Chapter 17: What happened to the Kai I knew?

You Should Be Mine {HIATUS}

"Baek baby~" Kai cooed in the phone, Baekhyun couldn't help but giggle at his voice.


"I got a plan. Meet me at the hideout, arraso?" Kai hung up, and Baekhyun frowned. *He must really love Myungsoo to do this twenty-four seven... Probably as much as me.*

He changed into new clean clothes, and trudged outside. *Life isn't fair.* He went to their hideout, finding Kai there. Kai looked like he hadn't slept at all, with his grey bags under his eyes, and smelled bad. Baekhyun wrinkled his nose at the smell, and Kai chuckled.

"I smell right?"

"Yeah you do. Go take a shower babe."

Kai shook his head vigorously, "No, I need to know things first. What was the reason why Kyungsoo broke up with Chanyeol?"

Baekhyun hesitated, what was Kai going to use with this information? "He... He broke up with Chanyeol because he found out that Chanyeol cheated on him."

Kai grinned, "Then here's my plan. I sleep with a lot of people, Kyungsoo finds out, we have a fight where I tell him everything, we break up, and meanwhile, you kill Chanyeol. Then, Kyungsoo finds out that Chanyeol is dead because of him, and then he kills himself and then we live happily ever after."

Baekhyun stopped listening when Kai said the word kill. *What happened to the Kai I knew?* Baekhyun shook his head and said meekly, "Isn't killing too much?"

Kai narrowed his eyes, and Baekhyun immiediatly regreted it. "So are you saying... that the person who broke my brother's heart deserves not to die?"

Baekhyun shook his head, "I'm just saying about Chanyeo..." He faltered as Kai came up and slapped him.

"What happened to the Baekhyun I knew? Don't say you actually like Chanyeol because if you do, then he deserves to die even more because he's taking away my property." Kai hissed,  and Baekhyun felt a twinge of anger.

"I don't... like Chanyeol." Kai nodded, and went back to his couch.

"Now go out and bond with Chanyeol so it would be more painful."

Baekhyun ran away from the hideout, as fast as he could so he can get a breathe of fresh air. He was going to become a murderer, and Kai didn't care; he was supporting it. But what could he do, Kai is his best friend and savior. He would be dead without Kai. Baekhyun gulped, and plunged to the ground.

*What happened to the Kai I knew?*

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School is a killer on me >.>


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Chapter 23: you know author-nim, if you did not have inspiration, you could ask us to send you our ideas by private messages...
it is unfortunate to stop such an exciting story, I hope you will read this comment :)

KShum8049 #2
Chapter 24: Why did people pick chansoo than kaisoo,the story would have been smoother and now kyungsoo and chanyeol gotta suffer. T-T
Chapter 6: hey this is great why didn't u update anymore??
pururunka #4
Chapter 24: please complete this story -_-
So this was kind of story that never got completed?? You should have completed anyhow....or atleast you should have removed it
Chapter 16: Oh ....what is going on really??? I was just reading this chapter again & again because i wasnt getting the whole thing....Oh my baby why did you turned so evil.....aaahhhhh i hate seriously
Authernim you are great... just to make Chansoo together you turned my baby(Kai) into an evil.....aahhhh where the f**k did this Myungsoo came from??
Chapter 7: Wtf is going on?? Kyungsoo kissed Kai while he was in a relationship with Chanyeol? Didnt you said that Kyungsoo loved Chanyeol no matter what?? And Yeolli...what was he thinking? he liked kissing some random guy....this is just to abrupt.....!!
Is this a complete one?? coz i hate to wait for update....!!
CHANSOO please ~~~ :))))
ReiKoma #10