19. Final

Thousand years


Yixing woke to find himself blindfolded and tied to a pillar post. Someone had stopped the bleeding in his abdomen, even though it still hurt like a . He was pretty sure that it was the same person who’d plunged the damned dagger in to his abdomen.

A shuffle and muffled cry from the corner behind him caught his attention, but he could not turn around. But it did not take much for him to know who it was. He recognised the smell of this place, he’d recognized the voice. He knew who was here before him, and he knew exactly who did it. Yixing wanted to call out to the person behind him, but his mouth was gagged. Damn you, did you have to shut me up too.

The two captives sat in silence, like they were waiting for the end of their destinies. Until a heavy wooden door slammed open against the bricked wall, and one of the two captives was untied and dragged out. Whoever had dragged him out, dropped him on the marble floors without warning, causing him to wince in pain before cursing under his breath.

“Why did you betray me?”

That voice. He knew too well who that voice belonged to.

The gag and blindfold were yanked off forcefully, his mouth sore and stiff, eyes momentarily blinded by the sudden brightness.  

“Did you not hear my question? I am asking you, why did you betray me?” His captor interrogator asked again, this time with a hint of impatience in his voice.

He let out a bitter laughter. “Are you certain that you do not know the reason behind it all? Are you certain that your conscience is clear?” He swayed slightly from side to side, eyes never leaving the ground in front of him. Slowly looking up, he looked at the person in front of him, as though in a trance. “All the things that you did, I’m merely returning you a favour, letting you have a taste of your medicine. In fact, you should be thankful. Thankful because no one is dead, yet.”

“You did it because of him, didn’t you? Because of that , am I wrong to say that?”

“DO NOT CALL HIM A ! Who do you think you are? Who do you freaking think you are?!” He was trembling, not out of fear, but of anger. No one calls him that. No one says anything bad about him. Not even you.

“I’d trusted you. I’d given you whatever you’d asked for. What more do you want from me?”

“Want? Am I allowed to want anything? I dare not want. The price is too high for a miserable sorcerer like me to pay for.”

“A miserable sorcerer? You know full well what you’re capable of, you’re not that miserable after all. All the sins you’ve committed, all the-“

“Sins? My sins are not greater than yours, my conscience is clearer than yours. My reasons are better than your warped excuses! Sins, who are you to talk to me about sins?” He spat. The fury in his eyes bore straight through the man in front of him. The urge to finish him off there and then. Mentally, he started chanting his spell, the spell he’d came up with specially for this man.

A piercing scream erupted through the mansion. His eyes widened hearing that voice, stopping his spell immediately.

Shuffling of feet and muffled cries echoed down the hallway. A frail, limp body came crashing down on the ground. The boy was weakened, and he definitely did not look like this when he was last seen.

“Boy oh boy, seems like I’d forgotten to warn you. Whatever you do to me, that there will suffer the same treatment. Maybe this way, you would like to consider treating me a little better?” A smirk formed across his face, as he watched the angry sorcerer kneel before him, helpless.

They tied their lives together. Some son of a witch.

“Kris Wufanace, what the hell do you want from me?” He was cornered. He’d wanted so bad to finish of the monster in front of him, the monster who had wrecked his entire life, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t take the risk to hurt the one he’d loved. Quietly, he thought of all the reversing spells there were, in a desperate attempt to free his love from Kris.

“Stop trying too hard. You can’t break that spell.” Kai’s voice rang through the hall as he made his way in. “Have you forgotten what you’d told me many years back? You said, ‘Kai, sometimes when you try too hard, things backfire.’ Have you forgotten about it already?” Walking towards the weak boy, Kai held him up and sniffed up his neck. “Smells so good, the blood, so young, so fresh. It would be a pity if I took a bite out of this pretty neck here, isn’t it?”

“Don’t you dare..”

“Try me.” Kai bared his fangs and placed it on the boy’s neck, drawing the first drop of blood. The sorcerer panicked, commanding a spell, he sent Kai tumbling backwards, cursing. “Damned sorcerer.” Before the sorcerer could do anything else, someone zoomed towards him, plunging a dagger into his abdomen, again.

“Touch Kai again, and this dagger will go straight through your heart.” His attacker hissed next to his ear. The next thing he felt, was his powers being drawn away, bit by bit. He felt so weak. Looking over at the boy he loved, tears fell. He hated himself, for not being able to protect the ones he’d loved.

Kris cleared his throat, “Let me ask you one last time. Why did you betray me?”

“You son of a witch, you killed my parents. You took away my family, you took away my life, you too away everything from me. Why should I leave anything for you? Why would you deserve to have anything?”


