2. unafraid

Thousand years

Sehun sat against the mirror in the dance studio, watching Jong-in practice his new choreography. Or rather, Jong-in forced Sehun to, like he always did. The previous time, Sehun had to go through torturous food tasting sessions when Jong-in decided to pick up baking. Before that, it was the torment of sleepless nights thanks (and no thanks) to his elder brother's nightly attempts to become a professional drummer, at which he failed terribly.

Sehun felt a light tap on his shoulder and instinctively held the intruder up by the throat and bared his teeth at the latter, releasing only when he realized it was Jong-in. "Don't do that, you might very well just end up getting killed by me one fine day" 

"So poor me is gonna be blamed for my own death because I was trying to get my own little brother out of yet anther stupid daze? But again, you do realize that I can’t be killed, right?" Jong-in rolled his eyes and retorted sarcastically. 

"I was no-" 

"Oh yes you were. you totally were. What's on your mind?" Jong-in probed, even though it was pretty obvious what Sehun was pondering over. 

"Nothing. none of your business." Sehun replied expressionlessly. Everything and the only thing on his mind, was the new transfer student, Lu Han. And as though some supreme being heard his thoughts, the door opened and in peeked a pair of large orbs. "Hi! Um, I'm a little lost around here, may I know wh-" 

"We're heading there too" Jong-in replied him before he could even complete his question. 

"There....?" Luhan looked at him quizzically. Jong-in mentally face palmed himself. He had the ability to read minds, but no one was supposed to know. "I mean, we're in the same class, right? Sports period next right?" He laughed awkwardly. Luhan nodded but to be honest, Luhan had no recollections or whatsoever that Jong-in was in his class. His eyes fell on Sehun’s familiar face, their gazes caught each other's. Sehun's eyes looked somewhat cold and dangerous, but somehow, behind them, Luhan thought they looked....sad. 


The lunch bell finally rang, much to everyone’s delight. Famished students filed in to the cafeteria and Luhan followed suit, but being a tad bit too slow, found himself with no seat. At one corner of the cafeteria though, sat the boy whom everyone stayed away from, alone. Glad to find an empty seat and someone he knew, or at least recognized and knew the name to, he made his way over. "Hi, it's me again! Mind if I joined you?" 

Sehun looked up to face the cutest face ever. Oh good gracious, those eyes. He did not say anything, but nodded curtly. Eyes turned to them from all round the cafeteria. No one had dared to share a table with the Oh Sehun, with the exception of Jong-in of course. Whispers erupted from curious student in every corner of the cafeteria but Luhan just set his tray down and made himself comfortable. 

"You're Sehun right? I'm Luhan!" Luhan introduced himself for possibly the hundredth time. Sehun merely nodded without looking up.

"Are you and....what's his name again...that other guy earlier, brothers?" Luhan asked between mouthfuls of food and Sehun nodded. 

"Are you un-identical twins?" A head shake.

"Ohh.. how come he's not here?" A shrug. 

"Do you always eat alone?" A nod. 

"Am I...bothering you?" No visible nor audible response.

Sehun's replies weren't exactly making it easy for Luhan to continue any conversation. "I'm sorry, maybe I should leave you alone.." Luhan pushed his chair back and was ready to move his tray to another table when he felt a strong grip on his wrist. 


Jong-in, from the other end of the cafeteria, heard his brother and raised an eyebrow. 


When Sehun got home, Jong-in was already waiting for him in his room. "Get off my bed Jong-in" The younger of the two said flatly, flinging his bag onto the exquisitely handcrafted rosewood armchair. 

"Not planning to until you tell me what got to you" Jong-in propped himself up against the headboard. Sehun stared ahead of him, into nothing. He clearly knew what his brother was referring to. He himself didn't know what got to him either. "You asked him to stay because he reminded you of Lou and whatever happened in the past right?" 

Before Sehun could say anything, Jong-in tossed an old diary at him. 

8th May 1823 


I knew he was special. He'd approached me, unafraid, unlike everyone else. He wasn’t afraid of the little gossips, whispers and chattering from the other villagers either. As far as my mind allows me to remember, there one no other soul besides dear brother who’d sat at the chair opposite of me.There was something about him that made me lose power over my words. A mere human, completely unfazed, but yet there was no desire within me to take him down like I would have to any other human who crossed my path.

I want to know him.

I want to know Lou Hanleigh.


Hello loves~♥
842 words at 6:45am just for you all! Okay I wrote this on my journey to school and back.
It wasn't supposed to be posted cause it was too horrible for reading but HAERINSSI and HYUNHUNHAN, THIS IS FOR YOU TWO. LOVE ME. 

To think that I'd wanted to go on a hiatus until 9th December. I don't think I will be able to. Next chapter... will come when it comes /smiles demurely/ 
Okay just in case you're starting to get confused, Lou Hanleigh (if it isn't already obvious enough) is somewhat like Lu Han; whether or not they are the same person, afterlifes, related or not, read on to find out XD Oh, there's going to be some kind of time travel in the chapters to come I suppose (or at least I'd them planned that way) so get your minds prepared to go back and forth in timeeeeee~

Till then, exoexo♥

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Chapter 22: i really like this. it is so cute.. but most especially i love their surnames. ;)) especially luhan's. ;DD
torihuang #2
Chapter 22: hehe this is so cute!! <3 ^-^
SHINee_Generation13 #3
Chapter 3: HOLY MOTHER OF GOSH. You watch vampire diariesssss?
luhansface #4
You did an amazing job! *^*
yuu8713 #5
Chapter 22: I'm sorry I replied to your reply first before realizing that you've already posted the KrisYeol chapter #blushing
this is sweet~ I love it how you inserted the past scenes,& you connected it smoothly with present situations…
though you said you made it in a rush but it's perfect nonetheless :)
thank you~ ♥
Chapter 22: Awww Krisyeol reunited so cute!!
Chapter 21: Ok so I was way off on who threw the dagger it was Kris...wasn't expecting a Baekxing either lol. Well it seems they had themselves a Romeo Juliet ending. I'm glad Sehun is ok and Hunhan is reunited!! Haha poor Monggu she was just an innocent bystander and she got paddlepopped too!!
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 21: OMG THIS IS PRECIOUS!! YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love how you ended the story with a plot twist that Yixing's the actual culprit instead of Chanyeol :O
the mini-sequel is epic LOL at Sehunnie's paddlepop hair & Luhan how could you do that to Monggu too?? XD the KaiHunHan is absolutely lovely ♥
so… if Chanyeol still loves Kris,can you make a KrisYeol chapter for a mini-sequel,please? *puppy eyes*
thank you for writing this beautiful story :)
can't wait for EXO's comeback OMG IT'S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!!
markpop #10
Chapter 20: oh didn't see that kind of ending coming... i love it :)