1. "My name is Lu Han"

Thousand years

Oh Sehun. One of the smartest students at Seoul National University, he was one of those you would call a typical teacher’s pet, but no he did not believe in up to the professors, he was smart enough to manage on his own. On the outside, he’s quiet and many would say that he looked frail and timid with that fair skin and small frame. On a closer look, one would then see the emptiness in his eyes. Many students would avoid having direct eye contact with but it wasn’t like they feared him, in fact, they respected him. 

Sehun’s brother, Kim Jong-in on the other hand, was the exact opposite. Almost every other student loved him, but the same did not go with his professors. Some people really do wonder why he isn’t expelled from the university yet. Don’t get me wrong, Jong-in isn’t stupid; in fact, he was nearly as smart as Sehun is. Just that he got tired of studying and thought that making friends, partying and expanding his social network were more suitable for himself. But deep down, Jong-in was quiet, lonely, and all he wanted was love and attention.
Oh Sehun and Kim Jong-in, brothers? No, you didn’t get the names wrong. Sehun and Jong-in are not bonded by blood, or maybe they were. You’ll figure out one day. But perhaps it was because of this special bond they shared that got them in this crazy vicious cycle love-hate relationship all their lives.
It was yet another day at the university, nothing special as Sehun sat at his desk, reading the same old History guidebook for the umpteenth time, he would gladly recite it backwards if anyone’d asked him to. Jong-in scoffed when he walked past his brother, “How many times are you going to read that book, brother?” He looked around and leaned in towards his brother’s ear. “I can give you a better account of history than that book can, you know that.” Sehun shot Jong-in a warning look, causing the other to raise his hands and back off slowly.
Going back to his reading, Sehun started to zone out (what difference did it make whether he did or not since he was going to ace the next test anyway), so much that he didn’t notice the professor entering with a new student. “Hello, I’m a new transfer student here, and I’m from China. My name is Lu Han, and I hope to know everyone better.” 
“My name is Lu Han.”
That particular line rang in Sehun’s ear once again.  That was when he finally snapped back to reality and started to pay attention to the new student, who happened to be smiling at his direction, and gasped. Jong-in, on hearing his brother gasp, looked up from his phone, and let out a low whistle.
20th April 1823
I met him today, on the first day in this new territory. There he was, in the middle of the ongoing party brother and I passed by. His flawlessness that made him stand out from the crowd even more than he already did, his smile that made me look back twice, and the genuine eyes that prevented me from nearing him. 
Lou. His name was Lou.
Tying up the old and tattered diary, Sehun set it back to where it was on the shelf, together with the many others. He studied the hand sketched photo in his hand as he sat down by the fireplace. Silence filled the room, with the exception of the crackling sounds from the burning firewood, as Sehun fell into deep thoughts. Memories flooded in and he could feel his emotions starting to stir.  That face from earlier on, was etched in his mind. Lu Han. That smile, and those eyes. Lu Han
“Nah-ah, you’re not supposed to let your emotions get the better of you” Jong-in’s voice broke the silence. He settled for an armchair in their tastefully furnished living room. Sehun ignored him and stood up from where he was. Before he could step anywhere out of sight, Jong-in spoke again. 
“Now now, tell me you’re not going to start writing in those diaries of yours again. You are not going to get stuck in yet another episode of sappy drama on your own, not after I’d went through so much to pull you out of your previous one.“
Sehun stopped short in his tracks. The usually calm and clear-minded Sehun is now caught in a whirlpool of confusion, and a mixture of feelings. Brushing off what his brother had said, he lifted his foot but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
 “Sehun, he’s not who you think he is. He is dead, ok? Lou is dea-”
For the first time in many, many years, Jong-in saw some form of emotion in his brother’s eyes. Anger, bitterness, sadness, he didn’t know what it was.

3:03AM.  The first chapter. It's just 821 words. 
How was it? Tell me tell me, please, pretty please with tons of bright red yummilicious cherries on top?
The story's gonna be in third person's POV cause I at writing first person, and if I do, either you'll get confused, or I'll get confused writing /slaps self.
I will TRY (I repeat, TRY) to update another chapter in the next few days, though I'm supposed to be mugging my off for my exams. 
Or do you rather I update on a weekly basis?

HAERINSSI: HERE'S YOUR FIRST CHAPTERRRRR I know it but you know I'm supposed to be studying now but I lied<3

*P.S. I'm still open to poster submissions~ Comment, personal message, or tweet me (@krispyjieun) aite? I'll feature you somewhere in the story! <3

Till then, exoexo♥

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Chapter 22: i really like this. it is so cute.. but most especially i love their surnames. ;)) especially luhan's. ;DD
torihuang #2
Chapter 22: hehe this is so cute!! <3 ^-^
SHINee_Generation13 #3
Chapter 3: HOLY MOTHER OF GOSH. You watch vampire diariesssss?
luhansface #4
You did an amazing job! *^*
yuu8713 #5
Chapter 22: I'm sorry I replied to your reply first before realizing that you've already posted the KrisYeol chapter #blushing
this is sweet~ I love it how you inserted the past scenes,& you connected it smoothly with present situations…
though you said you made it in a rush but it's perfect nonetheless :)
thank you~ ♥
Chapter 22: Awww Krisyeol reunited so cute!!
Chapter 21: Ok so I was way off on who threw the dagger it was Kris...wasn't expecting a Baekxing either lol. Well it seems they had themselves a Romeo Juliet ending. I'm glad Sehun is ok and Hunhan is reunited!! Haha poor Monggu she was just an innocent bystander and she got paddlepopped too!!
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 21: OMG THIS IS PRECIOUS!! YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love how you ended the story with a plot twist that Yixing's the actual culprit instead of Chanyeol :O
the mini-sequel is epic LOL at Sehunnie's paddlepop hair & Luhan how could you do that to Monggu too?? XD the KaiHunHan is absolutely lovely ♥
so… if Chanyeol still loves Kris,can you make a KrisYeol chapter for a mini-sequel,please? *puppy eyes*
thank you for writing this beautiful story :)
can't wait for EXO's comeback OMG IT'S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!!
markpop #10
Chapter 20: oh didn't see that kind of ending coming... i love it :)