Chapter 7: Field Trip and More Jealousy Part 2/2

You Should Be Mine {HIATUS}


Kyungsoo tried ignoring it. But it is quite hard to ignore it when everyone is talking about it huh? He clenched his teeth and tried to block the noises that hurted him so bad, he literally felt like screaming. That’s right, for the rest of the bus trip Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were the main topic in everyone’s conversation. Kai noticed that, but didn’t want to point it out since Kyungsoo was already in a bad mood. He flopped around his chair and started looking closely at Kyungsoo. He was glad he did, as he found even more little things that he found cute, and others did not. Like his unusual straight teeth, the un even side of his hair, and more things that Kai could just go around talking for hours and hours. He found himself staring at Kyungsoo until the end of the bus trip; Kyungsoo didn’t notice because he was staring at Chanyeol. The bus stopped but Kyungsoo was still staring at Chanyeol,

Kai shook Kyungsoo a bit, “Hyung, we’re here!” Kai desperately said because shak,ing Kyungsoo didn’t work.

Kyungsoo snapped out of it and smiled at Kai and held his hand tightly causing Kai to be surprised. “Let’s go Kai-ah, where are we going again?”

Kai snickered at Kyungsoo’s memory, the teacher said many times that they were going to the zoo. “You’ll see.” Was all Kai said and then he covered Kyungsoo’s eyes and led him out the bus.

Chanyeol grimaced, Kai was making him sick. Covering Kyungsoo’s eyes like that? Too cheesy. *Kyungsoo doesn’t like cheesy so take that Kai*

 Chanyeol smiled happily, until he saw a smile on Kyungsoo’s face. His smile immiediatly turned into a frown, as he grabbed Luhan’s hand tightly. Luhan flinched. Chanyeol realized he was holding Luhan’s hand too tightly and muttered “Sorry…” Luhan forced a smile.

 “It’s okay~” Luhan replied, thinking. *What exactly did Kyungsoo do to this boy to make Chanyeol like this?*

(Kai and Kyungsoo’s Time)

Meanwhile, Kai and Kyungsoo were having fun in their little ‘date’. They fed all the animals, there were a lot of food carts giving Kai perfect opportunities to show what a perfect guy he is, by buying Kyungsoo a ton of stuff. They walked around, skipping and singing and there was this new feeling in Kyungsoo. He actually felt… Happy. When he spent time with Chanyeol, Kyungsoo always felt pressured to do what Chanyeol likes. He never did what he wanted to do, because Chanyeol wouldn’t like it, making him un happy without knowing it. But with Kai, he felt…. How to say it… accepted, Kai didn’t care who he was, he just wanted to make sure Kyungsoo was having fun. Kyungsoo smiled at that feeling. He didn’t know what this feeling was, all he knew was that he liked it.

Kai smiled as he saw Kyungsoo smile. Kyungsoo smiled all the time, but this one, it felt different. It was like Kyungsoo just realized something, and liked it. He decided he was going to make a move now. He dragged Kyungsoo to where the swans are. Kyungsoo looked around, and saw a couple swan swimming together.

“Waaahh Look at those Kai! What are they doing?” Kyungsoo tugged Kai’s sleeve for an answer.

“They’re couple swans Kyungsoo, and you know what an interesting fact is? Once they like each other, they never let them go.” Kai whispered in Kyungsoo’s ear, and then slowly leaned in. What surprised Kai was that Kyungsoo didn’t pull away, but instead leaned in closer. Kai slowly pressed his lips on Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo stayed there. They stayed like that for a while, until Kai broke apart for air. They blushed madly at each other when Kai grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand. He leaned in and whispered, “I like you Kyungsoo, and like the swans, I’m never letting you go.”

(Chanyeol’s Time)

Chanyeol frowned, it seems like Luhan ditched him to go with Sehun. Luhan had ran off saying, “I’m going with Sehun since you have a bit of problems and I don’t want to get involved with it! Goodbyeeee”

He swore under his breath. Now who was he going to be with? He wandered around, alone; that was the first time he’s ever been alone since he’s always surrounded by girls. He stood there, lost in thought, until he bumped into someone that knocked him to the ground.

“I’M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY” that kid screamed, and started shaking Chanyeol.  “SPEAK TO ME SPEAK TO ME!!!”

Chanyeol blinked, this kid was seriously over reacting. Chanyeol chuckled, he found that quite cute. “I’m fine, what were you doing anyways?”

The kid bit his lip and said, “I’m trying to find Sehun… He seemed to have ditched me for this other kid…” He said, pouting.

*Aish, how could this guys pout be so cute?* Chanyeol nodded, “My partner ditched me too, let’s be partners neh?”

