18. Intuitions, suspicions.

Thousand years


Outside, Luhan and Yixing were keeping a tight lookout for the missing sorcerer, or any traces of unorthodox magic which may lead them to him. Street after street, alley after alley, they left no stone unturned. Anyone with the least resemblance was checked thoroughly for disguise. Luhan had tried using the tracer spell on a cap he’d picked up from the old classroom, but it seemed like Baekhyun had masked off his location with yet another spell. Even Luhan’s keen sense of smell and hearing did not help. It was like the wanted man had disappeared from the face of the earth.

He was anxious, running out of patience. Luhan felt like he was battling against time. He had to find the damned sorcerer of a Byun Baekhyun, before the latter took any attempts at Sephen’s life again. Luhan knew that it was impossible, when Kris and Jong-in were both guarding over the sick boy, but he simply could not help but to worry.  ­

“Is it possible that he’d left the city?” Yixing asked quietly as they brisk-walked down yet another quiet back alley. Luhan slowed down to a stop. Thinking for a moment, he shook his head. “Not possible. Even if he’d left the city, he wouldn’t be too far. Also, I would have picked up his scent somewhere.”

“But we do not know how long has he been missing for.”

“It hadn’t been that long since Sehun was poisoned. Between the time of the poisoning and now, he only had that much time to flee, and just so you know, vampires can pick up scents left behind for up to 24hours. Now, we should hurry.” Luhan replied with certainty, before continuing his search. Through the night, Luhan walked every inch of Seoul, flipped every stone, leaf and brick in the city, with Yixing lagging behind. Every now and then, Luhan had a naggy feeling that something was amiss, but he’d just brushed it off.

It was nearly daybreak when the two sorcerers reached the outskirts of the city, where Kris’ grand mansion stood upon a priceless piece of land.

“Guess we’ll have to search out of the city after all.” Yixing sat down in front of the heavy wrought iron gate. Luhan disregarded Yixing’s comment and remained standing in front of the gates, gazing into the distance, at the long driveway and at the grand mansion ahead. There was this urge, for him to walk down that driveway and in to the mansion. He did not know why he felt this way, there was this strong force of attraction of some sort, drawing him closer and closer; the very same feeling that had unknowingly led him here. Luhan placed his hands on the heavy gates and gave it a good push, when someone stopped him.

 “We do not have time for this. Don’t you want to find him sooner?” Yixing held on to Luhan’s wrist firmly. Luhan looked up at Yixing, and noticed a flicker in his eyes. But before he could say anything, Yixing had the gate closed again. The grip on his wrist was firm, but in Yixing’s eyes, there was a hint of nervousness, and perhaps…. a little fear. The naggy feeling he’d had all night came back again. Something was not right. Even though Luhan didn’t usually depend on what people called intuition, he had to admit that sometimes, it was much more reliable than what they called logical and rational thinking. Since when was anyone truly rational and since when were things truly logical? The odd feeling, the attraction that’d led him from the heart of the city, and now, Yixing’s odd behaviour, Luhan was certain that someone was hiding something.

“Let go, I’ll just go get some blood bags. I’ll be right back.” Luhan lied. He knew that Yixing wouldn’t buy his story, but he’d rather try it anyway. “You could do with a tad bit of rest too, you’ve been searching through the night.” With that, he gave the gate a hard push and slipped in to the mansion’s compounds as the gate creaked open.

He had miscalculated this step.

Right outside the large mahogany doors of the mansion, Yixing caught up with Luhan. “I’ll go get the bloodbags for you. His Majesty’s ordered for them to be shifted elsewhere before this when the authorities came checking.” Yixing explained calmly, with a small gulp. “Furthermore, you know how His Majesty hates having anyone trespassing certain parts of his mansion. I’m afraid he may get upset if he got to know about it.”


Luhan eyed him carefully, and let out a soft sigh. “Alright then, I’ll wait for you out in the great hall. Bring along a few more packs, we may need it for Sephen later on.” Nodding, Yixing disappeared down the grand hallways of the mansion.

Shortly after, he returned with a blood bag in one hand, and an icebox in the other. Passing the blood bag to Luhan, Yixing casually made his way towards the main entrance. But before he could lay a finger on the giant door’s knobs, he felt air breezing past him, and a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, forcing him to kneel on the ground.

Blood gushed out as a silver dagger remained embedded in his abdomen. 

Okay I've been lazy :( But here's one to all my lovely readers! 
Not exactly a long chapter, and it's not edited as usual (I'm sorry ><)
I'm trying to churn out the next chapter but there's this huge writer's block  - hate these blocks so much T-T
Anyway! Thousang Years should be ending in a couple of chapters and I have so many fic ideas in mind right now.
Chaptered sequel to my Jonghyun drabbles, the Sehun fic which I've yet to upload a single chapter for, and a SuLay maybe? 
So many ideas, so little time, and my language brain is kinda fried T-T 

This A/N is so long hahaha. 
Hope yo'u've enhoyed the chapter nonetheless! There'll be more coming up after this chapter so.... stay with me!
(If you can guess the remaining story.... shhh keep it to yourself alright? ^^)
Till then, xoxo!


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Chapter 22: i really like this. it is so cute.. but most especially i love their surnames. ;)) especially luhan's. ;DD
torihuang #2
Chapter 22: hehe this is so cute!! <3 ^-^
SHINee_Generation13 #3
Chapter 3: HOLY MOTHER OF GOSH. You watch vampire diariesssss?
luhansface #4
You did an amazing job! *^*
yuu8713 #5
Chapter 22: I'm sorry I replied to your reply first before realizing that you've already posted the KrisYeol chapter #blushing
this is sweet~ I love it how you inserted the past scenes,& you connected it smoothly with present situations…
though you said you made it in a rush but it's perfect nonetheless :)
thank you~ ♥
Chapter 22: Awww Krisyeol reunited so cute!!
Chapter 21: Ok so I was way off on who threw the dagger it was Kris...wasn't expecting a Baekxing either lol. Well it seems they had themselves a Romeo Juliet ending. I'm glad Sehun is ok and Hunhan is reunited!! Haha poor Monggu she was just an innocent bystander and she got paddlepopped too!!
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 21: OMG THIS IS PRECIOUS!! YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love how you ended the story with a plot twist that Yixing's the actual culprit instead of Chanyeol :O
the mini-sequel is epic LOL at Sehunnie's paddlepop hair & Luhan how could you do that to Monggu too?? XD the KaiHunHan is absolutely lovely ♥
so… if Chanyeol still loves Kris,can you make a KrisYeol chapter for a mini-sequel,please? *puppy eyes*
thank you for writing this beautiful story :)
can't wait for EXO's comeback OMG IT'S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!!
markpop #10
Chapter 20: oh didn't see that kind of ending coming... i love it :)