Summer Special

I found Lee Junho in a box.

“HELLO BOYS! How yah doing?” The boisterous former Leadja of 2PM burst into their lounge room, earning a WTF stare from everybody present, that is, 2PM, Jooyeon and surprisingly, the Wonder Girls.

They were sitting in the lounge room watching a certain music video; that is 2PM’s ‘Hands Up’. Chansung had his arms around his precious Yeeun noona, while Junho and Jooyeon were curled up together on the couch. Nichkhun and Sunye were feeding each other on the floor, while Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junsu and the rest of the Wonder Girls bunched up together, feeling rejected and lonely.

“Wow Wooyoung, looking fine!” Jaebeom commented as he saw Wooyoung’s now blonde haired face pop up on the screen. He was promptly ignored.

Junho shifted around on his couch and whispered in Jooyeon’s ear, who giggled at his comment. Chansung got up, presumably to get some food, dragging Yeeun along with him. Nichkhun gave Sunye a gentle kiss on her cheeks and they retreated into their own world again. The trio that also resided on the floor looked grimly at the TV, seemingly jealous of the various couples.

The Leadja attempted a pout before moving on to his next victim, Taecyeon. He bounded over to the taller man, before attempting another method of attention-grabbing. He cupped Taecyeon’s cheeks with his hands, before placing one down and using the other to rub Taecyeon’s left cheek. “I rub chu, Taec. I rub chu.” He giggled his insane Leadja giggle.

Chansung then walked in, muttering something about insanely incoherent fanfiction plot lines, before announcing to his hyungs that he wanted to go to the beach. Of course, with 2PM being 2PM, they all decided to go with Chansung for a fun day at the beach, seeing as how it was summer. They all piled into two vans, with the lonely members clutching at each other for comfort in one van, whereas the other was full of the couples.

Unfortunately for the members who were lonely, Jaebeom spontaneously decided that yes, he would make a good driver. His driving skills had not improved at all from the Wild Bunny days, and Wooyoung, Junsu and Taecyeon hung onto their seatbelts, hoping that it would somehow be a miracle contraption and save them from the horror driver skills their Leadja possessed.

In the other van, the couples cuddled up together, disregarding the heat of the summer. Junho and Jooyeon were in the back, arguing over how Junho had given a kiss to a sweet little fangirl days ago.

“I refuse, I refuse to think of her lips on yours.” murmured Jooyeon.

“I swear it’s nothing.”

“But, you kissed her!”

“She was like… Five years old.”

“But, I’m your girlfriend,” pouted Jooyeon, “I’m meant to be jealous and you’re meant to soothe me and… “

Junho couldn’t bear to hear anymore and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. He tasted her sweet sugary cinnamon taste and almost sighed into the kiss. He was content, very content with what he had. When they pulled away, he hugged her closer and mumbled into her hair (which smelled of strawberry shampoo), “Are you happy now?”

Jooyeon said nothing and turned away, teasing him. The other couples in the car looked just as mushy as they themselves were, but none of them were complaining. It was nice to be surrounded by an atmosphere that wasn’t chaotic, for once.

“We’re here!” announced their manager.

The moment the van doors were open, all pretence of lovey-dovey couples were gone, both guys and girls raced towards the beach without a second thought, glad to see the sand and the ocean.

On the other side however….

“Hyung. How did we get lost?”


“What anime has he been watching?” muttered Junsu to Wooyoung.

Taecyeon only facepalmed.

After an hour of detours, the Jaebeom Van (as he aptly named it) finally reached the beach. Unlike the occupants of the previous van, they did not bolt towards the beach, but rather, got off the van in slowly and uncertainly, as if questioning why they were still alive.

Wooyoung and Junsu looked as if they regretted their decision to go along with Chansung’s beach plans. Taceyeon wasn’t given even a second to relax as their vertically challenged leadja grabbed his arm and ran off towards the seashore, yelling about seashells and sea gulls.

The Jooyeon and Junho couple were already there on the beach, building a sandcastle that strangely represented the Taj Mahal, but Jaebeom wasn’t giving Taecyeon any time to look. Instead, he was dragged over to the Khunye Couple who were apparently ‘swimming the wrong way.’ Taecyeon knew better than to argue with Jaebeom when he was lecturing about swimming.

Instead, he revisited the sandcastle version of the Taj Mahal and looked at the couple who looked oh-so-satisfied with their creation. Taecyeon didn’t even have the energy to make fun of them, after all, it was tiring to be around Jaebeom.

He walked up towards the van and remarked how annoyingly perfect the couple was. Feeling a fit of meanness wash over him, he decided he wasn’t going to be made fun off and decided to walk back to the Taj Sandcastle and plucked a decorative seashell off the base.

Several things happened at once.

Jaebeom came screaming over, yelling out something about an evil jellyfish, closely followed behind by Nichkhun and Sunye. The noise had attracted Chansung and Yeeun ,who came rushing over, just in time to see Jaebeom smash into the sandcastle. Jooyeon had promptly burst out in tears and Junho death glared everyone in sight, as if that would bring back the sandcastle.

They called an ambulance for the stricken leader and he was carted off to hospital.

“Peace homies! I’ll be back!” He waved, grinning.

“What did we miss?” Wooyoung and Junsu decided to join them.

The rest of the group facepalmed and decided to rebuild the sandcastle their leadja had smashed into.

Of course, it didn’t really work, with the members being too clumsy, but suddenly Jooyeon called out “ It’s ok guys, let’s just enjoy our summer.”

And so they enjoyed their summer.




LMAO i decided on some random summer special ^^ Enjoy ^^

and man, it feels good to be back writing stuff here ^^

Enjoy summer ^^ while im stuck in winter LMAO

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2028 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hello there author-nim :) I really enjoyed reading this fic. It was so good and so funny... And what made you take Taj Mahal as a reference for the sand castle?
ohfudge #2
@ Chapter 2:<br />
OMG, "The leadja has spoken."<br />
HAHA!! xDD<br />
<br />
ohfudge #3
i just found this, and i'm hoping to read it when i have time!!<br />
it sounds so funny! xD
I just found this story randomly and I'm really glad I did, I like it a lot!
mmysterianna #5
LMAO well... its actually an omake....<br />
kinda missed this fic so i wrote a random little piece to go with it ^^
ehyc0211 #6
What? Is this fic really finished? The last chapter is so......unconclusional. (is that a word?) <br />
It's so different from your angst fics! Completely opposite!<br />
I've noticed that you really like the phrase "AHEHEHEHE".
ehyc0211 #7
Omg. How is it that you can write awesome angst fics AND awesome crack fics???
onairosnma #8
this is a funny story. i like it. :D
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL My family was looking at me weirdly because i was laughing like a retard at the computer screen XD
New Reader! LOOOL I love love love it! XD Jay's hilarious. "Junho is precious" XD bahahahahhaha