All was Well

I found Lee Junho in a box.

They came out of the library, hand in hand. It was cheesy, it was cliché but it was a good feeling. Jooyeon could understand why so many people fell in love. Love was a feeling that was hard to resist. It didn’t tell you when it was coming. Nor did it tell you where it was coming from. It made people feel all bubbly inside as well, like a soft drink.

What was so amazing about love was that there were so many types of love. The love you feel for a friend. The love for a family member. The love for pets. The love you feel for a brother, the one who you hate but love. There was also one that everybody experienced, at random times in life, it made people weak at knees and flustered. It changed people. Falling in love. Jooyeon fell in love with Junho. It changed her. She used to be more shy but Junho had made her more outgoing.

Jooyeon loved how she needed no reason to love him. All she needed to do was remember his face, his laugh, his smile. Anything that reminded her of Junho was a little more to love. Loving him deepened her understanding of the world. Instead of viewing something from one point, she could see other opinions now.



‘Can we go to the beach?’

She complied with his request and let him lead her. It wasn’t a fancy beach. Not one of those white sand and blue water beaches. It was one of those quiet little ones, with patches of grass and rocks scattered about. The sand was grainy and didn’t look very attractive, but in a way, this beach was romantic. It felt secluded, like it was only the two of them.

Jooyeon looked at him and he stared back. With all his previous playfulness gone, Junho looked at her, seriously looked at her and said:

‘I love you, Jooyeon.’

She felt as if her heart would burst. It was enough that he said it to her like this. She didn’t mind whether they were alone or not (although it was nicer like this), she wouldn’t have cared if someone tried to interrupt them. Because this moment was theirs. It wouldn’t matter because neither of them was willing to break their sanctuary. The world stopped around them. Maybe the heavens could have separated them. But they didn’t. Even though it was the most cliché thing she could have said and done, she did it anyway.

‘I love you too,’ And they kissed.

When they finally decided to go home, they knew that the relationship was going to be kept secret. It didn’t matter if JYP approved. It didn’t matter if the fans would revolt. It was just something only the close friends and family of 2PM should know. After all, most people don’t tell the world that they were dating. They might break up one day, not all things end all cheesy and marriage. Or maybe they would marry, but divorce.


They came home to an empty dorm. That is, except for Nickhun and Sunye, whom they were pleased to see. When told of the news of confession, Junho and Jooyeon squealed in delight and immediately demanded for a movie marathon double date. Unfortunately, the girls were hell bent on watching a horror movie. Well really, Jooyeon suggested it and Sunye just went along with it.

Jooyeon was having the time of her life. Each bit made her laugh with the special effects the directors were using. To her, it looked lame and unimpressive. Jooyeon watched way too many horror films to even consider this one slightly scary. Hanging onto her arm however, was a completely terrified Junho. He had lost his manly attitude and was squealing like a girl every time the ghost popped up.

‘Is….is it gone now?’ He asked Jooyeon, who had stopped paying attention to the movie and was now pointing at the Sunkhun couple. Junho looked in their direction and gave Jooyeon a kiss and turned back to the movie, in an attempt to be masculine again.

The Sunkhun couple was completely and adorably cute. They clung onto each other, both scared but wanting to watch the movie. It was an amusing sight, yet heart-warming in a way that only Sunye and Nickhun together could produce. Every time something even slightly scary popped up, they hid their heads underneath the blanket together. If one was afraid of something the other wasn’t, they would soothe each other with calming words. In a way, it was maddening the amount of affection they displayed for each other.

Fortunately (or maybe not), the rest of 2PM came back. Even Jaebeom was there, having refused to leave for Seattle (even though JYP had insisted.) Jaebeom quickly told Junho and Nickhun he was going to get an apartment in Seoul to look after them. They groaned and got back to the movie at the wrong time, the ghost had popped back about again and was terrorising the screen.

Taecyeon, who was laughing, high fived Jooyeon. She gave him a smile in return and it alerted the ever possessive Junho. He was determined to go through the scenes of the (scary) ghost without screaming. It didn’t work. He gave up and tried to get up to walk away.

‘Junnie? Where are you going?’ Jooyeon tugged at his sleeve.

‘I don’t like horror movies; you can watch it with Taecyeon-hyung. I’m sure you’ll enjoy giving him all the smiles you want.’ He huffed.

‘Aww. Is my Junnie jealous?’ she pulled him down and gave him a kiss. ‘Don’t worry Junnie. You screaming at a ghost is so cute.’ He stopped pouting the adorable duck pout and looked at her. ‘My darling Junnie. Just watch the movie.’ He obeyed and turned his head towards the screen, only to meet the ghost’s face again.

The 2PM members that weren’t properly watching the movie, (Wooyoung, Junsu and Chansung) wasted no time in dragging Junho outside and leaving him there. When later asked the reason for their actions, they shrugged and said he was a sissy for a beast idol.

The boys of 2PM were laughing and joking together. The two girls, Sunye and Jooyeon watched them contentedly. All was well. They say that all good things come to an end. Well, it was time for this story to come to an end. It was good to see the anguish while it lasted, but now we must leave our beastly idols to their lives.



GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO SAD :( i didnt wants this to end. Hence the procrastinating. I'll BE BACK... i promise.

i think imma write about infinite?

PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING SO LONG? i didnt want to say goodbye to my darling subscribers GAH

do not worry.... I WILL THINK :D for another eccentric plot :D

Thank you for all your support and love and everything.... I dont think i wouldve even bothered if it were not the beautiful love you guys gave me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU <3

Meanwhile : POKEMON THINGY> 

and ill post a link to my new fic later on...


YESH. it is infinite. ILL SEE YOU ALL THERE? PROMISE???? *puppy eyes*

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2029 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hello there author-nim :) I really enjoyed reading this fic. It was so good and so funny... And what made you take Taj Mahal as a reference for the sand castle?
ohfudge #2
@ Chapter 2:<br />
OMG, "The leadja has spoken."<br />
HAHA!! xDD<br />
<br />
ohfudge #3
i just found this, and i'm hoping to read it when i have time!!<br />
it sounds so funny! xD
I just found this story randomly and I'm really glad I did, I like it a lot!
mmysterianna #5
LMAO well... its actually an omake....<br />
kinda missed this fic so i wrote a random little piece to go with it ^^
ehyc0211 #6
What? Is this fic really finished? The last chapter is so......unconclusional. (is that a word?) <br />
It's so different from your angst fics! Completely opposite!<br />
I've noticed that you really like the phrase "AHEHEHEHE".
ehyc0211 #7
Omg. How is it that you can write awesome angst fics AND awesome crack fics???
onairosnma #8
this is a funny story. i like it. :D
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL My family was looking at me weirdly because i was laughing like a retard at the computer screen XD
New Reader! LOOOL I love love love it! XD Jay's hilarious. "Junho is precious" XD bahahahahhaha