“Bring them in.” Kris ordered. The guards came back, dragging 3 people with them, a man and two ladies.

The young boy’s eyes widened, tears fell. He wanted to call out to them, but a voice rang in his head, “Do not call for us boy. It will cost you your life. Stay alive, and seek revenge for us.” The boy was merely 12 years of age. He watched as the guards brutally beat the hell out of the captured man. He was so badly bruised all over. The two women sat quietly watching the brutality. They were not allowed to shed a single drop of tear, or their heads would roll. But the young boy knew better; they would die, whether or not they obeyed orders.

“My boy, look at me.” Kris called out to the young boy. The latter looked up in fear. “Yesterday, when you begged me to take you in, you promised to stay loyal to me, and to take every command you’re given, is that right?” The young boy nodded slightly. “Very well.” Kris stood up and walked over to where the boy was kneeling. Placing an assuring hand on the boy’s shoulder, he whispered in his ear, “Now, kill them.”

“Stay alive, and seek revenge.”

“Do it, child.”

“You must stay alive.”

He knew he didn’t have a choice. Even if he chose to not kill these people, Kris would eventually kill them himself. With shivering hands outstretched, the young boy muttered a curse spell, tears rolling from his eyes. Blood spewed out from corners of the tortured man’s mouth, and then he just fell. The two women knelt, awaiting their deaths, heads still held high. They did not shed a single drop of tear, they kept their pride. Before they knew it, it was over. The young boy stared hard at the scene before him. He’d just killed three people, with his own hands.

“Very good, you have done well. You must be shakened, someone, bring him back to rest, I will see him again later when he’s better.” Kris waved his hand and strolled out of the hall.

The young boy closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I have sinned. Father, Mother, Sister, please rest in peace, I will live well, and I will seek revenge for you.”


“You killed my family. You made me kill my family, with my own hands.” Tears formed in the sorcerer’s eyes as he spoke.

“Even if so, you could have left Sephen alone. The only person you had to deal with, was me.” Kris pointed out.

“Seems like you do not know how things work, do you? Killing you would be too easy on you. I wanted to put you through the pain you put me through, to watch your loved ones die before your eyes. I want you to know how it feels to watch your loved ones die, and not be able to do anything to save them. Sephen and you, do you live only to kill someone else’s parents? Then how is it that you get to live the life you want, when we lose everything and live in hell?”

“Your parents died because they deserved to die. They went against me, they even tried to murder me, should I protect myself first?” Kris glared down at the sorcerer.

“Then what wrong did Bacchus’ parents commit? What mistake, what crime did they commit to deserve death by your precious son’s hands?!”

The sorcerer winced as felt the dagger being pulled out. His attacker knelt next to him. “They were diseased. They were the ones who’d requested for death. Sephen did not kill them by his own free will. They asked for Sephen to end their lives. And you really shouldn’t have tried to kill Sephen back then, and you shouldn’t have killed me.”


“Your Majesties, we have a small favour to ask of you.”

“Please, we will try our best to help you.”

The man looked at his wife before continuing.

“We know about your identities, we are sorcerers and we know that both of you are not.. humans. Therefore, we hereby offer up our lives to you, and our blood shall be yours to take.”


“We are diseased. It’s still in the early stages but we are sure that we’ve caught the disease when we returned from the next village. If we were left to live, the disease would spread in this town. Our son, Bacchus, might end up getting infected by it. We cannot live. Please Your Majesty, please fulfil this selfish wish of ours.” The man bowed, before rolling down his collar, exposing his neck. His wife did the same, and both looked up at Sephen, waiting for his response. Sephen took slow steps towards them. He was hesitating, but the man left him with no choice. He’d force his neck against Sephen’s lips, and immediately, his instincts took over, baring his fangs, digging them deep into the neck offered to him.

The door flew open, and young Bacchus came running in. Seeing the bloody scene in front of him, he picked up the dagger from the mantelpiece.

“WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU’RE A MONSTER!” The crying boy lunged towards Sephen with the dagger in his hands. Sephen held the boy up by the collars.

“I, have sent them to heaven, my boy.”

It was at this point in time, a dark haired man appeared, chanting some sort of spell aloud. Everything blurred. Sephen’s vision was no longer clear and all he could hear was muffled cries and chantings. Until someone held him close, chanting yet another spell. It was a mess. Before Sephen regained consciously, he felt blood on his cheek, as the pair of arms around him tried to continue holding on to him.

“Sephen, please remember that I love you..” Luhan’s voice was croaky. He had this smile on his face, a heartbreaking smile.


