Finally a Proper Confession and a Proper Date

I found Lee Junho in a box.

Nickhun and Sunye were alone in the kitchen. They were finally alone together. Finally, properly alone, they were both sober now (although one was suffering from a hangover.) They glanced at each other before blushing and looking away.

‘Oh geez, stop acting out a drama already.’ Taecyeon, please get out and go back to talk gangster with Jaebeom. He answered our prayers and the Sunkhun couple were left alone again.


‘Oh how cute, a confession. Hey boys! Nickhunnie’s gonna confess to Sunye!’ Junsu can be really annoying sometimes. Well, really, the whole of 2PM, with the exception of the one who went out for a date with his beloved. For they were all gathered in the kitchen now, Chansung was even eating popcorn, as if it was a real movie.

Nickhun tried to chase the boys out of the kitchen, but they would not budge. He gave up and grabbed Sunye, before making a dash to his room and locking the door. They collapsed on the bed together, laughing at the morning’s events.

‘Sunye-ah.’ She stopped laughing and looked at him. Nickhun took a deep breath. This was it. ‘Sunye-ah. I don’t remember much about what happened last night. But I remember everything that you said. You told me to tell you when I’m sober. Well. Here it is. I love you, Min Sunye.’

She grinned mischievously at him. ‘Tell me when you’re not hungover.’ He gave her a playful whack and she gave him a kiss on the cheek in return. Before they fell asleep again, Sunye whispered a small: ‘I love you too Nickhun Horvejkul’

The 2PM members who were all outside the door listening on the receiver of the bug that Park Jaebeom had planted all chorused awwws.


‘What’s wrong Chansung-ah.’

‘Why did you put bugs in Nickhun’s room?’

‘He’s my darling baby too. That’s why.’

‘OMG. You put bugs in everyone’s rooms?’

‘What do you think? Are you my baby?’

‘I can’t decide if he is scarier or JYP-hyung is.’ Muttered Junsu to Wooyoung.

The rest of 2PM spent the day hunting the house for Park Jaebeom’s bugs and chucking them in the bin. There was one in the bathroom as well as the individual rooms.

They decided to leave Junho’s room alone though.


Junho brought Jooyeon to a café. Cliché, yes. But it was something that he wanted his girl to experience. He felt that Jooyeon deserve to be treated like a princess. It didn’t require much thought to drag her to a cute café around the corner. Of course, it was not the one that he had walked in to when she was with Nickhun. In his opinion, it was much better.

It wasn’t that much different to the other café with the coffee smell, but it was a lot cuter, with cartoon cats bouncing around on the beautiful brown walls. The tables and chairs were made out of wood and provided an antique ambience. There was even a real fireplace burning.

Junho looked anxiously at her. He wanted desperately for her to love this café like he did. It was his secret get away whenever he wanted to escape the harshness of being an idol. The waitresses were his friends there; they always gave him a table at the back, one that was warm in winter and cool in summer, they were always sure to keep him out of sight of annoying fans.

He needn’t have worried. Jooyeon took one look at the café and whispered: ‘I love this place.’ Her eyes were shining and she gave him a quick kiss.

‘Junho-ah? Girlfriend?’

‘Uh, yea.’

‘Usual table?’


Jooyeon’s manner suddenly changed. She hugged Junho tightly and murmured: ‘I don’t like that waitress. She’s so flirty.’ He laughed and gave her a reassuring squeeze. ‘I’m serious. You’re mine.’

‘Don’t worry Jooyeonie! She’s been flirting with me the last three years. It will never work on the great Lee Junho!’

She giggled at him and giggled some more when Junho randomly kissed her in front of the flirty waitress while they were ordering. The waitress glared and walked away. When they finally received their order, she slammed it down on their table. Junho and Jooyeon burst into laughter when the boss called her over, undoubtedly to lecture her on her attitude towards customers.

They finished up and left the café in high spirits. ‘Where shall we go next darling?’

‘The library!’

‘The library?’

‘Yes! I want to go to the library and see what books you read.’

‘You are one weird chick.’

‘You’re the one dating her.’

They passed a homeless man on the street and took pity on him, giving him some of their spare change. He looked up at them gratefully and croaked: ‘Thank you, God bless you couple.’

They continued on their way to the library and headed straight for the classics section. ‘I wonder what our love is like,’ pondered Junho.

Jooyeon ignored him and Pride and Prejudice in his face. ‘I love this book, the courtship of Darcy and Elizabeth is such an elaborate dance.’ He was lost for words, having barely studied English Literature. ‘A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony, in a moment.’

‘Do you want to marry me?’

‘No, Junnie, It’s a quote.’

‘What?’ She sighed at his hopelessness and put the novel back. Taking out Jane Eyre, she proceeded to talk about it again, baffling Junho with her language.

‘I could not unlove him now, merely because I found that he had ceased to notice me.’

Junho just let her babble her English to him, as if it was his Leadja talking to him and lead her to the ‘Learning English’ section. He seemed to be searching for a book. When he found it, he gave an expression of absolute joy and lead Jooyeon to a table to read it. It was a simple book. The title consisted of the word Love. The cover was just a giant red heart.

Jooyeon smiled and began to read it with him. ‘Love.’

‘I love my parents.’

‘I love my brother.’

‘I love my sister.’

‘I love my grandma.’

‘I love my grandpa.’

‘I love my friends.’ Jooyeon smiled when she saw the drawing of seven boys appeared underneath the words. It looked strangely like the 2PM boys.

‘I love my pets.’

‘My mummy taught me the word love.’

‘She told me about how it felt like to love.’

‘It feels really good.’

‘It makes me feel happy.’

‘It makes me feel sad sometimes.’

‘But I don’t want to let go of love.’

‘Because there is someone….’

‘That I love.’

‘I love him more than anything.’

‘I love her more than myself.’

‘That person is you.’ They read out the last page together and smiled, before Junho leaned in for a kiss.



LOL sorry for the late update...

i was tired? AHAHHAHAHAHHA FLUFFY CHAPTER because i feel all bubbly inside

I LOVE YOU ALL... hopefully you havent abandoned me already *cries*

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2028 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hello there author-nim :) I really enjoyed reading this fic. It was so good and so funny... And what made you take Taj Mahal as a reference for the sand castle?
ohfudge #2
@ Chapter 2:<br />
OMG, "The leadja has spoken."<br />
HAHA!! xDD<br />
<br />
ohfudge #3
i just found this, and i'm hoping to read it when i have time!!<br />
it sounds so funny! xD
I just found this story randomly and I'm really glad I did, I like it a lot!
mmysterianna #5
LMAO well... its actually an omake....<br />
kinda missed this fic so i wrote a random little piece to go with it ^^
ehyc0211 #6
What? Is this fic really finished? The last chapter is so......unconclusional. (is that a word?) <br />
It's so different from your angst fics! Completely opposite!<br />
I've noticed that you really like the phrase "AHEHEHEHE".
ehyc0211 #7
Omg. How is it that you can write awesome angst fics AND awesome crack fics???
onairosnma #8
this is a funny story. i like it. :D
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL My family was looking at me weirdly because i was laughing like a retard at the computer screen XD
New Reader! LOOOL I love love love it! XD Jay's hilarious. "Junho is precious" XD bahahahahhaha