Chapter 11: Party Part 1

You Should Be Mine {HIATUS}


It was now Friday, the day of the dance. Baekhyun adjusted his tie, and cleared his throat. He was waiting at Chanyeol’s doorstep, wondering whether he should ring the doorbell or not. He got all his courage and rang it, and immediately, Chanyeol opened the door and glared at him.

“Took you long enough.”

Baekhyun playfully punched Chanyeol’s arm, “Are you ready to go?”

“Let’s go.”

They walked together to the dance since Baekhyun preferred to walk, but halfway, Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s hand. Chanyeol didn’t object of this, somehow, it felt oddly right. They walked hand to hand to the school, only to find Kyungsoo and Kai outside the doors, laughing and playing around. Kyungsoo turned around and found Chanyeol and Baekhyun holding hands, and his expression suddenly became stony.

Chanyeol became guilty and dropped Baekhyun’s hand but Baekhyun held on tighter. *What is Baekhyun doing? Let go!* He finally managed to get Baekhyun’s hand off but it was too late. Kyungsoo walked off with Kai, this time holding his hands. Chanyeol’s blood turned cold and faced Baekhyun angrily. Baekhyun shrugged, and whispered “I’ll tell you why later.” Chanyeol glared at Baekhyun, and muttered “Fine. Let’s go in now.” And headed inside with Baekhyun.

Baekhyun messed up. Badly. *ARGH, WHY DID I DO THAT?* That was probably a step on Chanyeol hating him. Forever. Kyungsoo and Kai walked in, and that gave him something to think about. Should he do it now? Maybe. He nodded at the DJ, Suho to make the announcement. Suho nodded back, and tapped his microphone.
“Ahem, can I please have your guys attention?” Every eye landed on Suho.

“It’s time to choose the best couple! Let’s see which couple you guys chose.” Suho looked at the polls, which were rigged.

“The best couple is Kai and Kyungsoo!” Confusion ran among the crowds.  Baekhyun felt Chanyeol freeze. *It’s okay, you’ll soon have me.*

Kai and Kyungsoo looked confused, they weren’t even a couple. Baekhyun smirked, *That’s what you get for having my Chanyeol Kyungsoo*

“Now kiss!” Suho shouted over the microphone. Kai was the first one to react. His face moved to Kyungsoo’s lips, and their lips touched. They stayed like that for a few seconds, enough to make Chanyeol steaming mad.

Suho pretended to wince in disgust and shouted over the microphone, “You call that a kiss? Really? It has to be more than that?”

Baekhyun looked at the now steaming Chanyeol and smirked. *Suho was doing the job very well* As he held Chanyeol’s hand and together they watched Kai add his tongue into the kiss.

Chanyeol stood up, and slam the door. Suho got his queue, and quickly shouted over the microphone, “That’s enough, now go back to what you were doing.” And played the music again.

Everyone started dancing, it became a bit more awkward on what just happened. Baekhyun looked around, Kyungsoo didn’t seem to care about Chanyeol, he and Kai were still kissing. Baekhyun took a snap shot of it, and ran to the door Chanyeol exited. Now, was the time he was waiting all night for. He gulped, and opened the door, only to find Chanyeol outside, crying. He better not mess up.


Author's Note

I'm sorry chapters are short.

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School is a killer on me >.>


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Chapter 23: you know author-nim, if you did not have inspiration, you could ask us to send you our ideas by private messages...
it is unfortunate to stop such an exciting story, I hope you will read this comment :)

KShum8049 #2
Chapter 24: Why did people pick chansoo than kaisoo,the story would have been smoother and now kyungsoo and chanyeol gotta suffer. T-T
Chapter 6: hey this is great why didn't u update anymore??
pururunka #4
Chapter 24: please complete this story -_-
So this was kind of story that never got completed?? You should have completed anyhow....or atleast you should have removed it
Chapter 16: Oh ....what is going on really??? I was just reading this chapter again & again because i wasnt getting the whole thing....Oh my baby why did you turned so evil.....aaahhhhh i hate seriously
Authernim you are great... just to make Chansoo together you turned my baby(Kai) into an evil.....aahhhh where the f**k did this Myungsoo came from??
Chapter 7: Wtf is going on?? Kyungsoo kissed Kai while he was in a relationship with Chanyeol? Didnt you said that Kyungsoo loved Chanyeol no matter what?? And Yeolli...what was he thinking? he liked kissing some random guy....this is just to abrupt.....!!
Is this a complete one?? coz i hate to wait for update....!!
CHANSOO please ~~~ :))))
ReiKoma #10