
Sehun's Wish

“Just make sure to be safe and don’t come home too late. I’m the one that has to stay up” Mr. Han chuckled at the last.

Sehun slipped on his shoes and smiled at Mr. Han’s words. “You really don’t need to stay up”

Mr. Han reached his hand over his heart, “This is will feel better to see you home safe”

After hearing those words, Sehun’s heart ached a bit. It was these times that Mr. Han seemed more like a father than his own biological father.  He noticed Mr. Han is getting older and older each day, plus his tiredness increasing with each weak. More wrinkles and white hairs show up. But, he watches Mr. Han fight through old age and smiles brightly as if he was 20 years old. I really do love you Mr. Han, Sehun thought as he made his way out the door.



Luhan walked down the hallways of the Oh residence, he was looking for a certain someone. He pouted his lips outwards after looking at the last room of the mansion. Where did he go?

“He just left a few minutes ago” a voice startled Luhan, making him jump and scream.

Mr. Han ran over to Luhan and placed a hand on Luhan’s back, “I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m deeply sorry”

Luhan smiled, “Its fine Mr. Han.”

“You just looked like you were looking for Sehun”

The younger Chinese male, blush a dark pink, and nodded.

“Well, he left”   Luhan’s eyebrows furrowed. This was the fifth time Sehun just left without telling him where he was going. “Do you know where he went?” Luhan asked.

Mr. Han shook his no, “He didn’t say anything, but he’ll probably be home late again. I’m kind of worried. Do you know anything that’s happening with him?”

“Unfortunately, no”

Mr. Han bowed and took his leave.  Luhan stood there frozen. He should know what’s wrong with Sehun but he doesn’t. Actually Sehun has been avoiding him this week.  He tried to give the Korean man affection, but he is quickly rejected. It’s like Sehun is stepping on Luhan’s heart each time he rejects him.

He somehow finds himself walking into Sehun’s room. Suddenly he feels relaxed and all of his worries melt away. It’s weird what this room does to Luhan. He easily takes off his shirt and pants; folding them neatly and placing them on a chair. He slides between Sehun’s fluffy sheets. He cuddles himself into Sehun’s pillow and takes a big whiff of the Korean’s addicting scent.  

Without knowing Luhan falls asleep to a peaceful dream.



Sehun walks in his house, slightly tripping on his own shoes. 

“Glad you’re home in one piece”

Sehun smiled, “Wouldn’t want you to worry”

“Oh, while you left Luhan looked for you”


Mr. Han nodded, “Well, you should get some sleep, good night Sehun”

Sehun nodded and made his way up to Luhan’s door. He lifted his hand to knock, but quickly pulled it back down. What the hell would you say? Sehun asked himself. 

He turned around and opened his door. Fast, he strips down to his boxers. Forgetting to wash his face, Sehun jumps into his bed. He nearly moans at the feeling of his back relaxing. He turns to his left and is surprised to see blonde hair. Instead of waking up the sleeping male, he smiles and carefully wraps his arms around the thin waist. He pulls Luhan closer until his chest meets a small, warm back. Sehun nuzzled his nose in Luhan’s nape and felt his mind clear. Like Luhan’s scent cleared all of his worries.



Feeling a steady breathing down his neck, arms tightening around his waist, and the sun shining through the blinds, were the three things that woke Luhan from his wonderful dream.  He turned his head and sighed once he found out that Sehun was the once clinging onto him. Luhan managed to turn his back to lay face-to-face with Sehun.

He felt his heartbeat speed up, as he carefully looked at every little detail of Sehun’s perfect face. He reached up to trace Sehun’s plump, pink lips. This action seems to wake up the sleeping man.  Luhan retreat his hand and did the only thing he can do; he buried his head into Sehun’s warm chest.

While Luhan was hiding, Sehun opened his eyes and smiled from waking up to a cute scene.

“Lu, what are you doing?” Sehun cooed which cause Luhan to blush and hide his face even more.

Sehun gently grabbed Luhan’s chin and pulled his face up, so he can see those pink cheeks. His stomach fluttered and so he leaned down to Kiss those pink cheeks.  Luhan’s eyes fluttered close as he let Sehun leave butterfly kisses all over his face. It was strange for Sehun to do this, so Luhan wants to just accept it instead of questioning it.

“It feels so right” Sehun whispered softly as he pulled Luhan closer to his body.

Luhan opened his eyes and softly looked into Sehun’s warm, brown eyes. “What does?”

Sehun leaned down and kissed Luhan’s cute nose, “You…Kissing you…Being with you…everything that includes you” Luhan feels his heart stop when he hears those words, his throat feels too thick to speak. Instead he kissed Sehun, connecting both their lips for the best kiss they both ever had. Both males moan into each other’s mouths from the overwhelming sweet but addicting taste.

“Be with me Lu” Sehun said shakily to Luhan.

All Luhan could do was nodded with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. They both leaned in for another kiss; Soon becoming too hard to break apart. 

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Robins124 #1
Chapter 3: Im sorry but minho is taemin's but this is cute tho
chokochipp #2
Chapter 18: LALALALALA~ *skipping in a fluffy meadow* ><
Chapter 18: Ahh its so sad that this story is going to end soon :/ Its really good <3 oh well..
Haha jealous Suho is so cute !
Chapter 16: So hunhan is together now? <333 asdfghjkl
I really like Sulay's character here !
especially Yixing's.
Chapter 16: @@ and so they are together~~ HUNHAN
Chapter 14: New~
soOO taoris XD
zianasue #7
Chapter 13: Is that Chen in the last pic looking so at peace in sleep land??
Chapter 13: lol chen in the last pic