the waiting arms of his new boyfriend.


“Yeah…bye Kai,” mumbled Chanyeol, forcing his mouth into a smile – that ended up resembling a grimace – as he watched his younger brother snuggle into the other boy’s arms. “Have…fun, you two.”


Resisting the urge to fly down the steps and rip his baby brother from that boy’s embrace, Chanyeol gulped and turned to Kris, his older brother, for moral support during this tough time – aka, Kai’s first date with his first boyfriend.


Unlike his brother, Kris didn’t bother with fake pleasantries; opting to instead, glare furiously at the delighted young male that dared to even look at his Kai, in the hope that his ferocious stare might pay off and the other boy may retreat in fear.


Sadly life is a and that didn’t happen.


“Don’t worry, I’ll deliver him home – safe and sound – by ten,” smiled Sehun warmly, still thrilled at the fact that the gorgeous boy snuggling into his side was his boyfriend and they were currently going on their first date.


“You’d better,” snarled Kris, his ‘ultimate -face’ giving Sehun a warning not to do any funny business with Kai – or there’ll be hell to pay. “Or else…”


Giggling as his brothers’ over-protectiveness of him, Kai gave them a quick wave before Sehun casually slung his arm around his waist – at which Chanyeol nearly collapsed and Kris searched his pockets for a sharp object – and led him to his car, before driving off with their brother sitting snugly in the passenger’s seat.


“I think…that I may want to kill him,” Chanyeol stated, both of the brothers still staring at the place where Kai had just been standing. “He t-touched Kai.”


“I’ll dump the body,” Kris replied, his voice making him sound completely serious – and Chanyeol couldn’t tell if he was or wasn’t…


“Well…what do we do now?” Chanyeol whined, looking at the elder for the answer to their current situation. “There’s no way in hell that I can just go back inside and play video games and not think about some jerk possibly taking advantage of Kai.”


“Judging from the starry-eyed look Kai was sending his way, I doubt that he’d object to Sehun taking advantage of him,” grumbled Kris, before he sighed heavily and sat down on the first step, Chanyeol joining him moments later.


“Okay…now I really want to kill him,” growled Chanyeol, flexing his biceps and cracking his knuckles. “Wanna help?”


“I’ve got a better idea – one that won’t land us in prison,” Kris replied, an evil smirk on his face that had his brother instantly intrigued.


“Do go on…”


“Let’s follow them on their date – that way, we can ‘step in’ if something happens,” he continued, turning to his brother with a wicked grin and a devilish glint in his eye.


“Sounds like a plan.”




They’d been casually strolling through the late-night carnival for nearly half and hour now, occasionally stopping to grab a bite to eat – Kai blushing as Sehun attempted to feed him some of his hoeddeok – and admiring the prizes on offer to be won.


But despite all of the hustle and bustle of the vibrant, colourful environment around them, Kai and Sehun were completely absorbed in each other’s company.


Walking hand-in-hand past stalls filled, with animated people trying their luck against the friendly-smiling vendors, Kai flushed every time Sehun squeezed his hand lightly or turned his head his way and smiled contentedly, eyes disappearing into crescent moons, as he gazed at the sun-kissed piece of perfection nestled into his side.


“Oooh! Look Sehun-ah!” Kai squealed, his wide chocolate orbs sparkling in excitement, as he bounced up and down while he pointed to a prize hanging in one of the game booths. “Isn’t that puppy plushie ah-dor-able?!”


Sehun halted and looked to where his beaming boyfriend was pointing. With a quiet chuckle, he compared the soft toy’s cute appearance to that of Kai’s – both had big eyes, sweet smiles and soft brown hair (or in the puppy’s case, fur).


“What do I have to do to win that dog?” Sehun asked the woman at the stall, reaching into the back of his pocket for his wallet.


“For the puppy…use the gun to hit the moving spaceship at the back,” she replied, pointing to the green disc behind her. “You’ll have thirty seconds to do it.”


Nodding, Sehun handed her the money, gave a Kai a cocky smile before picking up the plastic gun and taking his starting position in front of the booth.


Two attempts later and Kai was clutching the puppy plushie to his chest, a delighted smile on his face, as the pair left the stall.


“Thanks for winning this for me,” Kai mumbled shyly, his heart practically bursting from the love that his boyfriend was showing him. “You didn’t have to…”


“I wanted to make you smile,” Sehun replied gently, pulling Kai into his arms and planting a tender kiss on his forehead. “And now you have something to cuddle when I’m not around to cuddle you.”


Jongin whimpered before flinging his arms around Sehun’s neck and passionately kissing him.




“Chanyeol…we look ridiculous,” Kris grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest as he surveyed his appearance in the mirror.


A long-sleeved black shirt, black skinny jeans that disappeared into a pair of lace-up black boots with a black beanie on his head. To put it simply, he was dressed solely in black.


“We look like professionals,” Chanyeol corrected, coming into his brother’s room in similar attire. “If we’re going to spy on them, we need to look like actual spies. Kind of like Mission Impossible.”


“More like Mission Ludicrous…let’s just go,” Kris sighed in exasperation, grabbing his leather jacket – black, of course – and heading out the door. “They’ve been gone for nearly ten minutes…who knows what could’ve happened by now!”