The sorcerer fell back with those words. What has he done all these years? He brought his hands up and stared at them. These bloodied hands.

“There’s nothing left for you to hide now. Your little has-“

“STOP CALLING BAEKHYUN A . YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO.” The injured sorcerer exploded in fury. He’d lost everything. He had to protect Baekhyun. He had to protect the only person he had left, his only reason to live.

“Why would he not be one? Or are you fine with him two-timing you?” Kris spat out the cruel words.

“He did not.” The sorcerer looked up. “It was a spell. I casted the spell. Park Chanyeol is innocent. We used him, to defeat you. I wanted you to know the pain of losing someone. I wanted you to be defeated. So I casted a spell on Chanyeol, made him fall head over heels for Baekhyun. I made him do everything for Baekhyun, to sacrifice for Baekhyun. He was forced to leave you, to betray you, to sacrifice himself, for my plans. He took the rep for everything. From the attempts to murder Sephen, to the dark magic performed on Sephen. He was right, Baekhyun did not have the power to perform such dark magic. It was me, I was the one who attempted to kill Sephen. Everything was done by me. You should have trusted him, Kris Wufanace, he still loves you.”

This time, it was Kris who stumbled backwards. Chanyeol..

The sorcerer crawled over to the weak boy, and pulled him into an embrace. “I’m sorry Baekhyun, I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry I didn’t keep my promise to seek revenge for our parents. I’m sorry that things turned out this way..”

Baekhyun closed his eyes. The fact that his parents had sought their own deaths, has yet to register itself in his mind. For so many years, he had been doing something so pointless. Brushing the thoughts aside, he wrapped his arms around his lover. “It’s over, we’re done here. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

He felt the other party drawing a pocket knife, and he did likewise, taking an identical pocket knife out from his jeans. Silently, they held each other closer.

Baekhyun let out a soft gasp. He choked on his tear, holding on to the other man even more tightly. With a weak smile, he whispered, “At least, this promise we kept. Thank you for risking your life, protecting me all these years.” He knew that his lover would have a smile on his face too.

It was too late when Luhan and Kai realized what was going on. Two figures went limp, in a pool of blood.

The last thing they heard was Baekhyun’s very soft whisper, “Thank you, and I love you, Yixing ah.”

“These knives have been soaked in dark poison. Promise me, Baekhyun, stay alive at all times. If we had to die, this shall be the only way we die, together.”

Baekhyun’s eyes sparkled, “Till death do us apart, Yixing ah”


I know the ending's kinda ty. and messy, and long.

So if you guys don't really get it, Yixing's the killer. he did it to seek revenge for his parents, and Baekhyun's parents and yes, the real couple is BaekXing, not ChanBaek. ChanBaek was a hoax by Yixing, get it? Chanyeol stilll loves Kris, get it get it? HAHA

Okay with that I shall go off to my next fic hehehe 
Thank you for staying with me through Thousand Years!!!


Till then, exoxo!!♥♥

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Chapter 22: i really like this. it is so cute.. but most especially i love their surnames. ;)) especially luhan's. ;DD
torihuang #2
Chapter 22: hehe this is so cute!! <3 ^-^
SHINee_Generation13 #3
Chapter 3: HOLY MOTHER OF GOSH. You watch vampire diariesssss?
luhansface #4
You did an amazing job! *^*
yuu8713 #5
Chapter 22: I'm sorry I replied to your reply first before realizing that you've already posted the KrisYeol chapter #blushing
this is sweet~ I love it how you inserted the past scenes,& you connected it smoothly with present situations…
though you said you made it in a rush but it's perfect nonetheless :)
thank you~ ♥
Chapter 22: Awww Krisyeol reunited so cute!!
Chapter 21: Ok so I was way off on who threw the dagger it was Kris...wasn't expecting a Baekxing either lol. Well it seems they had themselves a Romeo Juliet ending. I'm glad Sehun is ok and Hunhan is reunited!! Haha poor Monggu she was just an innocent bystander and she got paddlepopped too!!
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 21: OMG THIS IS PRECIOUS!! YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love how you ended the story with a plot twist that Yixing's the actual culprit instead of Chanyeol :O
the mini-sequel is epic LOL at Sehunnie's paddlepop hair & Luhan how could you do that to Monggu too?? XD the KaiHunHan is absolutely lovely ♥
so… if Chanyeol still loves Kris,can you make a KrisYeol chapter for a mini-sequel,please? *puppy eyes*
thank you for writing this beautiful story :)
can't wait for EXO's comeback OMG IT'S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!!
markpop #10
Chapter 20: oh didn't see that kind of ending coming... i love it :)