Chapter 19

You Should Be Mine {HIATUS}

Calm. That's what Kai felt like when he was with Kyungsoo. All of that changed when he got a phone call from his brother, Kim Myungsoo, who reminded why he was here for, and who Kyungsoo really  is. 

At one point Kai really did like Kyungsoo. Back in the beggining, when Kyungsoo showed him around, up until the end of the dance. Maybe Kai missed those feelings, but the world will never know, since Kai learned to hide it.

Myungsoo did warn Kai about this, warning him how Kyungsoo is the master of seduction, behind his cute and innocent image was a demon, but Kai never really believed that. He thought Kyungsoo was an innocent boy, the reason why he liked him so much. Kyungsoo made him feel safe, as he really did belong. Kai's feelings for Kyungsoo hurts, at that point Kai really felt like he was going crazy. Kai was going to forget about the mission at the dance, act like he never knew about it.

Perhaps, maybe that's why Myungsoo gave him that call. Myungsoo knew that was going to happen, Kai falling in love with Kyungsoo, and deciding to betray the mission. Maybe that's why he decided to give Kai a phone call, the phone call that would completly change Kai's feelings about Kyungsoo.

(Back to end of the dance, which was a few chapters ago, I didn't really tell you what happened after they walked out did I? XD)

Kai was skipping in the inside, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had finally broke up, leaving Kyungsoo to himself. After walking Kyungsoo back to his house, Kai decided he couldn't do this anymore. He didn't want revenge now, all he wanted was Kyungsoo. He took out his phone and dialed Myungsoo's number, getting ready to tell Myungsoo he wasn't going to go through the plan anymore. 


"Yes, Jongin-ah?"

Kai savored the sweetness in his brother's voice, and imagined what it would be like if he said he didn't want to continue with the plan anymore. Before he could say anything, he was cut off by his brother's voice on the phone.

"Oh yeah, you have a new partner in crime Jongin! Guess who it is, it's Baekhyun! Make sure to tell him about the plan."

"Umm about that hyung..."

"Yes? What's wrong Jongin?"

"I don't want to continue with the plan anymore."

"What?" The old sweet tone of Kai's brother was long gone, it was replaced by a cold and murderous tone.

Kai gulped, and scoffed. "I said I don't want to continue with the plan anymore."

"............ You have to."


"Do you really want to know why? Here's the reason why. Kyungsoo broke up with me dammit!"

"But, it's been a few years. Shouldn't you let go of things?"

Kai heard Myungsoo growl. "He humiliated me in front of everybody. He told everybody that I was cheating on him, which I was, but he didn't have to say it outloud."

Kai's eyes widened, "I thought you said he didn't love you anymore, he liked another guy!"

"That was a lie to cover up on what really happened, the truth makes him a bad guy even more right?"

To be honest, at that time, Kai was disgusted with Myungsoo. First, Myungsoo was cheating on Kyungsoo so it gave Kyungsoo a good excuse on breaking up with him, then Myungsoo lied to him and Baekhyun, and then he still wants revenge? "You disgust me hyung." and then Kai hung up. He started walking back to his appartment, he was tired and his mind had to adjust all the information. He took a short cut to his home, by crossing a dark and dingy alley. A sharp blow hit his head and he crumpled to the floor, already unconsious. A shadow stepped out, looking at him with pity.

"Sorry Jongin, but I have to do this for revenge. You won't remember a thing, why not poison your mind with lies right now?"

The stranger scribbled lies about Kyungsoo on a post it note, saying that Kyungsoo made him unconsious, and Myungsoo carried him back home. Myungsoo carried him back home, and dropped him on the bed. Before leaving the house, Myungsoo looked back, and smirked. *You are so going to get it Do Kyungsoo.*


Kai's head started hurting, as he laid on the couch. Ever since he woke up with absoulutely no memories of what happened after the dance, he's been getting sudden headaches. *Why am I like this?* he thought, and got up the couch, groaning. He touched the back of his head, and yelped. The pain started searing on his head again, this time it was too much, and he fainted.

A few hours later, Kai woke up groaning again on a bed. He blinked in confusion, he remembered that he was on a couch first. He saw Kyungsoo peering at him, a few inches away from his face. He yelped again, and punched Kyungsoo on the arm. It was Kyungsoo's turn to yelp, and then glare at him.

"Yah Why'd you do that for?" Kyungsoo glared, rubbing his arm.

"Why were you on me?" Kai countered, glaring back.

"Well, you fainted so I was taking care of you..." Kyungsoo muttered, and got up. "I'll be leaving, since you're obviously okay now since you can punch."

Kai didn't bother to look at Kyungsoo leaving, his head started to hurt even more. *Aish... Why do I have this feeling that I fainted before?* He touched his head, more gently then before, but that didn't stop him from yelping. *It feels like I've been wacked by a baseball bat, maybe that was Kyungsoo's doing?* He scanned the room looking for a baseball bat, but found out there was none. *No, I remembered fainting after I touched my head... Kyungsoo did this before?* He scratched his head, and nearly screamed when he touched that spot. *No, Kyungsoo doesn't hit this strong... Who did this to me? I have a feeling this was at the night of the dance... Maybe that note wasn't saying things correctly? What actually  happened after the dance?* Kai touched that spot more forcefully this time, and dropped onto the bed again. Various memories were flashing through his head, only one thing was clear to Kai. *What Myungsoo hyung said to me... Wasn't true?*

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School is a killer on me >.>


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Chapter 23: you know author-nim, if you did not have inspiration, you could ask us to send you our ideas by private messages...
it is unfortunate to stop such an exciting story, I hope you will read this comment :)

KShum8049 #2
Chapter 24: Why did people pick chansoo than kaisoo,the story would have been smoother and now kyungsoo and chanyeol gotta suffer. T-T
Chapter 6: hey this is great why didn't u update anymore??
pururunka #4
Chapter 24: please complete this story -_-
So this was kind of story that never got completed?? You should have completed anyhow....or atleast you should have removed it
Chapter 16: Oh ....what is going on really??? I was just reading this chapter again & again because i wasnt getting the whole thing....Oh my baby why did you turned so evil.....aaahhhhh i hate seriously
Authernim you are great... just to make Chansoo together you turned my baby(Kai) into an evil.....aahhhh where the f**k did this Myungsoo came from??
Chapter 7: Wtf is going on?? Kyungsoo kissed Kai while he was in a relationship with Chanyeol? Didnt you said that Kyungsoo loved Chanyeol no matter what?? And Yeolli...what was he thinking? he liked kissing some random guy....this is just to abrupt.....!!
Is this a complete one?? coz i hate to wait for update....!!
CHANSOO please ~~~ :))))
ReiKoma #10