
Sehun's Wish

~ Taoris.... Is my hardest couple to write.. I don't want to rush things, but i just love love love them together! ahhh here i goo.. i hope you guys enjoy ! ~


Kris POV

The awkward silence. All I can hear are the maid's footsteps moving throughout the house. Not my house, But Sehun's. Yup I came with luhan to help him move in. And to my luck, Tao was there. Extra treat for ME.  I wish someone would just say something. But i know thats not going to happen. Our tea,that was given 10 minutes ago, sitting on the coffee table cold and untouched. Its like, if anyone makes the slightest move, its sudden DEATH.  Oh well, this gave me time to admire my beautiful panda. Oh yes, HE is absolutely beautiful today. Shorts and a wife beater. Just asking for me to ravish him.  His smooth white shin just begging me to touch it.  I just want a little taste. Just to see what flavor my panda is. JESUS, i need to stop. I'll get a and i know damn well he won't help me..yet..

Tao: I got to go Sehun..

Sehun: oh.. Text me later

I watched my panda cutely walking down the hallway. Swaying his from left to right. Almost like he was mocking me. He left with a big slam of the door. He must be mad..

Kris: lulu~ I have to go ok?

luhan: y-yea

I leaned over and gently left a chaste kiss on his forehead. In the corner of my eye i saw Sehun stiffen. I chuckled and made my way out the house. I zipped up my sweater and looked around.. Where did my panda go?



I breathed in and out the fall air. I felt my cheeks, still red. Damn. That Chinese blasterd always messing with me. Why did he have to be with luhan? He makes me so mad! Always looking at me like I'm some type of meat. his lips every time i move my legs. Other than that Little problem, I am really happy. Happier than i ever been. Today was the day of my freedom. Victoria really did go to the country side to visit her husband. I feel bad, she's spending her time taking care of me when she has her own family. But she never said anything soo....Whatever~

I decided to lay down on the ground under a tree. It's getting dark and all i wanted to do was to see the stars pop out. I shivered at the coldness from the ground, but it soon subsided when i saw a little star shining brightly. I closed my eyes and took a big breathe in. This is what it feels like. Carefree and peaceful.

I stretched my legs out so i can become more comfortable. Weird. did i just hit a tree stump? But the only tree around is near my head. ... WHAT THE ACTUAL !

Kris: IS this spot taken?

I rolled my eyes and moved over. For some unknown reason my heart jumped as i opened my eyes and saw him smiling down at me. He does have a nice smile. That's all I'm giving him.. and well maybe his eyes too. 

I closed my eyes and tried to relax. But just having him in my presence makes me nervous. I groaned in frustration.

Kris: It's beautiful

Me: what ?

Kris: open your eyes

I opened them hesitantly , and i was greeted with him staring at me. I blushed heavily. WHY IS HE SO CLOSE?!

kris: do you see it?

me: n-no.. the stars?

kris: I expected you to get that answer wrong, because it's impossible for you to see it.


kris: you

My mouth dropped and my eyes widen. I bit my lip to stop the smile thats itching to spread across my face. I watched him release a low laugh ; which made goose bumps spread throughout my body. He reached for my chin and a sudden warmth shot from his fingers. I nearly moaned. He gently closed my mouth. My cheeks flared red. ZITAO! YOU COULDN'T CLOSE YOUR OWN DAMN MOUTH?! 

Kris: each time i see you, your much cuter than the last

me: is that a good thing?

kris: I like cute pandas ~

me: I'm not a panda !

kris: yes you are ~ with your cute bags around your eyes

me: i tried everything to get rid of them!

kris: DON'T! i-i m-mean.. well that's what i l-like about you.

I swallowed hard on my non-existent salvia. A light blush swept across both of our cheeks. 

Me: I l-like your eyes too.

He widely smiled and lay back down. He folded both of his hands behind his head. Making a little pillow for himself. I copied his position. We lay there admiring the sky and each other's presence. I feel this weird feeling. Thats slowly taking over my heart.. This feeling is making me want to let kris into my life. To accept his compliments and actions towards me. I'm kinda scared to actually do anything about it. That's part of the reason i curse at him so much. 

kris: Panda?

me: Hmmm

I will let that nickname slide. I kinda like it. Its unique.

Kris: I always come to this park at night and this is the first time i saw you here. why is that?

me: Well, i really don't get to go out much..

kris: But your old enough ? don't see the problem?

me: My father -....

I stopped. I don't know if i can trust him.. I want to , but..

Kris: you cant trust me, I'll take this to the grave ! promise!

Me: My father... Is a leader of a gang. He doesn't trust me enough so he has people following me around.  Tonight was the first night I'm out by myself. My maid and I made a deal. So she lied to my mother. Soooooo, now I'm here with you.

Kris: gang? 

me: Great! now you think I'm danger and you don't want to talk to me ever again right?! They always say tha-

Kris: No, i think its interesting. Do you even know my last name? 

me: y-yea. WU ..

My eyes widen and turned my head over at him. OMFG! I saw him laugh.

me: y-you.. Wu Clan.. Don't tell me thats your father!

kris; sadly, it is.

me: Holy ... You know our families hate each other.

kris: yes, i know.

me: If they ever saw me with you, they would Kill me.. that, they will KILL YOU !

kris: same goes for you.. 

me: wait? you don't have followers?

kris: they trust me enough.. I even have my own apartment.

me: KK, i don't have a place to stay !

kris: my bed's warm ~

me: shut up!

kris: just kidding , i can sleep on the couch tonight ! Just for my panda ~

I smiled.. Well he isn't all that bad after all.


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Robins124 #1
Chapter 3: Im sorry but minho is taemin's but this is cute tho
chokochipp #2
Chapter 18: LALALALALA~ *skipping in a fluffy meadow* ><
Chapter 18: Ahh its so sad that this story is going to end soon :/ Its really good <3 oh well..
Haha jealous Suho is so cute !
Chapter 16: So hunhan is together now? <333 asdfghjkl
I really like Sulay's character here !
especially Yixing's.
Chapter 16: @@ and so they are together~~ HUNHAN
Chapter 14: New~
soOO taoris XD
zianasue #7
Chapter 13: Is that Chen in the last pic looking so at peace in sleep land??
Chapter 13: lol chen in the last pic