
Sehun's Wish

~ i was wondering if you guys will like having Kris, Luhan, and Suho POV ? or i could stick with Sehun, Tao, and Lay...~




I huffed out, walking down the dark alley. I nodded to the the guards standing in front of the door. They let me in with after bowing to me. I went straight into my room and stripped out of my school clothes. I hate living in this hole. Well, i shouldn't say hole, because its really big and grand. But, the process of getting all this good stuff pisses me off. Actually it disgusts me, but i cant change who we are. Its what my family was born to do. To Kill. To steal. To better ourselves. I always thought what would happen if i would run away. probably get tracked down by my fathers best guy. receive a big lecture from my father with my mother disappointed in the background. One thing my family does right, is making sure i have everything i need to be comfortable. Anything thing i want, anywhere i want. I get, no questions asked. I have three personal maids and one driver. I never asked to be driven around though. I like walking myself. I get to enjoy the scenery. The feeling of almost having freedom is refreshing. By almost, i mean my dad always have someone tagging along. Following me everywhere, making sure i dont try stupid things. So i dont get in trouble. Me getting in trouble, means Cops. Cops means my family gets busted for every sorry soul they took. Every dollar they stole. Everything of ours will be taken away, by one little mistake. So having that being hung over my head is tiring. Knowing i cant be carefreee as much as i want to. 

I rolled onto my bed and took a big breath in. I decided not to do my homework tonight, and just do it during class. I have to big of an headache. I always get this , when that chinese basterd decides to speak to me. What the hell is problem. Always whispering in my ear, calling me 'taobutter'. You cant understand how much i hate being called that. If yixing wasn't so nice and fragile i would beat him up. Well not hit him, but i would yell at him. But, looking at him makes me want to squeeze his cheeks. He's too cute for his own good. Yixing's father and mine are old friends. They grew up together, same neighborhood, same schools. Just different career choices. While my dad took the dark path, his father took the lighter path. Having a doctor as a father was cool at first. But the pressure that's on Yixing, i would never want. His father suffocates him with doctor things. Saying becoming anything thats not a doctor is stupid. I feel bad for dimples, because he loves to dance. He has a very good voice also. He calls me sometimes crying over the phone, everytime he brings up the topic of being an idol to his dad. The Zhang's nice family, but too strict and organized. 

Sehun..Well His family owns Some big weapon company. His father does business with every gang out there. Japan,Korea, China, Thailand,Russia etc. Everyone respects his family. The Oh's are the richest basterds i ever known. They all have nasty attitudes, but are really handsome. I would say they have everything perfect except their attitudes needs to be fixed. But that will never happen. I met Sehun once, when he came over with his father. I was confused because it was the first time i saw my father bow to anyone. So i knew sehun's father was someone well respected. Both Sehun and I were sent outside to wait for them. Thats when we started to talk. and BAM we became bestfriends. 

i heard knocking on my door, i threw a pillow at it as a signal for them to come in. I heard the door slowly open and foot steps taken with caution. Im to harsh on the maids sometimes. I scare the out of them. Oh well, they need to learn not to bother me at times.

Victoria: Master Zitao

me: Dont call me master. Just tao

Victoria: But your m-mother..

me: You work for me right?! Now what do you want?

Victoria: I received a call from the school today. The informed me that you had gotten into a fight today..

me: and what? your going to tell on me?

Victoria: I would never do that to you. Because we share one thing in common.

Me: that is?

Victoria: The thirst for freedom. To be able to do whatever we wish. 

I sat up and  i looked at her. She made her way and sat at the end of my bed. I cocked an eyebrow up, waiting to hear what she's planning.

Victoria: What im trying to say Mas-.. Tao.. Is that if you stay out of trouble..I will fill that thirst for freedom for the both of us.

me: How are you suppose to do that?

Victoria: I convinced your mother to let me bring you along when i go to the country side to visit family.

Me: why would i want to see your family?

Victoria: This is where i lied to you mother. She will think your with me, but actually you will be able to do whatever you wish. Without any guards following you. 

me: how did you get my mother to agree?

Victoria: I told her the country air would be good for you. To clean your stubborn head of yours.

I smiled and looked at her. She was always nice to me. She is the only maid that never quit. The other two always changed every two weeks. I watched her as she made her way to the door.

Me: Victoria

Victoria: Yes..

Me: thanks

She gave a smile and a bow. Then closed the door behind her. I feel so excited. I cant wait till the day comes. The day i get freedom. No one behind me. No one stopping me from doing things. Just me and the wind. Going wherever the wind blows. 


>next day (thursday) <

I sat in third period writing as fast as i can to finish my math homework which was due next period. I did notice a figure taking a seat next to me. I would look up and give them a mouth full. But im to focused in finishing my work. Eventually i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head up and rolled my eyes.

Kris: Someone didnt do their homework

me: dont start with me

Kris: and their attitude is ish

me: ACTUALLY, im in a ing great mood, but since you came it dropped. 

Kris: tsk tsk tsk, again with the cursing.. 

I rolled my eyes and finally finished my last questions. I closed my book and leaned back into my chair. I smiled and stretched my arms out. I let out a little moan from the feeling. I retreated my arms back, and looked at kris. That basterd is strangely red in the face. 

me: the hell happened to you?

kris: n-nothing, and again with the words.

me: I will never stop cursing, your the main reason why i do it.

kris:aigoooo, that hurt my heart.

He said sarcastically and held his hand up to his chest. Pretending that his heart was in vain. It was kinda cute. I giggled a bit, but i noticed he stop to look at me. With his eyes widen, i stopped laughing. ing basterd, how can i think he was cute!

kris: why did you stop?

me: what?

kris: that giggle thing you did.

me: I dont know, you were acting stupid.

kris: You know, that was first time i saw you laugh. You looked cute.

My throat became dry and my heart started to speed up. i cleared my throat. I was about to say something but the bell rang. I was about to the class room, but i felt a grip on my wrist. 

Kris: Since we have next class together , can we walk together?

me: i-i.. uh...


Oh thank god Yixing. Thank you dimples! Lay stood there confused. I looked back at kris. He looked a little disappointed.

me: maybe n-next time.

Kris gave me smile. Which i felt melted my legs. dammmnnnnnn why am i feeling like this?! I walked to yixing,and he happily grabbed my arm. As we were walking , he just wanted to tell me he was coming over later on with his parents. He said some other things, but i wasnt paying attention. For some reason that chinese basterd took over my thoughts. Kris... why does my heart skip a beat everytime i think of him? kris...


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Robins124 #1
Chapter 3: Im sorry but minho is taemin's but this is cute tho
chokochipp #2
Chapter 18: LALALALALA~ *skipping in a fluffy meadow* ><
Chapter 18: Ahh its so sad that this story is going to end soon :/ Its really good <3 oh well..
Haha jealous Suho is so cute !
Chapter 16: So hunhan is together now? <333 asdfghjkl
I really like Sulay's character here !
especially Yixing's.
Chapter 16: @@ and so they are together~~ HUNHAN
Chapter 14: New~
soOO taoris XD
zianasue #7
Chapter 13: Is that Chen in the last pic looking so at peace in sleep land??
Chapter 13: lol chen in the last pic