Chanyeol saw the kid nod and looked around as if deciding something. It seems like Chanyeol was right because after he made that guess, the kid leaned in and kissed him. Chanyeol pushed him away, immiediatly. *WHY THE F**** DID I JUST DO THAT? I JUST PUSHED AWAY A HOT GUY DAMMIT* Baekhyun’s eyes brimmed with tears, but quickly wiped them away.

“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun whispered, before running away. Chanyeol broke a lot of hearts before, but this one felt different. He actually felt sad, but he didn’t know why. He sighed, losing his ‘partner’ again. He wondered around, until it was time to go, hoping that Kyungsoo had a crappy time with Kai.

(Baekhyun’s Day)

Baekhyun sighed. Getting rejected by the boy you liked ever since grade school , especially when you kissed him. He wondered why he rejected him. He saw the look in Chanyeol’s eyes; the look of star struck,vlike he had a crush on him. It must be something else.He saw Sehun with Luhan, and ran up to them. They did not look happy that Baekhyun interrupted their talking.

“Hey dude! Is Chanyeol dating someone?”

“Yeah, this guy named Kyungsoo… Can you go now?”

Baekhyun smirked, they seemed to really want their alone time, which will probably be easier to get the answer he wanted. “Just one more question?”

“Fine. Hurry up and ask it.”

“Does Chanyeol actually like Kyungsoo?”

Sehun and Luhan exchanged glances. Why did this kid care about Chansoo so much? But it seemed like this kid wasn’t going to leave until he got his answer and they really needed to continue so… “When they first started dating, Chanyeol didn’t like him at all. But then Kai came and Chanyeol probably realized how precious Kyungsoo was to him, and now he has feelings for Kyungsoo.”

Baekhyun bit his lip.This was going to be harder than he thought if he wanted to get Chanyeol. He walked away, replaying what Sehun and Luhan said to him. When they first started dating, Chanyeol didn’t like him at all. But then Ka- Kai. That was the answer to this whole thing. Wasn’t he the one that chose Kyungsoo as his partner? Baekhyun chuckled to himself. All he needed to do was to follow Kai and Kyungsoo around their little ‘date’ and perhaps he’ll find something about them that will make Chanyeol insanely jealous and break up with Kyungsoo. He searched around the zoo, until he spotted Kai and Kyungsoo skipping, laughing with each other.*They sure look like they’re having fun.* He thought bitterly, so far this fieldtrip was a mess.* Maybe I should just record their whole date, but if I do, Chanyeol would probably think I’m a stalker.* He followed Kai and Kyungsoo, through them feeding all the animals, through them stopping at the food court, even when they went to the bathroom. All of it finally seemed to pay off, as the perfect moment finally appeared. Kai and Kyungsoo were at the swans, and they started talking about them. Baekhyun heard what Kai said, and decided the time was right to hit the record button. He pressed it and recoreded everything that happened after, Kai saying about the swans and their mate, Kai leaning in, Kyungsoo leaning in a bit, their kiss, and Kai’s after words. Baekhyun finished the recording, and checked it out. *Perfect. Now how to tell this to Chanyeol…*


A/N : Finally introduce Baekhyun! How'd you guys like him :D Yeah, this chapter's probably crappy like the others, but at least I updated. Also, I'm going to be out of town, don't expect an update. Sorry!

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School is a killer on me >.>


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Chapter 23: you know author-nim, if you did not have inspiration, you could ask us to send you our ideas by private messages...
it is unfortunate to stop such an exciting story, I hope you will read this comment :)

KShum8049 #2
Chapter 24: Why did people pick chansoo than kaisoo,the story would have been smoother and now kyungsoo and chanyeol gotta suffer. T-T
Chapter 6: hey this is great why didn't u update anymore??
pururunka #4
Chapter 24: please complete this story -_-
So this was kind of story that never got completed?? You should have completed anyhow....or atleast you should have removed it
Chapter 16: Oh ....what is going on really??? I was just reading this chapter again & again because i wasnt getting the whole thing....Oh my baby why did you turned so evil.....aaahhhhh i hate seriously
Authernim you are great... just to make Chansoo together you turned my baby(Kai) into an evil.....aahhhh where the f**k did this Myungsoo came from??
Chapter 7: Wtf is going on?? Kyungsoo kissed Kai while he was in a relationship with Chanyeol? Didnt you said that Kyungsoo loved Chanyeol no matter what?? And Yeolli...what was he thinking? he liked kissing some random guy....this is just to abrupt.....!!
Is this a complete one?? coz i hate to wait for update....!!
CHANSOO please ~~~ :))))
ReiKoma #10