I Hate The Fact That We Are Married (Or Maybe I Not)
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“Why do I feel creepy? “ you walk fast as you feel really uneasy until someone suddenly hug you from the back.

                “ Hello little girl~! What are you doing? Come have fun with me! I want to have fun with you”

Oh crap! There’s a drunken man here! What should I do! God safe me!!


“Please let me go! Who are you? And… What do you want from me?  Please let me go!” you begged to the man. “ you’re not going anyware~! You have to be with me tonight. ONLY TWO OF US~!” he says while trying to kiss you.

You were crying like a helpless child when the man started to stare at from head to toe with a smirk.  “ Sir! I begged to you please let me go! “ you pleaded at him. “Yes I would let you go jagiya~! But after I finish my business with you jagiya~! Come here babe~! “ the man says while stripping your uniform.

“What are you doing sir! Please don’t!” you said while struggling to be free from him. “Jagiya, I want you~! “ he said and he slap on your face. You tried to be free from his embrace but he just to hard to be free from. “ you’re helpless now. HAHAHAHAHA” he said while laughing sarcastically .

“ Omma! Appa! LJoe oppa! Help me!!!!!aarrghhh!!!! its hurt! “ The man you hungrily.

“Thanks jagiya.. I love you~! Hope not to see you again~!” he said. You felt very angry then you see a bottle right beside you. “ You’re not going anyware sir! Take this!”  you knock his head with the bottle.

“ arrghhh! How dare you little ing girl! “ The man said while wiping the blood strolling from his head. You could see many blood strolling from his head and than the man collapsed.

“ OMMA~! HELP ME… IM SCARED! “ you sob. You were too tired and you finally faint on that spot.


~~~~~~ POV

                Arrghhh~! My head hurts! My body hurts! I had a bad dream last night! I have been with a drunken guy  whom I didn’t know who he is and I have killed him. Oh gosh~! What a nightmare!

                “ Omo! ~~~~ are you awake?” I heard my mum voice. Suddenly I realize that I’m not in my house or my room. I’m in a white big room. “ Where am I ? omma!! Where am I?? This is not our home!” Omma! Jebal! Tell me! WHERE AM I?” I shake my mum hands while sobbing.

                “You’re in the hospital right now. You have been unconscious for 3 weeks already. I’m sorry dear. If fetch you that night, this won’t happen! “ I heard my mum cry. Oh gosh~! So it’s not a dream!!!! I have been and I had killed the man who me! GOD! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME? WHAT SIN THAT I HAD COMMITED? WHY! WHY!

                “ OMMA! WHY ME OMMA? WHY? “ I ask mum while crying out loud.  I have no more reason to live. How can I face L Joe oppa? Will he still love me? Of course not. I’m dirty right now and I disgusted with myself! 

                I see a knife which my mum use to peel fruits for me. I grab the knife and try slashed my pulse.

“ Omo! ~~~~~~ what are you trying to do? “ mum says while crying. “ I have no reason to live mum. All I have my DIGNITY have been taken from that stupid drunken man! HOW AM I GOING TO FACE MY FRIENDS?  HOW AM I GOING TO FACE MY TEACHERS? HOW AM I GOING TO FACE L JOE OPPA? HOW AM I GOING TO FACE THE WORLD? I AM THE DIRTIEST PERSON IN THIS WORLD MUM! I DESERVE TO DIE!”

                “ DON’T! YOU WILL HURT THE BABY!!!!” mum scream out loud.

“WHAT?! WHOSE BABY OMMA?!” I asked her confused. “ You’re baby.” My mum say while lowering her head.


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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 32: seriously?! why??? *cried
Chapter 32: why?why?i cant believe this..why she's dead T.T
Chapter 32: why why . tears rolled down on my cheek . this is really sad . beautiful story . looking fowards to your others ff :D
sunshineangel28 #4
Chapter 33: ahhh its so sad at the ending, i cried. it was a beauutifil story :)
but really sad she died. well good job author-nim c:
Chapter 33: Why does she have to is like 3:13a.m here in Malaysia
lee_gk #6
Chapter 32: hey ! your story great ! it's make me crying non stop :'( hehe, btw, i'm malaysian too xD nice job ! *thumbs up*
syakirahmahmood #7
Chapter 33: Lee Ho won !!!!!!
Farhanaa97 #9
Chapter 33: XIUMIN....!!!!!!
Chapter 33: Lee ho won !!!!