13. Alive and kicking

Thousand years


Jong-in sat around in his room, munching on cereals while zoning into space with the dance videos still playing on his laptop. A soft yelp from the other side of the door interrupted his thoughts. The door creeped open slowly, and the playful poodle came prancing on to Jong-in's bed, Sehun dragging his feet in behind.

"Yah yah Monggu, how many times must I tell you not to hop around on my bed?" Jong-in carried the little creature and gave it a hug. "And my dear brother, how may I help you?"

Sehun sat on the edge of the bed and remained silent. He didn't know how to phrase his problem.

"Just go, I know you want to, and you know it too." Jong-in stole a side glance at his brother. The latter was not surprised at all with Jong-in's answer, after all, Jong-in could read minds. "It's just a matter of time before he knows the truth. Suppose it would cause less damage to let him know about it sooner."

The younger of the two pondered over his brother's words for a few seconds and nodded. "Could you... go with me?"

Jong-in chuckled. They may be centuries old, but this kid, will never grow up.


Luhan’s apartment was about a 20minutes walk away from Jong-in and Sehun’s home. He’d mentioned to Sehun earlier that he would be home tonight, with the intention of finishing up a secret gift for Sehun. The brothers were turning around the last corner when their ears picked up a weird crackling sound from the direction of Luhan’s house. Without any hesitation, Sehun made a dash for it, and stopped outside the apartment just before it blew up in flames. “LUHAN!”

Sehun’s heart skipped a beat. Lou’s gone, not Luhan too…

The open window to the bedroom upstairs caught his eye, and glancing around quickly, he leapt up and perched himself on the window ledge. There’s no time to lose. The apartment was pitch black, the only form of illumination came from the blazing fire spreading across the first level. Allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, Sehun took quick, careful steps across the empty bedroom. Luhan, where are you? The fire was spreading too quickly. He had to hurry. His ears were trying their best to pick up the slightest sounds, just in case Luhan was trapped somewhere. His eyes were darting around the rooms, looking out for every visible and not so visible corners.

The heat from the fire was overbearing. Sehun could faintly hear Jong-in calling out for him from outside, but he couldn’t be bothered. Luhan was more important. Looking down from the top of the stairs, most of the bottom level was engulfed in flames and smoke. Without giving any thoughts, Sehun made his way down, and into the sea of fire.

Threading through the less affected parts of the house, Sehun choked on the thick blanket of smoke surrounding him. He felt himself getting weaker by the second, as oxygen was snatched away from him. I have to find Luhan. Burning debris started falling on him, scorching his skin. It hurt, but it healed fast enough. Sehun’s head felt heavy and it felt like it was swirling round and round. His eyes stung from the smoke. His lungs were practically screaming for air. He felt his knees go weak and visions blurring, and he was pretty sure he’d felt a strong pair of arms catching him as his body gave way to the ground.


Everything felt light and floaty. Sehun could not open his eyes, but he felt a familiar touch on his forehead. He tried once more to peel open his eyes just that little bit, still surrounded by darkness. He heard faint voices whispering – One sounded worried, the other he could not understand. A scent; his nose picked up a familiar scent…


Sehun struggled to move, or at least open his eyes, but he couldn’t. He quickly concluded that either he was already dead and had no control over his body, or some moronic of an idiot was holding him down with a spell and he swore to rip his/her head off the moment he opens his eyes. As though his captor’d read his mind, he was released.

His head was groggy, and everything still felt unreal.  His eyelids felt heavy, and so did his limbs. Open you damned eyes, who is this who dare have Lou’s scent? Forcing his eyes open bit by bit, he was greeted by three worried faces – Jong-in, Luhan, and Monggu.

The scent, where did the scent come from?

Monggu whimpered and snuggled up against Sehun. No, Monggu does not have Lou’s scent.

“How’re you feeling?” Jong-in stretched out his hand for Sehun’s cheek. Sehun nodded weakly. No, not Kai either.

Sehun averted his gaze towards the last person. Luhan? It couldn’t be…

Luhan helped Sehun up a little, and gave him a hug, pulling the latter closer to himself. “You’re awake, Sephen..” This scent…

He was strengthless, but Sehun still tried to push the other party away. This can’t be it, Luhan can’t have Lou’s scent. That scent, our memory, he can’t. But, he called me….

“Why Sephen, why did you do that? Why did you just, run in to the sea of fire without even thinking that I might not be in there?” Luhan’s voice quivered slightly.

“Let go of me.” Sehun fought against Luhan, all attempts to break free futile.

He called me Sephen. He used a spell. He has Lou’s scent. But Lou’s dead. A drop of tear rolled down his eyes. He refused to buy any of these. I must be dreaming. Right, I must be dead, that’s why Lou’s with me.

“Am I..dead?”

“No brother, I’m alive and kicking right here so you’re well alive. Not just me Monggu is alive and and so is….”

Luhan interjected Jong-in’s sentence

“So is Lou Hanleigh.”

Hello lovelies!♥
Okay 992 words for you today, not editted haha.
It's been pretty long huh, and I've been skiving on this, and popping up with a zillion one-shots here and there. 
So, give me some comments else I really won't know how to move this fic T-T 
And! thank you so so much for sticking with me through this fic /cries/
HAPPY MARCH EVERYONE (I just felt like saying that)
Till then, xoxo♥

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Chapter 22: i really like this. it is so cute.. but most especially i love their surnames. ;)) especially luhan's. ;DD
torihuang #2
Chapter 22: hehe this is so cute!! <3 ^-^
SHINee_Generation13 #3
Chapter 3: HOLY MOTHER OF GOSH. You watch vampire diariesssss?
luhansface #4
You did an amazing job! *^*
yuu8713 #5
Chapter 22: I'm sorry I replied to your reply first before realizing that you've already posted the KrisYeol chapter #blushing
this is sweet~ I love it how you inserted the past scenes,& you connected it smoothly with present situations…
though you said you made it in a rush but it's perfect nonetheless :)
thank you~ ♥
Chapter 22: Awww Krisyeol reunited so cute!!
Chapter 21: Ok so I was way off on who threw the dagger it was Kris...wasn't expecting a Baekxing either lol. Well it seems they had themselves a Romeo Juliet ending. I'm glad Sehun is ok and Hunhan is reunited!! Haha poor Monggu she was just an innocent bystander and she got paddlepopped too!!
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 21: OMG THIS IS PRECIOUS!! YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love how you ended the story with a plot twist that Yixing's the actual culprit instead of Chanyeol :O
the mini-sequel is epic LOL at Sehunnie's paddlepop hair & Luhan how could you do that to Monggu too?? XD the KaiHunHan is absolutely lovely ♥
so… if Chanyeol still loves Kris,can you make a KrisYeol chapter for a mini-sequel,please? *puppy eyes*
thank you for writing this beautiful story :)
can't wait for EXO's comeback OMG IT'S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!!
markpop #10
Chapter 20: oh didn't see that kind of ending coming... i love it :)