“Ditto,” agreed Chanyeol, following his brother downstairs and out the front door.


After they arrived at the carnival, they spent the next fifteen minutes trying to find their younger sibling and his date – all the while trying to avoid the security guards who kept shooting the pair very suspicious looks.


“There they are!” hissed Chanyeol suddenly, pointing to Kai and Sehun who were walking about fifteen metres in front of them. “They’re holding hands…I wish I brought a knife or something.”


“Or something sounds good,” Kris muttered darkly, before grabbing Chanyeol and ducking behind a stall, as Kai shot a quick look over his shoulder. “! We can’t let them see us…”


Counting to ten very slowly, Kris poked his head around the corner to check if his brother was looking the other way and breathed a sigh of relief to note that they hadn’t been caught – the other two being preoccupied with a game. Yet.


“Ooohh! That game looks like fun,” Chanyeol grinned, pointing to some dart-throwing game nearby. “Can we play?”


“Remember why we’re here,” Kris replied, rolling his eyes at a pouting Chanyeol, as they both stared at the appealing game. “We can’t afford to get distracted.”

Shaking his head, Kris turned around and let his gaze roam over the crowd, trying to find Kai and his date, only to be met with perhaps the worst sight imaginable.


Kai and Sehun kissing.


“OH MY GOD, THEY’RE KISSING!” Chanyeol shouted at the top of his lungs, effectively attracting the attention of the surrounding crowd. “DO SOMETHING KRIS!”


“I’LL CASTRATE THAT SON-OF-A-!” bellowed Kris, taking a menacing step in Sehun’s direction, as shocked people started to look around for security. “WHERE’S MY KNIFE, CHANYEOL?!”


“Wait…won’t Kai get really mad at us for being here?” asked Chanyeol, grabbing onto his brother as the idea just occurred to him.


“Your point being…what exactly?” snapped Kris, annoyed at being interrupted as the pair stopped in the sea of concerned passers-by.


“Shouldn’t we wait until Kai goes away before we castrate Sehun so that he won’t get mat at us?” he continued, biting his lip as he pictured the wrath of their younger sibling.


“I suppose so,” he grumbled, shrugging Chanyeol’s arm off his shoulder and sighing.


“Hyungs…what are you doing here?”


Chanyeol’s and Kris’ eyes both widened and their mouths fell open in shock as a not-so-impressed Kai glared at them, hands on hips, with an annoyed Sehun staring at them from behind him.


“Uh…w-we, um,” stammered Chanyeol nervously, frantically racking his brain for a plausible excuse for their presence as Kris stood frozen next to him. “Well, uh…”


“Chanyeol wanted some cotton candy!” Kris blurted out, internally face-palming at how ridiculous his reason sounded.


“So you came here?” Sehun retorted, noting that the pair looked like a couple of kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Of all places?”


“The cotton candy here is the best,” Chanyeol chimed in, bobbing his head for extra emphasis as Kris tried to think of an escape route out of this unpleasant situation. “It wasn’t really an option…”


“Are you sure that you guys weren’t spying on us?” Kai asked, arching one eyebrow as Sehun slid his arm around his waist and looked at the brothers for confirmation.


“Of course not!” replied Kris, a little too quickly, as Chanyeol let out a booming forced laugh. “We would never dream of doing that.”


“Yeah…well, there’s the cotton candy stall over there so we’ll be leaving now,” Chanyeol said, a weak smile on his face as he grabbed Kris and dragged him away. “Enjoy the rest of your night…”


And with that, the pair turned around and bolted as if the devil himself was hot on their heels. Panting as they reached the car – after making a quick stop for some cotton candy to at least try and make their excuse seem a little bit legitimate – Chanyeol turned to his brother and grinned widely.


“I think that overall, our mission was successful,” he beamed proudly, as he took the passenger’s seat and Kris slid behind the wheel.


Kris punched him. 


Story Prompt: KrisYeol as Kai’s overprotective big brothers that stalk him and his new boyfriend Sehun and get caught. 

A/N: I liked this one ~ fun to write! :D

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 23: Oh wow, i just fell in love with all your amazing stories.... Sekai is my first love in exo.... Thanks for all the love stories....now I'm checking your other stories
Chapter 9: I kinda like timid Sehun
Chapter 18: You made me cry for this one !!!!
Chapter 15: I love twins Kai and both liking Sehun
Destiney990 #5
Chapter 21: Awwwww omg thatis so cute!!
cookie1132 #6
Chapter 18: I am like obsessed with this chapter, I'm crying and omg you did such a good job! Best first time angst fiver ever!
Wow... all your drabbles left me with an ocean of feels! They were all so good and oh gosh how I love your writing! Your works are beautiful, I'm so glad that I fell upon them :D it was a pleasure to read and thank you so very much for sharing them <3
lalicesarang #8
Chapter 20: I love every single one of your drabbles. I read them all in one go and yeah fluffy sekai is incredible and irresistible. Pls write more sekai <3
siniechan #9
Hello author ( ^ 3^ )! I'm a translator at Latte World (the fanpage for Kaihun or Sekai shippers in Vietnam). I have read your series- drabble and I love all of them. Can you allow me to translate them into Vietnamese? I will write full credit. Hope you will reply soon. Thanks for reading
Chapter 21: /le dies/ my Sekai~~~~