
Sehun's Wish


Currently the two ually frustrated boys are doing their homework together. Sehun desperately trying not to be with Luhan's hand on his thigh. The whole night was Luhan, rubbing the inside of Sehun's thigh. He would just smile innocently at Sehun.

"Hyung, I need help on the next question," Sehun gulped.

The Chinese boy leaned closer and shifted his hand lower. Ignoring Sehun's suddenly stiff body, he continued to read the question. He turned his head back at Sehun and smirked at the widen eyes he saw.

"You ok Hun?" Luhan smiled sweetly at the younger boy.

Sehun swallowed hard and nodded yes. He shifted back more, so that Luhan's hand was farther away from his crotch. "You know what, I think i'm gonna go sleep. "

Luhan pouted as he watched the Korean boy pack up his stuff and hurried in his room.




Are you kidding me? Third time this month, he did this. Am i coming on too hard?

I huffed out and packed away all of my books. I walked straight into my room and jumped into my bed. I checked my phone for any texts...and to no surprise there was none. Kris was always with that Tao and Suho was in the 'honeymoon' stage with Yixing. Everything is so annoying nowadays. Sehun is more awkward around me and i barely see my best friends.

UGH, i just hope Sehun sees that i obviously want him.



I eyes Sehun, as he ran into school. I sighed..All i wanted was to walk into school holding hands. But, he refused and ran away.

I walked to my first period class and slumped into my chair. I barely even paid attention to what the teacher was saying. All that was in my mind was Sehun. Hun...hmmm Sehunnie sounds cute...Maybe just Hunnie

"Hunnie it is," i mumbled to myself.

"Luhan would like to share," the teacher asked me.

I blushed and nodded no. I place my head down to cover my red face. So embarrassing.



Finally its lunch time, i need some food in my system. I grabbed a tray and stood in line. It was all peaceful until i heard that voice...

"Hunnie~" Luhan sang out to me. I turned my head and blushed from seeing him sweetly smiling at me. He walked up to me and held my hand. I was going to pull back, but i like the warm feeling coming from his hands.

After i filled up my tray with food, for the both of us, We sat at my table. In a few minutes, Tao joined us followed by Kris. Than the honeymoon couple sat.

"i feel like i haven't seen you guys in forever!" Luhan whined to Kris and Suho.

I saw Suho pout, "Sorry, Lu... I'm always with Yixing" He said while placing a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.

Tao nudged Kris to say something also. Kris let out a sigh and said, "I'm busy"

"I understand Suho's reason. But you?"Luhan darted his eyes at Kris.

Everyone laughed at Luhan acting mad. He was too cute.

Kris took a bite of his sandwich before saying, "Ok, I'm busy with something"

I smirked, "Or someone" I looked toward Tao, who started to blush. Kris cleared his throat, "Anyways, all you need to know that I'm busy, ok Lu"

Luhan eyed Kris and Tao for a bit, but shrugged them off and started eating. He didn't forget to place his hand on my thigh.

Yixing asked, "Sehun, I didn't know you liked being called Hunnie?"

I choked on my rice and Luhan patted my back, while giving me some water. I looked back at Yixing, who was giggling. "W-why?" i stuttered.

Yixing was about to say something, but Luhan decided to step in,"Only I get to call him that, right Hunnie?"

I blushed and looked at Luhan. He started to pout , while waiting for my answer.

"Yea, only you" I answered in a low voice.

Luhan squealed in delight and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Guys, isn't my hunnie cute!?"

The rest of the guys, laughed while saying yes.


Author's note:

   Sorry for taking sooooo long to update...

                  HUNHAN photo:  tumblr_mawjjprrB21rhz1cvo1_500.png

I love this picture~~~

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Robins124 #1
Chapter 3: Im sorry but minho is taemin's but this is cute tho
chokochipp #2
Chapter 18: LALALALALA~ *skipping in a fluffy meadow* ><
Chapter 18: Ahh its so sad that this story is going to end soon :/ Its really good <3 oh well..
Haha jealous Suho is so cute !
Chapter 16: So hunhan is together now? <333 asdfghjkl
I really like Sulay's character here !
especially Yixing's.
Chapter 16: @@ and so they are together~~ HUNHAN
Chapter 14: New~
soOO taoris XD
zianasue #7
Chapter 13: Is that Chen in the last pic looking so at peace in sleep land??
Chapter 13: lol chen in the last pic